Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2006, p. 4

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A4 The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 29, 2006 I ~ A *~I ~ Motion to Iook into stalling 011GERI growth passes unanimously from TOWN on page Ali nons," lie said. 1I think it could tioneening or a good chance #Aquariums Fish & Suplies, Small Animais & Supplies pid on he new homes and res- h dangerous." ge issues oui and voied on." ___________________#____________Reptiles ____ idni' t() nove iii to afford the Town C AO Manio Belvedere lu the end, Lunau reluciant Gro min i no Aviibnfbyastructure upgrades. told councif itii take staff four to did vote in favour ut the moîto Appoin ment!Cati for details! Regii- mlmslr odcn reotta' oticinnil prsthitn fte eb loin the many people sr icion iii Milton as a con- legaf, policy aîîd infrastru ct ure not the int. thdeh ce a da"lrvnmuiWoag ee not to riluting factor 10 the prohlcmn inmplications of sfowing growth nlie iîg dvrnek andhois fI hocpe we can catch up- ' li After hearing that, Ward 3 l-uril,'s resofution indicaît 905-875-0475 drve everyone nher reiiuarked. ouciflor Cindy Lunau saîd ahout 80 per cent of tl Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri 10:00-8:00, Sat 9:30-5:10, Sun 12-5 group home satels Vsards 1 and 3 (truncilfor shes ntio sure il its [air to tie up rcquired road upgrades -1 MIO ON OF THE* TONO MLO VOTER NOTIFICATION CARDS ARE ON THE WAY! ELECTION DAY IS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2006 ARE YOU ON THIS LIST? Voter notification cards wîlI be maifed tn earfy October ta ail Milton resîdents whose names appear on the voters' isft. The notification cards identify each resident's ward, voting subdivision, designated voting location on Election Day and the location, dates and times for advanced voting. In order f0 ensure voter eligibility some residents milI be required toi declare their citizenship. To aid in this procesa a citizenship declaration mil I be provided on the voter notification card. Voters receiving a notification card with a declaration are asked to sign the declaration to confirn their statua as a Canadian citizen. We aak ai votera 10 bring their voter notification card and proper identification with them when they vote. Votera whoae carda contain the declaration must bring the notification card with them when they vote, or they will be required to complete an application 10 amrend the voteras fat. Unleas Canadian citizenship statua is confirmed on or by Election Day the voteras namne will be removed from the voteras liat for future elections. Electora who have not received a voter notification card by October il or require corrections to the liated information are aaked 10 contact the Town of Milton Cferkas Division ait 905-878-7252, ext. 2130 or 2137. NOTICE 0F TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE THOMPSON ROAD SOUTH FROM MAIN STREET EAST TO CHILDS DRIVE The Town of Milton, in conjunction wîth Canadian Pacîfîc Raîlway and GO Transit, are in the second Phase of the construction of a Grade Separation at the Canadian Pacific Railway crossing on Thompson Road, north of Nipissing Road. The second phase of the prof ect wil move the tracks from the current location onto the new bridge and the final alîgnment. In order f0 expodito this work, the folfowing road closure will occur on Thompson Road South from Main Street East to Childa Drive as noted below: Sat. October 7, 2006 (7:00 AM) 10 Mon. October 9, 2006 (11:00 PM) and Sat. October 14, 2006 (7:00 AM) to Sun. October 15, 2006 (11:00 PM) Acceas ta Milton Memnorial Arena and Lions Sports Park provided from Main Street East. Access to Milton Baptist Church provided from Nipissing Road. Please acceas Nlpissing from Childa Drive. Any inquiries should be directed 10 the following: Rick Tipping, C.ET. Coordinator, Infrastructure Engineering Services Department Phone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2513 Fax: 905-876-5029 E-mail: rick.tipping@milton.ca Barry t ee presented a more pos- ive vîew on the state of the town, saying lie thinks resîdents are going to set somne relief [rom tht traffie prohlemrs soion. But when it comes to slowing growtli down, Lee had ont thing to say - W'ekidding our- "Tinkering witli growth... 1 don't think we can without get- ting into severe legal implica- staff for months and commit the incoming councif to deafîng with the matter. She suggested the motion lie hrought forward once the new councif is in place. She also expressed skepti- cism about supporting a resolu- tion that could lie "election self- serving." Ward 1 Councillor Rick Day countered that une could caîl supporting tht motion "elte- fy i- ah i Milton are on regional roads. It also pointed out that counicîl has heen advised the [own lias no legal authority to declare an alisolute moratorium on resi- dential growth. The motion was unanimous- ly supported hy council. Melanie Hennessey cani be reaclîed ai mlaennessey@rnilton- canadianchampion.com. t50 % OFF* For a Iimited finie get unilmîted savings at La-Z-Boy Furniture Gallei tes Factory Authorized Clearance. Recliners Sofas Raclining Sofa Tables & Lamps trom $3990 trm $799* tra 0 11 99's tramn $99 lits ou, annuel taIt event where you'Il find remarkable deels on the langeai selecion oi Genuine La-Z-Boy tumitune in Ontea, rncluding one-o-a-kind discontinue) items an,) flur ruodelr, W.it 1,000s of colaurs and styles ta, choase tram, and) No Interes, No Paymenis tan up ta One Year yau cen hava the Beautitut tamiture yoa need, nght now! Su hunry in, an event of this magnitude won' t est long! 1,OOjMous P INSioci Fa Iom DuMd ,ei5yeraar Morrday.-Friîy t0an i-p.m Satui y 9 anm ip.m Surday 1tanm ip.m Troy McHarg Town Clerk MAIN ST. E. GO - » I unl..fa Point? Sameday, you'l be off erad a cigarette or Ire iemptad to smoke. Before yau stant, tink abouti n: every drag yas hake screws ap yosr body. Smoking cao casse permanent damage ta your body. Once a persan staris, it bicornes extremey toagh ta quit. And did we mention at that cash yau' f be btowing in the proctas? So, if you're tempted ta start, ask yoursef, "What's the point?" This message braaght ta oa by:

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