Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 2006, p. 26

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26 - The Canadian Champion, Frday October 06, 2006 Sales Help Sales HeIp Sales llelp Sales HeIp* Sales Help Sales Help Sales Help Ofi eH POf c ep& Agenls & Ageels & Agents & Agents & Agents & Agents M A e t Mut-asîg un-,oving, prot e'a nriu required for front desk reception who thrîves on being part of a team and lu ready f0 serve our communify. Computer skiffs a must. Hours of operation are. Monday, Wednesday & Frîday. Please submit resurme and covor Intar f0: Milton Canadian Champion RO. Box 22A, Miton, ON L9T 3Z3 Dnadline: FridayOctober 20, 2006 IPart timne/contraci; Financial Analyst posi- *tion avaitable in Mlton. Houru & location *flexibte; could iead f0 fuilI time in 2007. *Ideat candidate wilI possess superior Xcel ukilîs and have demnonstrated eaperience in devalopisg P&Ls and budgets. Accountisg designation is un asset. Renumneration sagotiabia based upon espariance. [ Please fax reaume to 905-$ 7&4675 Lo kie oa ne - Growth and opportunity aI Peridot Medical lnc., a leading national medicat supplies company newly tocated in Oakville, Ontario. Send your CV to: steffiblack@cogeco.ca Attn: William LVerrall, President & C.E.O. Prime responsibillty is accounts recel vable duties for ait of Canada Accounts Receivable A wall eofabliobed Ford deafaroip bau an immedi- ata opaoîng for Accounts Recaivabla Clark posi- tion.. Oufias will incloda Bank Daposits, Bank ac- counf Raconciliatîoso and proceuuing of vebîcla in- cerf va programu, etc. ealerohîp accoanfing as- perianca prfarrad. Wa offar a compafifise oalary and banafifs program. fnteraotad applicarfo pleaua forward pour reouma fo. Oak-Land Ford Lincoln Gakvitte, ON Fax 905-844-7696 ok Atention: Peler Lin lire Emait: pttn@oak-tand.com 1eO Office Manager raquiras Full Tima (23 days/wk) Administrative Assistant Locafion is in Oakvilla btwaan 3rd & 4th Lise. Outias mîlI include bof are soi limtad f0: Claricsi support, Filing, Dicfating, Faoîng, Mail, Courier, Data Enfry, AIR and AIP. Asotbar area of reupor- ibilify illIba Training and Certification wilh admis- ifrafion of training matarialiniroatory & tîmaly losua- anca of records of frainng- Exp. wif b MS Office, Lofus Approacb. Abilify tb work 1îndapenuarfiy, work flexible dayo/bro. Saiary $18,000/yeur. Fax resumne: 905-469-1942 or rnait lt0ooaa ~e lSles Hel Er&A'ge'tsp !aAs I GEORGETOWN KIA -- I""-- R**- ' I W. gr» over 40% in sales In 2W05, and thi year will be blggert Stute of the art fac Iity over 400 pre-owsed yak clau availubla fa murket A pauk performer wth snterset experierce Joi n top 4 dealer forSSI and CS bsth s0les and seviceinCanadu lfysuarae oef mtv euedoggresse, castome orient ede ih OMVC lcece and atop pereme insales hat is eady for an opportusty Demo or Car Allow once- Benefit Package- Rea Maagement Support CONCEPT FORD INC, drsursements. Position aise respersible for soe uddîtronai office dolîev, krowledge of Reynolds Dealerobîp and AOP Payroil Sysfemo benefîcrel. Plaaoe fao or emui reoume bo Sandru 6ook, Concept Ford Hîghway #7 - Georgetown Fao: 905-873-3309 Email: sbook@concepffordca 1,MMetroland Printinsg Publlshtng & Distrlhung Lad. The Milton Canadien Champion, a division of Mtroland Printing, Poblishing & Distriboling Ltd., is seeleng an eoperenced, Inside Sales Representative The qualified candidate wiii be a motvated, independent, self-starter with prevnus telephona sales esperience. You will possess excellent wriOten and verbal communication sklîs and be famîliar wih Microsoft applications. n this role, you will ha customer focased and will bud strong relationohipo with new clients by ensaring ihat iheir advertising needo are met. You will be goal-oiented and capable ot meeting regeler monthly budgets wthîn a deadline focused envirosment. If you would like to work for a leader in the media indastry thîs opportunity may be the right ose for you. If interested please forward ysar resome, no later than Oct. 3th, 2006 to; wmcnab@mitoncanadipnchampn.com We appreciate the interest of ail applicants however only those selected for an interview wil b. contacted. No phone calta or agencies please. 