Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2006, p. 25

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The Canadiean Champion, Fniday Sepiember 29, 2006 -25 4 e * * e : :INDEX: @Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 à eRentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-2 Fax: 905-876-236 Email: cIassWied@mitoncanadianchampion.com *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 C-i (In f'r,~r DflPIHQII Ail 1 tisofin- rt'ii 'tr at n huje I'f in,'nh r For CIRCULATION cait: 905-878-5941 lYI. LUII. fOti-Jplu CVt3 Pull UiIl aI a aU1 au3t apiuio UIi VV61811It OIU91tUtUiIAti BIRTHDAY/OIPEN HOUSE Gargeous Matiary Maous/de Camner Unit. Poilu af amnership is ev/dient, shows 10-si-. Finishel basement, deck, tenicu, lentlscapel, hreshly painted eIc. 1682 Stover Cr, Milion Main Intersection: D"or & Trudeau Saiurday Sept 30 à Sunday Oci 1 2:00m to 4.llOpm Byihonor.couu - Listin $43123 This m/aturu 38t yrs old nulglsbarhood. allers you andl your famlly a great place ta relle whether ,Ou visfl la lie a prvste or active Idustylu. Wtfs grual schools and parka close tai home, the larg Suee joine streut mvil I 1ud you la onu oi Mions flouaI walking / nlling traifts. Close ta ail amunftius, aur usucutive homu oluers 4 extra targu bulrooms up. anI a possiblu two more downatairs. Situated an a 60'X 120'(approx) pool aizu lot Suis homeha buun complutely updatud insidu and out and is ruady for you ta un'oy M-lt ww469aoWfond.photosft.com Or Cal Kevin: (416) 434-0612 ol (905) 6934352 home *Quice si Flexible Closing *OfsConskdorod front $494000.00 Find the tareclasures, flxer uppers unit othur MLO -de bc hot proeapies ut MLO -dm bn www.ust-wed- galoith lof laS nI ut- mmm jusi-IlsIod tucheit Four Susson 1-888-266-3056 Suoroam, Bucks on10 ______________ puilituo. Two car gar- age. Hardmaal floors, Fini out shul your unflo/shul busumuol. htome as mortS Privaix Sale, Call 905- ubsoluly fre 878-4394. mwermfmbrn ioPW 9 REASONABLE indus- tral unit tor test 650 - 3,200 sq.ft Laadîng docks and drive-in. 905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. SMALL provate atfices- beautiluliy appomrted. Hmy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834. PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS ta aver 4 million ait reader in Sauth Centrai Ontario. Book yau aIvertise- ment in ovur 75 Mutra- tend cammunity nes- papies~ i onu phone oei. OeIl for informta- t/in se eely mare ait packages (intumet list- inigs incldiui) 416-493- 1300 eut 276, 288,' 237 Frhachs irifmionai REMOVE your criminel records Fast. We do Par- dons unit US Waîvers. Dont bu emberrasseit t1- 800-298-5520 ganemmentperdans.oe $MNEY$$ Consalidate Dubis Morigeges ta 10% No minre, bad credît OK! Onitan/omide Finenoial Corporation 1-888-307- 7799 MILTON 2-bedroam aparimunt ave/lubie Navumbur 1 s1. S950.00/mth + shaed et/lit/us. Oeil AI 905- 876-0982 uller 6pen. CAMP BEL IVILI E, Main Street. 2-bel- room apartment. Ave//eh/e Odaober I st. F/rttLest ruquireit. 5825/mth Please oeIl 905-875-8242. ACTON large 1 -bdrm apt. Aveilable Nan lsi. S750./mtb + ut/lit/es. Cati 905-702-9211. fatsFor Roui_ MILTON Large 2-bed- roomn new basement apartmneni. Kîtchen, UR, separate entrence. Clase ta 401 /GO. No smoking/pets preierîsd. $900/mth ail-inclusive. First/Last. 905-876- 2167. GEORGETOWN , Ray- iewn Orescent 1-Sud- room apertmenl. Large eh maintuined in quiet 6-pieo. Heat/hydrolea- ter/parking plus 2 appli- ances încluded. Avaîlubie October lot. $900montb. Oei 416- 948-0948. C A MPBE LLV IL LE country settîng. 2-huit- roamn epartmsnt. $890mth stilies sn- ciuded. FirsIieasi and relerunces requîred. Oeil 905-693-2436. