bt QaîîabranîQLjimpion Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 R E AL E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S POR T S Diminutive IceHawk making big impact C O M M U N 1 T Y Canine visits light up faces Visit us al 878-2881 ..-toln edaGo. Pbiato o l, 47 o. 9 u .' ,Oce r~ l 3,20 4Pgs $1.0e nl ,.. GRAHAM PAINEI CANADIAN CHAMPION IN MEMORY: Eleanor McMahon is consoled by niece Erîn McMahon at the memorial for her husband, OPP Sgt. Greg Stobbart of Burlîngton, who was killed lune 6 when he was struck by a vehicle while cycling on Tremaîne Road. About 300 cyclîsts escorted by Halton Regional Police and the Caledon OPP took part Sunday in the Frst Annual Share the Road Bike Ride held in memory of Stobbart. The 60-km ride ta raise awvareness of the need for drivers and cyclists to, share the road safely started at the Mlton GO Train station and made a brief stop at the accident scene just north oif Derry Road. Three cyclîsts have been klled on Tremamne Road over the last few years. The ride was organized by the Mattamy Homes/Aquila Racing Club in conjunction wîth Racer Sportif. Halton has Iowest unemployment rate 1 Study compares Halton to other GTA-area municipalities By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF I-laton Nas tNe lowsest unemployment rate in the GTA, according to a study recentl), coin- pleîed Ns' tbe Region andl ils four munîcipali- tics. TNe document, called 'Landscape Ny tNe Nuinbers: A Social Atlas of Halton', was pre- sciet to lIltonsý planîninîg and public w orks dernographics and compares them to tNose in surrounidtng mtinicipalities. The comparisons porîray a rieNi and diverse range of social characterîstics arnong the muicipalities in Halton, niuch of wbîcb is înfltîenced Ny urNan developinent, migration patterns and geograpbic position." the atlas explains. 'C)ne niay sav there îs an uncanny relation- 5101) Nei h e eo(.ial and pNysical land- Amrongst its fîndings arc that FHalton bias ilie lowesi perceniage of: visible miinority groups, adulîs with less than a igli scbool edu iiinon and 'bine collar' workers. I Nie atlas also sa> wMien looking ai Hialions tour intînicipali tics: - Oakville and Burlingion have ite ighest concentrations of university educated and Ingi-ncorne lNousehiolds. - Oakville lias the grecatest proportion of v isie ninorities and Niighest ineoine levels and uicnmpo'nmint rate. *Burlingion lias the larges i ount of seni s Roadwork moves to next stage The next phase of construction has begun for two new major roads through the Town and Region's Accelerated Transportation Program. Work commenced last month on botb James Snow Parkway from Derry to Britannia roads and Louis St. Laurent Boulevard from Fourth Line to James Snom, Parkway. T he projects were advanced from 2009 and 2010 respectively and are scheduled for completion next sum- mer. These roads are being built in advance as a resuit of a co-operative partnership witb Halton Region, Mattamy Homes and the Town," said Mayor Gord Krantz. "This program is an excellent exam- pie of different levels of govemnment and the private sector working together see NO on page A2 In side Today's Champion OPINION A6 DATELINE A7 HIGH SOHOOL REPORTA9 CHAMPION couNTRY Al1 CLASSIFIED A18 rwwmtoncarïad1ancharnpion=cm GORRUD'S AUTO) www.gorrudsautc) Startmnsg PIIYP 19 From 41. Pr.PrIunineetuntflovebr 11,200.J4~.. 'a*P2IALThwa&FrI30-8*OoM -Sat. :0o-mâ>"L~é MILTON Tj Dý te-, N R E CLINIC 905-876-2000 1 D