Evidence should be only factor ~jwhen deciding on pesticide use DEAR EDITOR: As the issue of cosmetic pes- ticide use is broadened, many will venture to inform them- selves, flot merely t0 satisfy their beliefs, but t0 educate their good intentions. Hopefully, to tht benefit of most, tht reason- ing folk of Milton will extrapo- late some truth on this malter, devoid of any potentats of godly recognition. Tht standard of Western sci- entîfit thouglit bas for tht most part encompassed a cause and effect analysis. This analysis, as Socrates and Einstein both have conîeuded, is tht only true meîhod t0 side-step contradic- tions and irregularities. Tht fol- lowing lwo examples illustrat ptrfectly that if theres a fallacy of composition in tht investiga- tive method, tht author of Ibis fraud may quîckly fînd himself with tht tragit results that his ruse demanded. Take global warming as tht first example. Tht scientifie method used 10 determint glob- al warmiug is systems analysis, which Environmenî Canada uses 10 determint our regular fsvt-day weaîher forecasts, whîch t0 tht surprise of nobodx' is rartly accurat to tht extent of tht full fîte day s. \Vhs? Because tht computer makts ils projections bastd on tht tffects of rtcorded wtathtr data and is unable to under- stand tht grealer causes for atmospherie changes. Thest changes mighî be tht interac- tion of celesîtal bodies in tht solar systtm or simply tht recumrng Milankovitch thtory of 26,OO-ytar earîh cycles of cooling and heaîing. This t.s why most long-range global warm- ing forecasters are unable to sîudy of global wanning and tht tome to a consensus on their second case sîudy of peticides projections, and lurthermore are unable 10 negate the possibiliîy that larger developments in our solar system may be tht real cause for an increased tempera- turc on our planet. Tht second anecdote of rea- soning covers pesticides. A commonly haled study by the Ontario College of Family Physîcians (OCFP) is posted on tht Internet as tht Pesticide Literature Review This docu- ment exudes somte scientifit vigour, but if tht reader pursues îî diligently lie will examine under tht subtitle of 'Issues in Design of Pesticide Studies', tht method of which these assessors used t0 undertake their study. Here wlthin lies tht striking difficulty that any scientist will have with granting serious menit to tht results recorded. Tht paper states that "randomized controlled trials, which are tht most conclusive studies of cause and effect, are flot dont... we rely on other types of studies that have marktd limitations." Many problemrs anse herc. Wîithout tht OC FP using stud- les that have controlled and induced pesticide testing, they are unable to dtrectlv show whether tht recorded "chronic ilînesses" are indeed caustd bi' pesticides. Tht rtason whv ihis occurs is because on any gîven plot of land there may exist manv other vaniables contrihut- îng 10 tht inîcidenct rates. At best a study using this method- ology would s teld a 'tbeory, with perhaps somte ptrsuasivt dimensions, but overaîl iî would lack tht consîstencx' in proof of which cause and ellect analysis doesn't avoîd. Tht rationale of tht fîrst case Event flot very appealing to shoppers afrom PARTICIPATION on page A6 downtowu owntrs wanî 10 atîract shoppers, they will have to have a sîdewalk sale îhaî is dont well. 1 called tht number in tht ad ai tht Downtown Busintss Improvement Association office and tht person 1 spoke 10 apologiztd for tht poor partici- pation. It wasn'î a positive way 10 bning shoppers, hoîh regular and ncw, 10 Miltons downtown. LYNDA VERMAAS KINGSLEIGH COURT CiTb (Ulllhuf.wwtè*t*01I arg)O6- %,Milton gets telegraph office of which ihis article has exam- ined are both subjects sympa- tîe to tht good intentions of mankind. But on tht former study man is at a loss in tht area of its causes. However on tht latter topit, favourable circum- stances have provided tht cause, aud it would be an utter shame if tht people of Milton relied solely on studies with marked limitations, such as tht ont donc hy the OCFP, which comn- pleîely denies tht rigour of cause and effet analysis. Comprehensive cause and effect analysis, although flot regarded by tht OCFP, are easy t0 locate. Sources may include tht United Nations Environmental Programme, tht International Labour Organization and tht Environment Protection Agency lnterestîngly enougli, these organizaîions have found no conclusive links between pesticides and chromet ilînesses. Furthermnore, recently tht direc- tor of tht Environmental Protection Agtncy, Jîm jones, announced that aIl pesticides approved by Congressional mandate iu their lO-year sîudy, are "aggressivtly rtgulated" aud "are' protective of chtldren.' Tht pursuit of science has to bc of nothing less than tht objective truth. These truths are determîned hy tht conse- quences of our actions - sîmi- l.