B4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 29, 2006 Su pporting skilled newcomers 'wise investment': Mulvale By Howard Mozel The Halton Multicultural Council (HMC) bas the programs in place and immi- grants possess the job skills. Now its up to area businesses ro, step up and belp these interniationally trained professionals realize their potential. By doing so, said Mayor Ann Mulvale, local firnns wiil not only allow newcomers to be ai tbey can be and become crue "nation- builders," tbere are also competitive advan- tages thar can be gained by investing in their skills and experience. "Parîicsîlarly witb the predicted skills dits ol the skills anud expet iece that thesc individuais bring," said Mulvale. "Creating opportunities like work place- ments, mentoring and jobs provides numer- ous mutual adivantages. Often the skill sets of these individuals reflect your customer base, meaning service options can be enbanced by adding an internationally trained professional, to your workforce. Additional language skills are just one exam- pIe.1" Mulvale made ber comments as keynote speaker duning tbe recent HMC luncheon at Homewood Suites bv Hilton Oakvillc. There w1visc ns %estîncit" su suppot s killcd tiew- corners and the positive contributions they can make. tn a growing global economy, doing so can only belp increase a companys customer mix because tbeir workforce will actually better represent that potential base, visually, culturally, linguistically and more. "Ir makes good business sense," added Mulvale. HMC President Laila Firiksson said the agency is working bard to secure training partnerships and encourages any and ail husinesses ro contact tbcm. dialogue xx ti )ou,' she said. Eacb year thousands of immigrants select Ontario as their new home and more than 70 per cent of aduli newcomers are considered bigbly skilled with posr-secondary educa- tion or training, Many, bowever, get by witb wbat HMC Managing Director joanna Matthews cails "survival jobs" and need an extra boost to move îbem into more meaningful employ- ment. "We often find that many employers are esec HMC an page B7 Th .eîoa u icp l o f s et NOIC OF eIIN OF ENIOM A S D REPORT Steeles Avenue (Regional Road 8) Transportation Corridor Improvements James Snow Parkway (Regional Road 4) to 250 metres West of Trafalgar Road (Regional Road 3), Town of Halton His Class Environmental Assessment Study The Regianal Municipality of Halton bas carried out a Clasu Envirosmental Assesument (EA) ta address future travel demands on Steeles Avenue IRegionai Road 81 from lames Snow Parkway IRegional Road 4) ta 250 m meut of Trafalgar Road IRegional Road 3) luee map below). The study was conducted in compliance with Schedule C af the Municipal Clasu Envirosment Assesument lisse 2000), which is approved under the Ontario Envîrosmental Assessment Act. Following the April 6, 2006 Public Information Centre, the preferred alternative mas reviewed in light of comments received and modified as required. Taking inito consideration the comments that mere received from the Town of Halton HuIs, regulatory agencies and the public, the recommended alternative includes: The widening af Steeles Avenue (Regional Road 8) from twa ta four lanes from James Snaw Parkway (Regional Road 4) ta 250 m west of Trafalgar Road IRegional Road 3) including intersection improvements. The Envirosmenital Study Report (ESR) han bren prepared ta document the planning and decision making procesu undertaken for this study. Ry this Notice, the ESR lu being placed on the public record for a 30 day review period in accordance with the requirements ai the Municipal Claus FA. Subject ta comments received as a ressît ai this Notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, Halton Region intends ta proceed with the detail design and construction as documented in the ESR. The ESR is available for reviem at the following locations: 11 onseRoad OavékOntario luÏM 301 Te- 905-825-6000 Mon.-hi-: 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Te.. .1 alonmIS<a. 1 Halton HMus Drive C fl wOnta" Tel: 905-873-2601 Mon.-Fn: 8:30 am. ta 4:30 pm. Hiton MMe PuWc -b - 9 Church Street Geargetovi, Ontario FiG 2A3 Tel: 905-873-2681 Tumes,- lhm 9*30 anm. ta 8:30 p.m. Fnl.- Sat. 9:30 a.n. ta 5:00 pm. Sun. 1 :00pan. to.«1 pmn. (Oct. toMay) Further information may be obtained from Ms. Lisa Zinkewich, B.E.S; Project Manager, Halton Ragian, 905-825-6000 ext. 7556. Please provide any written comments to Halton Regian by Monday, October 23, 2006 (within 30 days front the date of this Notice). If concernis regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with Halton Region, a person or party may request that the Minister of Eneirosment make an order for the project to comply with Part Il of the Envirosmental Assessment Act (referred ta as a Part Il Order). Requests for a Part Il Order must be received by the Minister, at the address below by Monday, October 23, 2006.HATNILS A copy of the request must also Cr oe be sent ta the Region's Project Manager. If no request is received o z by Monday, October 23, 2006, Halton Region intends ta proceed z~tO» with detailed design and 11) ; construction as outlined in the ESR. U 'TEELES;AVENUEERO Minister of the EnvironmentS 135 St. Clair Avenue West ~MLO l2th Floor M Toronto, Ontario M4V lP5 DERRY RD REG RD 7 NOIC OF PULCIFRATO ETE# 20 Side Road (Regional Road 34) Improvements from Milburough Line to First Line, Town of Milton Class Environmental Assessment Study The Regional Municipality of Haltos is initiating a Class Esvironmental Asseusment to consider safety and traffic operational options for transportation corridor improvements on 20 Side Road (Regional Road 34) from east of Milburough Lite to west of First Lise, in the Town of Miltas (uee mnap below). n order to best address operational deficiencies along the 20 Side Road (Regional Road 34) corridor, a number of road improvement alternatives wilI be esamined as part of the study iscluding realignment of the roadway, cross-sectional elements, driveway impravements, and axer-ail traffic operations, as well as the impact of such improvementu on the social and saturai envirosments. A key composent of the study will be consultation with interested stakeholders (public and regulatory agencies) at two Public Information Centres. The first Public Information Centre has been arranged for: Date: Thursday, October 5, 2006 ime 6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Drap-i Centre 7:00 p.m. Presentatian followed by question and answer session Location: Nassagaweya Community Centre- 164 Guelph Line Milton The purpose of the Information Centre is ta review and obtain public input on the problem being addresued, background information and the alternatives being considered. Anynne with an intereut in the study lu invited ta attend and participate. If you cannat attend and wouid like to provîde camments, please forward them by October 20, 2006 ta the Regional Municipality of Halton at the address below. Foliowing the Information Centre, the study findings wili be reviewed in light of comments received and the preferred alternative wiil be determined. A second Information Centre is tentatively planned for February 2007. Information requeuts or questions may be directed ta: Mr. ieffrey Reid, C.E.T. , Project Manager Regianal Municipality of Haltan 'l 1151 Broste Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phase: 905-825-6000, Est. 7170 Toîl Free: 1 -866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Fas: 905-825-8822 Email: jeff rey.reid@halton.ca Mr. Michael Wilson, C.ET. Praject Manager Chishalm, Fleming and Assaciates 317 Renfrew Drive, Suite 301 Markham, Ontario L3R 9S8 Phase: 905-474-1458 Fax: 905-474-19 10 Email: mike.milson@ChisholmFleming.com This Notice first issued on Septenher 22, 2006. The map below shows the approsimate limits ai the study area. www.haiton.ca/current[Aprojects This Notice first issued on September 22, 2006. vvvvvv. ha Iton. ca/cu rre nt EAprojects