The Canadian, Champion, Fniday Septemrber 29, 2006 - 29 Geea lNeIp Mih GotHsIP HmlHel Mi tHOI lp ol Gmral~I lpIjdjlIjlpq/I MLIRrL ol Z-'uLu IIIIIiII-eekJ ul Str yu da *it 7etr sh M - mli Become an Independent Delivery Contractor. If you would like to deliver The Hamilton Spectator and The Toronto Star, we are currently accepting applications for routes located inyour area. For more intomallon cal: 905-526-2416 or 1 -800-263-6W02 ext. 2416 and a Hamilton Spectator representative wiIl contact you. Door-to-door delivery is to be completed by 5:30 arn. Monday - Friday and by 7:30 ar. Saturday and Sunday. A reliable vehicle is required. TH1E IIAILTON SPECTTR -U.youd Black end Whtite [Ask UsAbout.. workbpç -2341 tdyreeiai mwo"â- vpcle otters individualized services cî.vjusse andnas wok il 'I FQRTINOS Fortinos us a group of franchise retail Supermarkets with 19 locations across Southwestern Ontario. Our Franchisese strive to provide customers with the best in one-stop shopping. Fortinos provides competitive wages, benefits, opportunities for advancement, scholarships, a pension plan, and secure employment to ail its employees. NOW HIRING FOR FLEXIBLE PART-TIME POSITIONS FOR MEAT CUTTERS & FLORAL DESIGNERS FOR OUR NEWEST LOCATION Opening November 2006 173 Lakeshore Rd, Oakville Must be avoulable to work days, afternoons, evenings and weekends. PT Meat Cutters: The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years experience as a meat cutter, along with service meat counter experience and excellent customer service ukilîs. PT Floral Designers: The ideal candidate will have completed the Flowers Canada Beginner course, or have equivalent floral design experience, along with basic carre & maintenance knowledge of plants & cut flowers. Excellent customer service skills & prior retail experience. To Apply: Please send your resume with cover letter via Email: Fax:- 905-861-2347 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE, ONLY THOSE SELECTED FOR AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONTACTED. j;ORTI1NOS 7 atdfor ofce extension in Milton. Fulor part-time. -aiafenos ASKAEUE IOKPl'SCO tg'ie O to place your adin cali 905.878.2341 Persisa Polyureteana Prodactu, oa xf the largent manafaclarera of espotyurethane roll covanings, baseit in Missasauga, Ontatio requires: OUT lES INC LUDE * Organîzation and attentior to detsîl are o must. as eu as ericepliorrai inrerparsona and communication skîils Iborti armter and eerbal). *Cerryîrg out te daily dosaes ot recaptixir Ssosist rn praparatîxe ol reporta and propols usîng *Word, Excel, PowerPoinnt, axienhion to datail essentil * Prosîde secretarîia and admiristrtive support to staff riembers as raquired. 'REDUIREMENTS *MS Office slls, Word, Excel, PowerPoi, Outlosk Isl requîred ynd able to eam rau programs. AblOe to 0 r asili ftuie supervision. D eperdxioleTEAM player HOURS - Msvday t0 Prîduî 8:00 amn - 4:30por Please loreard tour reoume t0 Humar Itesources Depsrrrrexi tuy October 101th, 2006 Fox: 905-670-3634 Or emeit: rzawadi@persisa com PeîvuîaîhvrssaiiaîioenisroweîeiorîOtoseeee tor aninterviiew ciiC conacted NO Phrore cviii nýea5a :3 HALTON Ni LD i A ,; R. O L il Part-time Human Resources Administrative Support For our Burlingtofl Location Hallon Media Group, a Division of Maîro- tend Psbtiahing, lsae commanily naws- peper basiness operating commusity newapapers lhroughoul Oekvitte, Burtisg- ton, Milton and Niagara ragion. 