îr 10 a chtmistry expeuiment - and not tht rîghî t0 express our opinion. Emotons have no way of dttrmiuing tht implications of pesticides and wîll always bc bîased. So we as humaus rnust bc invstîgative and only vali- date our îhoughîs by tht couse- queuces of our experiments. WILLIAM WALKER MILTON littitin t>cxi Oa j1o p(bi issut s 0j The Champion and other publications in order to proide a window mnto Mi ltont past. Explanatory comment is sometimnes provded to place the situa- tion lncontext. Septeniber 1908 A down-towu ttltgraph office bas been established lu connection wlth tht Red Cross Drug Store. This will be a great couvenience ic tht public, as hitherto suyoue wishlng to stnd a message bad to go 10 eidier tht G.T.R (Broute St.) or C.PR. (Court St.) sta- tion, Dr. WS. Harriaon, Toronto Controller, was the unanuanous choice of tht Halton Liberal conven- tion to oppose David lieuderson. Ht asked Hahton Libersis to unite in supporting hlm as the represeutative of tht Laurier Goverumeut. Hughi Guthrle, M.P, sald that ln tht Bouse of Commnons David Htndersou, M.P for Halton, was more judiclous lu is statements than soute other mem- bers of tht Opposition sud made uo enemies, but Dsvid Henderson at Ottawa was quite s différent man fromn David Heuderson ou tht stump lu Halton. Town Councîl: Mr. Livingsîou addressed tht counicil. Ht offered to lease tht park to tht town at $500 a year, $ 100 for balance of this year. Ht asked for fret lighting and exemp- tion from taxation. Tht industrial committet was instructd to confer with Mr. Livingsîon. Bandînaster Gollins bad a bad fai at Homby, from. the top of a verandali which lie was painting. His ladder shpped. Ht was stunned but rtcov- ered in a short time snd led tht baud lu tht eveniug at Llvingston Park. Tht PL. Robertson Co.s machine shop la now fltted witli a fine outflt of new machinery, lathes, drills, etc. and aIl of tht latest sud best makes. Tht shafting bas been put up ibis week sud a 12 horst power gasoline englue put into position, to be ustd until tht lsrger gas tugint, which lias hten ordtred la ready. Before tht end of this week tht sliop will bie ready to SAVE 20-4O0'0 FROM RETAIL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SATURDAY ONLY & Milton lime > capsules repair agnicultursl sud other machin- er on the shortest notice. It bas a staff of skilled machinlsts. Soute of the screw-making machines have also been received, one to cut off sud head tht wlres for screws, also nisk- mng dhe square hole for the driver sud another to put on the thread. The other macbinety is ou tht way sud will be placed in buildings that wll be ertcted before wlnter sets iu. Tht complimntary concert given last Thursdsy evening to T.C. Livingstou at Llvingston Park was falrly well sttended, but flot as wl as it should have been considerlug tht work dont for Milton rince tht beinuing of this year by Mr. lUvlngston in advtrtislng the advau- tages of tht town sud securing two important industrites with, no doubt, more to corne. Dr. Anderson, mayor was the chairman. Speeches were made by Rural Dean Beit, Geo. Andrew, Couuty Treasurer, sud J.S. Deacon, Public School Inspector. Mr. Andrew's theme was Mr. Livingslon's great work for Milton in conuection wlth industries, as well as in estab- lisbiug tht park, sud tht other gen- tlemen dwelt more psrticulsrly on tht beauties of tht park. Mr. Livingston spoke briefly lu ackuowl- edgment. Ht said hie hoped to do more for Milton sud hie hoped that before long hie would be able to get tht town a radial railway. Tht band played s fine programme sud Eddie Pickett of Toronto, entertainer sud comedisu provided plenty of fun. Ht was encored ou every appearance. Wilfred Woods, euphonium player lu the baud, sang a solo. Ht bas a well trsiued tenor voice. A number of economidcal individuals enjoyed the concert from tht pond batik across tht wster sud others, it ia said, exe- cuted flank movemeuts into tht park, avoidiug tht gate keepers. This material is assembied on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim DijIs, who can bie reached at jdills C'idirct.com.