The Canadian Champion, Tuesduy, October 3, 2006 - A9 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT "MUSTANG MESSENGER9" MILTON DISTRICT i5ION SCIGOL Even tbough only a month of scbool bas passed by, it feels like students ai Milton District neyer even left for the summer, and that ibis year is just a continuation of last year. It is safe to suy that everyone is getting used to the scbool life again sih sports. clubs, and Student Parliament up and running, planning the events to corne. The halls of MD are once again filled sith talking and laughîer. It is clear that the Mustangs are ready for anotber amazing and eventful year. This year kicked off to a great start with the grade tens, along wiîb a group of teachers and grade tsvelve leaders, going up to Camp Wanakita for a week long camping trip for Wilderness North. The students had the opportunity to learn many leadership, teamwork, and outdoor skills. The days were filled with kayaking, canoeing, ropes courses, archery, and much more, with the infamous campfires wrapping up tbe day. Everyone came home from Wildemness North witb lots of stories to tell, and many memories to hold on to. The students and staff alike agree that this was truly an unforgettable experience! Sports are also in full swing xith September being a busy a month for football, volleyball, basketball and cross-country teams aIl striving to prepare for the season ttp ahead. Although some of our teams are off to a bit of a rough start, others are getting better and better, and it is only a matter of time before the Mustangs start bringing in many victories! This month bas been an especially busy time (if year for Student Parliament as sveil. Last Thursday Grade Rep Elections took place, and new student representatives were elected for each grade. Candidates put up posters around the sehool, and had an opportunity to address their grade formally with speeches. Everyone did a fantastic job, however only îxvo to three reps svere chosen for each grade. Congratulations to the Grade Reps of 2006/2007, svbo without a doubt, sili help miake this year a memorable one! The school year is definitely looking to be very promising and eventful already. Well thats aIl for tlîîs sveek Mustangs! Until next time! "B11ATELINE DRURYl" Ashley Michelle Slephen Carfise 1 Staples Jckson E.C. DRURY HION SCEGOL Wow, whai a rush! Summer flew by faster than those painful five-minute quilles teacîters are su fond of, and eve already heen in school for almosi a month. And what a month its been' The shock ut the new scshuol year has barely set in,. and we've aiready been hit sith essays. tests, and teering sacks of lîomnesork. Challenges abound for ail. Wevc ushered in a frcsh hourd of 9th graders. wýho were weicumied ssarmnly and have quickiy adapted to the triais and treedoms of hîgh school life. And grade 12 students have begun scramibiing as îhey realize hosv quickly the end otf the year is looming, and ssith it the responsibilities of work, post-secondary education, and the realities of adulîhood. its îlot just the students facing changes, either. We have jusi svelcomed Helen Soden, our new vice principal, tu tîhe taculty here ai Drury. And our une and only principal. Ms. Syer, is nuw the nesvly and happily married Mrs. Larman. Baîtles were being foughî on the Western Frunt (British Colombia) as our girls field huckey team attended their fOrsi tournament ut the year. After a rocky start (haha, nu pun intended) againsi a local high sehuol, our girls put torîh a valiant effort and retumed feeling vigurous and ready tu kick off a great seasun. Back home, new clubs and activities are heginniîîg tripoup U. Fur example, the new Arts Society has gui off to a good start and is already working un nesv murais to adomn the halls of our sehuol. Trips are also heing planned tu rousing dramatic features ai the Shaws festival and Straiford. This has heen an exciting stant to the sehuol year and sve have high hopes for the resi of our time here ai E.C. Drury. .. Oh yes, atnd hetore sve forget, sve musti utroduce ourselvesý. Thiîs s the luvcly and chaiismtaic Michelle Staples. the talented Ashley Carlisle, and ut course.ounr resident man (if- the-hour, Stephen Jackson. We're the nesv and improved line up of reporters for Dateline Drury. ready tu churu out sveek afier week ut midlosing articles sith in-depîh coverage of all the events and traumna coing on at the school. Or perhaps sve're jusi three disgrunîlcd studenîs svho were tricked into sriting this section hy a certain moustached teacher who wsiii reniain naîneless. You'ill rsi have ti tite iii for the wceks iii follots and decide tror yourself!. 6"THE ROYAL REPORT"9 Etn Hetheringlon Lindsay Johnslon Julia Riddill DISHGP REDINO 31081 SCRGOL Weleome hack, Bîshup Reding' i'irsi off, we'd lîke to weicome unr nets Student Gîîvenîment into office. Yuar presîdent tis year is Zack Sehoultz, and yoar Vice President is our very uwn Julia Riddeii. Congratulations and svetcome tu ail the grade represetîtatives as %veil. Aiso new tu ihis sehout year is the leadership prugram. knuwn as the Lecaders in Black (LtBs>. Tbese studenis have been ebsîsen as rote modeis for the Grade Nine stîdenîs aîîd tir ncw students. aîîd ihey are easiiy identifiable by their black shirt.s. We hope these great peuple %ssii heip make adjusting to schoot easier tor eseryone. Adjustiig to the hustie ut sehool fle was not too diffieulti sînce ORs stîîdenîs ssere stit n action during the summer. ss'tb îîîany accîîmpiishîng great îhings. A prime example is Jade Ryan. a grade 12 sîndeni ai BR, who made the Canadian National Dancee Team. Anoiher exatupte ut BR's talent is eleven ut Bishup Reding's fotball piayers. ranging from grade ten to isceive, helpîng ibeir ieam win the Ontario Minor Football league's inaugural champiunship. Moreover. many sîndenîs worked fuît finie at differeni places ail over Milion, as camp rîuncilor. cashiers, landscapers. cooks and more. One ting was tor sure. youn could nut ilook anysvhere trîthout fînding une of BR's smiling faces. The smiiing faces of somte ut Reding's teachers were aisu cspecîaily visible ibis summer. Two of the science teachers, Ms. Muvrin and Mr. Morris. spent tîmie durîng the summer doîng research for McMasîer Utiversity.This research was part uf a prîîgram known as TSTOP, tir Teachers' Science and Tectniology Ouîreach Prrîgram. Hrîpefuliy, the knuwtedge gained wîtt atlow teachers to gain nesv insight and encourage interestint the sciences. The practîcai Ms. Muvrin wurked un a projeci that nieasured urganic contaminants in Hamilton Harbour, svhile Me. Morris ssîîrked on a research prujeci cailed "Single crystai Syntiesis and Characteriaiton of Novet Magneîic Maieriais. We îhank these teachers tor iheir contributions tu science and for aidingi the snccess ut a greai prugram. We hope that everyone hart a faniasîic sumnîir and is ready to bit tbe books for anoiber greai year. The 2(106-200(7 scîtool promises lois rtf excîîing nesv challenges anrd tons ut'fiu. lu tact. the tan lias aiready siartert Oit Sepîcînher 22, BR heids uts annuai Terry tFos Day to raise nîoney for cancer research. Studetîts scere able iii dunk iheir tasourite teacher iii the duîîk tank, as steli as parîîcîpaîing in ciass reiay races aitd carnivai games. Congratulations oin a great fîrsi funrtaiser, andrtihanks iiiooit tesvly appoînîed Strident Corinsel t1r a Job sveii donc. Have a C1icatseat OBR'