5B&II Wc>ridi PROFESSIONAL SALES ASSOCIATES Bell World is seektng FulilTime Sales Associates for permanent fulIl ime empîoyment. Candidate must be seekîng long term employment in a fast paCed, pro- fessional envîronment. Requirements: -Hîgh school dîploma or equivalent -Solîd customer service and sales experîence -Excellent communication skîlls -Aptitude tor workîng in a computerîzed envîronment -Ability to learn quîckly in a changîng envîronment -Team player -lntegrîty Please apply in person with resume and cover letter or onlîne at www.wpccareers.com Bell World, 377 Main Street East, Milton, ON The Oakville Beaver Ha an immediafe openîng for an: Advertising Sales Representative As o key member af our Sles Teom, you wîli source oew. and support eoîsling, odvertiirg clients for oui Oukuille based rewspoper. To be succesolul, you wiii be a mofîvafed, irdeperdenf. self storter wth soles esperience. You wiil posseso excelent wrîfter and verbal communication okllis and be familier wîfh Microsoft computer applcatios. In this role you wii be cuofomer focusvd and iii buid sfroog reidfiooohipo ilh new ard eoîsfing clients by ersurîrg 1h01 Iheir advoriirg veedu are met. Sou wiii be goal orîented and capable of meeting regular sles largels and be active in proopecfîrg for new busines A relioSie sourdle iv requirvo. If you wouid lîke lv mork for a leader invtho media înduslry mis opporlunity may be rîghf for you. We offer a competîlîve compensation ard bevofîl package as meil au opportuniies for future career growllr. To appty, pieuse send your resumne fo: Daniel Baird et dbaird@haltonaearch.com We appreciate the itrevt of ail appicarru howevi only triosse svîvcted for anr ntervîew iii be contactvd. No phone clis or ogencies pivase. New/Usd -AutoSale poni PART-TIME Ai uningion Hyundai me se esiabi7îvhed a repuas SA E onf honesty, îniegrîty and ouistandirg cutomer Requrred for China & vrce Wtho hottest produdis on the [ market & Gih shop. Esperience aue riefastesr pi wîng deaniýruir p in trr pon. i mnbîesles, w a sal eeaito&referra businss, e(roîmgistsion)&5ob00y o Niewel Dpou ado reaeomail adsoua soabe pi tsyda.c Alrpisaesrcl onfdnta. Advertising Sales Jacqueline Vncent-Gimore Oua te business gromtb, me are seekîng dynamîc individoals for the faltîme panifias of AOVERfISING SALES REPRISE NTATIVE for the Mlfon I Georgetomn area. Gold Boouk I70f com, a Divsion ai Trstar Corporation, is a irectory Business servicisg local markets in Ontario, proeîding cunsomers mîfh compiete listings of busînesses aed services releeanf to their local csmmunîtîes. The qualifîed candidate miii ha a motîvated, independent, self-starter mth prevous retaîl, uutsîde or inside salas euperîence. Sou miii posseus excellent wrîneen and eerbal communicafion skîlis and wiii be motîeated fo achieve resulifs. n this raie, you wiilha costumer fouaed and miii bud strnng reiationshîps with neen and auîstîng clients by essurîng that thaîr directory adeertîsing needu ara met. You wiii ha goal-orented and capable of meeting monthietargets. A reliabie vehîcle is reqoîred. If youa ould like to mork for a leader in the media industry fhîs uppurtunity may he the nîght ana for yea. We uffer a cumpetîtîve compensatioe and basafit package inciodîng. Heallhcare and Dental Benetits -Pension Plan Liute Insurance -3 Weeks Vacation ta Start Sales loxeoives and Contents -13 Weeks Paid Training Corner Devetopment and Advancement Opprtanities Flexible Working Hours If înterested please formard esur resume f0: mcamastra@701.coeniFax: (905) 632-0308 GaEd Bem* l;'- td foi r r tmer T Uf liffr o en .5etm km ldo ratie andefi s Competlitrsaarn alas bi Aesk us About... work8pliscos 905.878.2341 Dania Unique, lîir/îis cS, i v 3350 Fairview St. ofe n <x Buringlon W No phone cailo pleose t4'ekopfonis tffirn/v1 $125. 00 -ii îout Haithl)Finding a grTeat job was &so easy. Jest opten ai iwsae raie, iene an d i ciassifted section is ail il took. ,t fns rols e ,,,eaPhone 905-878-2341 on emaîl: bonuss an Incindm.classified@o - = - mitoncanadianchampion.com HosptalHospital, im edcal, ental ME dcal, Denalt edcl Dna n Georgetown. Required for Physio Clinic Please las resumne f0: 905-877-4165 Activa cara Managemaxt "AcM" is or inter- national compory mwwoctiîveciaims.com "ACM* proardes thîrd porty administration services to irsurorce comparres. soif rnsured ertîfres. Major service lires irclude group Ovolh- trovl crîlîcal ilnesu and disability management. Nurse Case Managers Registered Nurses wîth excelfert clîrîcal skijs 10 rain in case management ord work in hîs or ver home office. ACM miii sel the ourse up in hîs or ver virhuai office, prosîde dedîcatied telephore lire. tence arr the Caliege of Nurses ivnCOntaris Excellentlcirrîcal vOlu preferabiy in FR/ICC CCU Occupafional Healh eepenîerce an asset. com- munication okllo, compater and iypîsg okllis mardafory, blîrguai or asset Pleaxe apply tysy ubmrin your raxumne online f0, xuxan.andrews@activeclaims.com or fax f0 1-905-315-3277 AT5NTY LEAVE I Oct.-Sept17 51 rg 0ei akrusd & 0ro a kils. Sbi esume: 250 Wyecroff Rd. Suite 8, Oaks le, Ontrio 6K3T7 Fax: 905844-2138 Part-time Receptionist Required Laie afternoon and Sala odays Exp. on asset. Oakeitte Fax Resume - - --- - SaIy YouSl If'a'A teUMad*in ... Zbr Caftlan CbjaJMpio asij[J gi d G ts Reu l{4i --«--m 1 1

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