00e are carreslly tooking for a Parn-lime Humen Resources Administrative Sup- port person 10 wsrk three days per week trom our Burtinglon Pont Office. In Ihis rota you reitI be responsibte for pro- cassîng amptoymenl relted paper-Itora and witt manage data in our haman re- soarces information system. In addition, you witt assial with varions aspects of the recruilmenl procesa in support of our businessan. Te qualifiait candidate witl be highty or- ganized with the ability t0 balance mufti- pIe asaignmenla an the sae lime in a dead fina drives envirnment. In addition, you witt possessae strong work athic and excellent reritten and verbal communica- lion skitts. Previous humas resources re- lted experiance woutd ba benaficial and a slrong underslanding of att Microsoft Off ice programs is necessary. If you woald tike lx work for a leader in the media induslry Ihis opportanity may be the nighl ose for you. If tnterested please email your resume, wtth, HR Support mn the subject line to: We appreciate thre istaresf of att applicants however osly those satected for an interview will bu conlacuol. No phone calîx or agusciex plusse. SVEHICLE SALES ACCOUNTING A weli astshlîshad Ford deslershîp han an immedi- ste opaning for a Vahicle Sales Accounting posi- tion. Duias reilI iscluda Vehîcle Sales Accountisg, Bank Reconcitistion, Joursals, and prscassing of vehicle Incentîve programos, etc. Dealamhip vehicla sales sccountisg expenience prafarred. Wa ofaer a compaîrtive haxafita program. Intereteit applicants please forward your resume ta: Oak-Land Ford Lincoln Oakville, ON Fax: (905) 844-7696 Clan Daka Mamonsl Chapel andt Racaptiso Centre, a full service cemetey ace lOal cility bas on openîng for a RlAMNSAT R. Computer knowladge is required as ns sn encollent talephone masner. Some nights andt waakends wli ha includedith1e worh ochedule. Weaure olso looking for PT HOUSE KEEPING staff thsI will ha responoihie for generol up keep of our Memorial Chopai and Reception Centre, Il either of these positios s of irterest lx you. PlIase fnrward re- came by mail, faxiemaît anty: Glen Oakn Marna- rial Chapat and Recaplian Centre- 3164 Ninth Lina, Gakatîle, Ontario L6H 7A8. fan 905-257- 3158, Affention Hhler Crompton- We thank, yen ln advance, snly thos salecled for an Interview wl ha contacted. 0i Career Exploration il Counselling V0 lob Search Training PlV lob Matching IResume Wrlting 0 lob Creation Cail Centre Skil Tainng Self Employment Debt Collectors Required to1 work dlaylevening shifts. Must have excellent communication skillo. WilI train. Compettive wage + bouses j[;~~~~ ~ ~ i 'ei , atnoficl1-8-33-55 Mississauga Area. No Students - Fux resume to, Slld&Skilled & Ofc ep 958500 MECHANICAL ESTIMATOR Puriîy Lite Health Producîs is Canadla. & teading and fuxteot grxwing provider xf MECHANICAL raturai health producla. We are currently COTACSAEN looking tx tilt the fxlxwing positions North America Construction INACI Iusf inîerested, pIeuse tortilard your fesmme t0: immediate openinga tor a mechaxia estimaîxtaah@xiytf.x axd a mechanicut contracta agent with 5-10 oq treatmevt and heavy industriat sectors. NAC is a teader in the industry with in-hxuse civil, mechanicul, and etectrical disciplines. Tliese are fll tîme, tuxg-terr positions wite toit benetits et our head office in Morriston, Ontario lHwy e & Hwy 4011. Knowledge ot QuickPen or Accu-Bld estimating software togeteer with tield expenience would ha an asset tor the eatimatcng position NAC sItars a compelitive wage and henelît package. c Etrcormaciljobng inawrlad tir m ug reraincTixi obilein a ba subt xl inglo adul avice thei Davillg e a fumllo armesex as welt. E nenca istnltîng hard surface mate- rial would h benefiicialli Satary witt ha negotiable basait on eepenien