AE novices dump Hespeler Building on a big comeback victory over Georgetown to kick off- the regular season, the addiîîoîîal entry novices kept their innitsg ways going in Hespeler Sunday Matthew Mlinarevic and bim Thomnson each tallied twice as the Wnterhawks dominated [romn start to finish, Tyler Gibbs rovinded ouitIshe scor- ing, and nelmninding partriers Nicholas Harînga and Mitchell Wiznuik were both sîeady in their haîf-game stînts. Solid defence and effective playmaking hy Bailey Brown and Carter Taylor, who drew the assisls, also factored heavily int the decisîve win. The AE novices' early-seasoîî success was interrupted Monday night, when îhey were white- washed 5-0 by Orangeville. They'll look to rehound rom the sethack Thursday at MSC agaînsi Caledon. Game lime is 6.45 p.m. Instail $woke The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instail them in your home or RepHockey Atoms doublcd up Milton's AA atoins arc' stili looking lor iheir furst in o5f tIhe regulai season followng Saturday's 4-2 loss to the host Guelph Storm. Two third-periocl powerplay goals less than a minute apart eventually did in the Winterhawks, who'd headed into the final [rame with the lead on hack-to-hack deposits Ny Marcus Miller and Adamr Wilson. MillerJustin Brown and Austin Dezeeuw drew the assisîs, white (orînor Hallyburton was between the pipes. Now 0-2, the AA atoms will hosi their home opener tomorrow afiernoon ai MSC against Orangeville. Game time is 5 p.m. THE CONSERVATION ZONE Energy efficiency 1Peter Love Chil e r»> -Conîîeîî,îî,,, 031, ret al Onaario Ge the right tools for the job C'risp mornings, lfoggy windsfîîefds, lillîng leaises- and the job jar. Falfias delinîtelv arrved' fIn the coîning ssNeeks., yotIll probably ind yourself fixing lcaky faucets, instaîl- ing weather-stripping, raking ceases, or puîiing a fresh coat of paint ini the living lie room. And this likely mneans a trip b the ýased store to pick tîp the right tbol for the job. As; Ontaîjos Chief Eneigy Conserva- ton Offioer, F'd like to see each Ontario uce household add one more job to the jar joined ibis faîl: improving your home's energy 'rival efficiency. The Ontario Power Autbority 5211h and your focal electricity company will help you choose the right tools. Since Nousehof dx use efectiicity differently, the right tools for your household mighi flot be the besi ones tor your neighbour. The Evr '-v Kiloiî'oo ('ounî.v energy sav- ings campaign wilf priivide aIl Ontario es households with information and couponis sin ndeemabfe ai more ihan 3.00 stores across 1h. the province to put the righi tools in your hands 10 control yiiur electricity use. Waîch l'or ftie i>ivKil>>>> un ('i,, id brochure in the ciotains nmire ilsan S35 ^nents in saviiigs on1 ihese eneîg(y elliciencs usls: ENERGY STAR' qualified Compact Fluorescent Lights Bulbs consume 75 YI fess clectricitN than regitlar incandescent f Nîlbs. A typical bouselias I30lIight bu Nbs ervîces that iîigetfiercoîîsuînie absut $21X)1in elLctiicity under each vear RepLîciis» lis» iniandesceni huibs ,ah\efLss> d-ow» uindl S30euaclsyeiU-. been Seasonal LED igtits Lise 95> i c-.,> nerg. ihan standard mni iiii gis a 7(1 Iighi t i n ýy oI incandesceiintiilbs cosis $7.70) osr 2(9) ahiîurs s> liii» ail t f-D t lig costs lisi 8 cents 1 Dimmer switches set ic îîîîîuîd, Nlp ysun use less electi iii) and estcnd Ile hie ofl yoiîr bîîlNs. Programmable Thennostats alloAv you to priîgrain yonr turnace to warin the hotîse when you arrive homse for tise cscning. and set back 10 a cl)iler teînperature when you're asfeep or away. 20' Cesius is comfori- able for wlsen you're home and f8' Celsius when you'ie asleep or away. And tfsey woii with your AlC in the sumrmer, ton! Baseboad Pommae Themostats work for homes. condos or apartrnents that bave efectrie baseboard heaters. Mlofion detectoes give y»» the convenience porch ' id shut off when you feave. Great for rooms where the kids play - no more nagging to gel them lte tum oui the lights! Every kilowatt really does count. Choosng the products that are uMMh for your home couid save you up ta 10 per cent en your elecbricity bill amd ill help Ontario meet bt energy supply challenge. For more Information, cal 1-866-59-989 or vist 1 5 0 Q TCnd, hmin rdy coe ,20 1 SEVIEAD WEIMPTANDSOKAXESV 1360LEersN O Ra, akviL NS (RAEastIrune),GAS MSI ~~~~LAE GR41lSOw.AToRytLEdeo ADAL NSALTINMAEIAS OUR KIBS GO TO SCHOOL Canada e essential guide to private education presents Ca n ada 'SIa rges t PRIVATE EDUCATION School FAI RS Oakville Sunday, October 15 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Qakvif le Conference Centre irw'arFi olich> i-y1-o ,n 25 schoots already exhibing To ro nto Saturday, October 28 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Roy Thomson Hall 78 schooîs aiready exhibiting FIND THE RIGHT SOHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD > GEl TO KNOW THE SOHOOLS! > LEARN ABOUT > admission process lI~ John Rothwell, President, and Chari Spiring, Chairman and CEO, are pli to announce that Tracey McGrath CFP, Terry van Dreumnel, CFP, Br Foikard, and Vickie Braden have the Firm. The McGrath Team's ar also marks the opening of the Firm'. office, and the 8th in Ontario alone. With decades of shared estate, tax, insurance, and investment planning expertise, The McGrath team providi professional guidance 10 their clients order to build and protecît heir weal They are dedicated 10 providing the highest level of customer service, an( their commitmnent 10 clients complenr Wellington's client-irs) philosophy, Wellington West Capital Inc. is one c Canada's fastest growîing fînancial SE firms. WVith over 7.5 billion in assets administration, Wellington West bas ranked #1 for the third year in a row in the Annual Brokerage Report survi conducted by lnvestmnent Executive, leading induslry publication. .1 - -1