B6 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday October 6, 2006 Pets to 'go country' at humane society event Dateline The many animais at the Oakville and District Humane Society (ODHS) are inviting the public ta an upcoming open bouse evens aptly named Crissers Gone Country October t5 from 1l a.m. ta 3 p.m., the humane society, locased as 445 Cornwall Rd. in Oakville, will open its doors ta the public and hoss numer- ous activities for two and four-legged attendees. The morning show team of Country 95.3 will provide ensersain- ment, and thereil be food and a spe- cial appearance by a psycbic medium. ids can enjoy face and pumpkin painting. For pets, the day's activisies will include a microchip clinic, pet mas- sages, a fun pet show and animal cari- catures. Plus, a tramner and groomer will be on hand. The ODHS will also bave informa- taon available on its many programs including Town-funded initiatives, the Smart Pet Owners Tag - a program shas encourages pets ta be licenced - and Theres No Place Like Home, whîch promoses the health benefits of keeping cats indoors. The ODHS is a private, non-profit charitable organization dedicated ta the welfare of animais. 15 was estab- lished in 1936 and serves Oakville and Milton. Daîeline is a frvee listing of coming events only. The column is avoulable ta local communîty groups ta assist in promoting theiî future evenis. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest ta thc date of the occur- rence alshough more insertions are possible if demnand is low Notices for Dateline should be handed in ai the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or e-mailed ta miltoned@haltonsearch-com. The final deadline is noon Frida-yfor Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items aren't accepted by telrphone. Saturday Oct. 7 Cross of Life Lusheran Church holds a free anecday Bible camp for kids aged îhree ta 10 called (let I inked ta tihe I ocomotive lrom 1 ta 4 p.m, .as the Milton t cisure Centre. ids can expetience Bible Stornes, garnes, cralîs, activîties and a snack. [or more- ilorniation or ta regisser, eall Kevin Walker as (905) 817-0026 or vîsis www.crossoflife.net. Euchre takes place as 7:30 p.m. at the Hornby Co-opera- tive Nursery Sehool. Fveryones welcame. The Milton branch of the Royal Canadian Legion holds a meas roi] in the clubroom, 21 Charles St., as 4 p.m. Khi Community Church holds its Khi Extreme Sports (nat for young children) from 10 ta 11:30 a.m. as 8300 Trafalgar Rd. For mare informa- tion, eall (905) 875-1022. Saturday Oct. 7 - 9 The Halton Caunty Radial Railway, 13629 Guelph Line, holds its Autumn Colour Weekend feasuring rides on restored electrie streetcars through a Ntagara Fscarpment hardwood lorestin fullcolour. For more information, euhl (519) 856-9802 or visit wwwhcryoi-g. Monday Oct. 9 M il tonlDistric t 1 lospi tai holds a one-an-one breastfeed- ing clinie with a certified lacta- tion consultant from 1:30 ta 3 p.m. For more information or ta make an appainsmens, eall jean Gallen as (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Lîghshause Program for Grieving Children in Oakville halds its peer support group fram 6 ta 7:30 p.m. for children and seens aged three ta 18 who've loss a parent or sibling. For mare information or ta reg- ister, eall (905) 337-2333 or e- mail lighthauseprogram@bell- neteca. Khi Community Church holds its Alpha course, for peo- ple wansing ta learn about God, Jesus and the Holy Spitit, from 7:30 ta 9.30 p.m. as 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3. For mare information, eall (905) 875- 1022. Tuesday Oct. 10 The Blank Pages book club meets and new members are welcome. [or more informa- tion, callI canne Rancours at Afil The Reina Important change to billing frequency of water/wastewater charges for residential customers (from monthly to bi-monthly) Beginning this fail, ail residential water/wastewater charges in Halton wiII be billed on a bi-monthly basis. Local hydro companies bill water/wastewater charges on behaîf of Halton Region. Until now, some residential water customers in Halton were billed every month, while the majority were billed every two months. Starting with your November or December 2006 bill (depending on your meter reading date), you will see water/wastewater charges billed every two months. Hydro charges for Milton customers will continue to be billed on a monthly basis. Halton Region initiated this change to standardize water/wastewater billing for ail Halton residential customers in order to provide consistent and cost effective service levels across the Region. For more information about Halton Region's water/wastewater billing rates and policies, contact the Region at 905-825-6000, or visit www.halton.ca. If you have questions about your bill, contact Milton Hydro at 905-876-4611. National Customer Service Week is October 2-6 rn At Halton me believe every week is customer service week and me are cammitted ta making sure aur customers have the best experience passible when they contact us. One way me do that is by simplifying access ta the information that you need through ou M Gavernment Access Centre. Our knowiedgeable custamer service represensatives have been trained ta heip you tînd informatian, services and prograrnis offered by the Fepderal, Provirncial and e. e s sori NAME: ADDRESS: PUS~i-AL w-)E - To.EPhoUNE. -àJ Yes, 1 wish ta receive informataon fram Calor Yaur World and Black & Decker Ion upcoming specials. contests, promations & events. IContest Rues Con&estopenim dae Sepeae 26th 2006 12p,, eadin~ eorenreseNoveteber 3011, 2006 i2pm. Reide ofOtromyetr eept emplees andimeditedosil emveber ea/rpen oied wi e trol,îanfd Peentn, a bishnm & DO,,ebua,,9 La ,theocie sponsoes and/or oev etekoyees o e, e5ir filaes6cetepnes. tEeras code, 18 mhae pen/quoeWeecoet. ne fw-n h eeî rwdpn ntettlnubro fiisrci Przesemusttbeec cpted as peeteI withno cassubsuonWner sents a eviq herenomea/or phtseappeetr inMerrolond Coeeeoev Neespepe,, The decsen f e et ugsi ia.N uee eesr.Almto n p,,heleI dt $2500v, i rdrte Se eigibLe to neeSseeaed conetanteust oeI ects's,e,e klltsî,g qese,, US ihedbe aditetered uponeetfyinate winineta n Fll cetes e vii. îcetets eeeie coe o Uuc. Oakville. It can be reached by telephone, on- une, or in persan tram 8:30 arn. ta 5:00 p.m. on ail regular business days. L ato Regional Meeting Schedule Monldy, October 9 - Offices clased due ta Thanksgiving f's 1151 . *- e Ro 'kile :OtaioLM: BLACKý DECKER