Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2006, p. 6

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AS - The Canadian Chaempion, FilaeySeptember 29, 2006 OPINION Raise too high \Ve don't cnlvy the position I laiton D)istrict School Board trusecs will fttod tlietîisclxecs iii nexi wcck. At a hoard mneeting ihis Wedncesday, clected officiais will face recotnimcndattons ta increase trusc hanorariutns hy an eye-popping 163 per cent seareing Deccruhber 1, give cach cttrrent inîsic one y'ears retrotctixe pay of $8,153. and pay currene tnîstces an additional $1,.882 for the thrce-month perîod ending Novemhcbr 30. The recommendations came from a citizenis advisory commiîîee that was convened ta re-visit trustee remonera- tion after the Minisiry of Education decîded to, allow trustee raises for the first time in a decade. Now, Iess than six weeks hefore a municipal election, these electcd officiais are facîng a damned-tf-ehey,-do, dainned-if-they-don't proposition. If ehey approve an increase of the hase irusee stipend from $5.000 ta $13.159 and/or approve the other two rec- ommendations - effectively paying themacîves an addition- ai $10.000 each for the period of September 1, 2005 ta Novemher 30, 2006 - there could he politîcal hell ta pay from anyone who helieves education spendîng helongs in the classroom. If trustees don't pass thc recaininendations, thcy camne ail as heroes ta ratepayers' groups, but lind theinscîxes stock with the saine pay erustecs earnced back in 19(7. Furthcr corrplicating mateers ta a ininisirv irnpascd dcid- fine of Octaher 31 foi scboal hoards ta appraxc new pas scales. It Icaves local puhlic school trutics squirrning axer establishing a pay raise xxithin va ceks of their re-electian bids. Board C hair Paul Tatc ex fooltng hîînsclf ifle hliex'cs par- ents and ia'spayers wanet mind an additional $S77.000 a yeat added ta the hoards $380-iniillian aperating hodget. The pro- posed raises could purchase a significane ainaunet of pencils. paper or eexîbooks for Hlan students. StilI, a cauniter argument can he made that 'you get whaî you pay for." In the last 10 years, the annual stipend for Ontanios school trustees has heen a piteance. At $5.000 a year. its nu wonder residents arenet lining up ta contest etutee positions in thîs Novemhers municipal election. It could be argued that in the ensuing 10 years, the pendulum bas swung cou fat in the opposite direction, makîng a school tustee position nue worth the effort, financially îr we place any value on the work sehool huard trustees do fr education, perhaps ifs cime eheir remuneration seaut- ed to reflect t. But while it would he difficule for us to, oppose an annual increase tu trustees' pay afeer such a long freeze, a leap of 163 pet cent in une year is 100, much, euu selon. Readers Write Send yu ettei to mtanulal@haltonrearch. oem or drap them off at 875 Main St E Participation for downtown sidewalk sale disappointing DEAR EDITOR: We saw in the August 29 Champion ehat there would he a sîdewalk sale downîown from Auguse 30 to September 2. We decided on Thursday morning, Auguse 31, to do a litele shopping at Zellers and then spend some time walking the Main Street and enjoy the sidewalk sale. le was a great disappoint- ment tc say the least. On hoth sides of the sereet we found two shops each with a rack of sale arti- cles out on the sidewalk and heard later there was one more. Good for them for going along with the planned event. A door hemng held open with a can hardly counts as a sidewalk sale. If the -see EVENT on page A7 lEbJr Qznablan (eIampion rn ton's C ommeu iy Newspaper Since 1 860 875 Main Se. E., Multon, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advereiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.nileoncanadianchampion.com Group Publisher Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neri Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mrceli Production Manager Tomn Coles Circulation Manager Ch erlersa Hall Office Manager Tari Casas The Canadean Orampion, publiihe every Tuesday and Flrday ait 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont., 19T 3Z3, is one of tihe Meiroland Media Group commanity newtpapers. Ademsinge e acceptei an tne condirion tirait ide eveot of a typotaphital enrr char porao of rire advertiegspaeace cpadhp thre eftonecet nem, teqetrer ah àareasotabl allowaate for signa- trterait not ne hrged for, butrthebalanefthe adernenenmll re pardifrathe applicableate The puisirefreeeeedite Ighlto cateqonee adetisterrts et decirre CCAB Audited Rercoqnized for excellenace by oC a Ontarto Cotemuntty 1 cS Newspapers Associaion C NA Ne'wspapes Associaio S i i Seirrban Newspapens ____4 ot Amnertta Youthperslpec±ive Let-S work together as a team wo put an endl to bullyng The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: Are we doing everythiing we can eo keep our schooils safe in Milton? This is becomning r a growing concern as it scenis more cases of beellymng are occurring across ehe country Statistics from ehe Canadian Red Cross Society, which rima anti-bullying prograim RespectEd, show one in five children are bul- lied. And since if's likely many cases go unre- ported, that number could be even higher. To somne people, this bebaviour may be seen as juat kids being kids, but atbers including myself see a much more serious threat. While some cases of bullying may seem lîke innocent turne calling, what kind of effect doces je have on the victims? Perhaps some children cani shrug je off and continue with eheir day, but others may carry the scars of those narnes for the rest or eheir lives. In one extremne case, a I 4-year-old boy fromn Halifax named Emmet Fr alck eook bis own life after being bullied by a l5-year- tremendously. The saddest part about je is old girl. There have also been several horrible shooeing incidents by people who were bullied. to a point where they felt completely j 4 isolated and were consumned by revenge - such as might have T been the case in the Sepeember 13 shooting at Dawson College. t When does it turn from chîldas 11 play to something fr more deadly i and how cani we ideneify the issue fl - before it gues tou fat? In my opinion, parents and our local schools need îo, work as diligently as possible to ideneify bullying, not only on the play- ground and in the classroom, but also on the internet. Cyber bullying is something ehats reasonably rttV4 bue 1 myseif ste it growing thlrn a e itm e o in ho e s cryo I have only been aeeending school in Milton ror a short peniod. of tinte, but I have found it friendly and welcoming. But 1 tbink nu town is with- out some degret of bullying and Milton is nu exception. ir we as a town can make everyone feel comfortable enough to speak up when ehey witness an ace of hullying or fecel ized, then we can eake the apprupniaee action. Hopefully togeeher we can make bullying a thing of ehe past. je.neva Walsh is a co-operative educattun student front Bîshop Reding Secondary School. Jiiget B ellFnd CA AD b A MILTON 1-0 SANTA 0* CLAUS UNITED WAY ARD 0F MILTON 1TV AUCTION PRD ~y1 ~YYMCA iea~d~ ShowcaseMilion 1 hr (Yakillvý %filion 'e

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