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mlltoldo Tomer, 82 Miliside Drive, Attractive quiet build- ing. Spaciaus bnight dlean 1&2 bedroom unils w/lb ieundry iaciity and social room on site. Reguier resîdent evenîs Open 7 days & esmitga Cali 909-76-1249 www.restar.ca 1-BEOROOM suites in h/star/c building in Rackwaad. sterling et $750lmonth pies ut/lit/es. ACTON, 3- bedroamn un/t, pr/nae yard, $925/montb plus ut/lit/es. Oeil Elizabeth Douil, Johnon Assa- diates Reaator 905-877- 5165. 2-uEDROOM epart- ment, idel ion mature aduit or couple, in dlean, quiet George- towni building. Available October t st et $BaOlmontb. Includes huai, lridge and slave. 905-455-4766 No Sun- day oeils please. ACTON 1-bedraam, $S0lmanth plus util/ties. Oeil 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352. 3-BEDROOM main mev- el bungalow. Laun- dry/al appliances. Je- cuzzî. iresh paint/park- îng. O/ose tai ail umenîtîes. 1 ,350/month înciudss utilîties/cable. Octaber tI Ou/I Mike 905-703-1290. ACTON 1 -bedroom apurtmenl w/tb beicany. Ave/lubie September ltI 770/month utilies încisded. Quiet Build- ing. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road South. Oeil 519-853-1281. ACTON 2-bedraom. Ave/lubie îmmedîateiy. Fridge, slave, utilies /nciuded. No pets, F/rst/tast/relerences ru- guired. 519-853-3877. AMAZING t -bedroom, righl on Guelph. $745/montS plus heet/hydro. Aduks an/y. No pets/smoking. Avale/as November isI. Oeil 416-570-6578. BACHELOR husement apartment for rent in Milton. Wîth shared en- trence, fia smok- ing/pets. Perteet for sin- gis persan in great sucer fieighbourhoad. Nice and c/sun, 3-pîece bath plus iaandry, fliy iurnîshed. Ansi/ah/s Octaber Ist/Nonember isi. $650/monlh ut/laties înciuded. Pieuse oeil Meriana 1-800-834- 5516. DOWNTOWN George- tocs 1 -budraam apart- ment in quiet building. Noni-smaker/na pets pruierred. Ava//abie îm- med/atly. $825/month plus bydro. Oeil 905- 702-3301. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Check ast web ste wwm.haftonb/llsren- tls.co GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment AC, parking and eaus- dry. No pets prelerred. Ave//eh/e October 1ist. F/tsteast. Oaii Milan 416-399-0232. W Fnhiss Enhises FachisesZ Dop by au1~ 3Mibo a beffl ZM - *11111111V toi oi ame *mdàb. sopwo.wad et th. Ho6 hm »U8 Sm&o Soeç.d (Go*b k) UBuusg6m If you have a passion for deltvertng outstanding guest service and for runming your own business, we would like to meet you. Appomntment preferred, but flot necessary. Simpiy emnad franchising@secondcup.com or ru, s=ar youe applicacion process, visit our website at www.secondcup.comn Flats For Roui GEORGETOWN 1- bedroom basement apartment. $800/month inclusive. Separate en- trafics, near GO Ste- lian. Includes tridge/stove. No smok- ing/pels. First/last/refer- ences. Ca/I for avaiiabiity. Ssits single temale. Oeil Brenda MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment, park lîke sefling. $950/month plus hydro. Laandry and parking en- clsded. 905-459-6561,- 905-457-2989. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroam main tlaor af bungalow. Lan- dry/parking. $1,'150/ manth plus 1/2 atilities. Avadlabie im- mediatey. Oeil 416- 949-8171. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedraam. main iloor of bosse, close ta ail amenîhies, air condition- ing, fridge, stase, cabie, parking. $11 50/month ail inclssîve. Availabie Nonember 1ist. Oeil 905-702-1125. GLEN Williîams, large 2-bedroam basement. Na smoking/pets. $875/ month pies at/ilies. Oeil Sazan Pokiada, John- san Assaciates 905- 877-5165. LARGE 2-bedroam, very nîce basement apartment in cauntry home, ows laundry, separate entrance. $950/monith induites st/lit/es. Na smok- ig/pets. Steeles/Wins- ton Churchill area. 905- 878-4986. TRAFALGAR/BRITTA- NIA 3-bdrm, dining roam/l/v/ng raam, $laaa./+ ut/lit/es Anailable /mmed/ateIy preler couple/na pets. 905-876-1993. MILTON He/ghts large 3-bedroam, 2-bath. raoms, large yard 5-appliances, lawn wa ter, naturel gas, air $1,600/mth + utilîties Availabie îmmed/eteiy 905-854-1687. MILTON - Ideal for non-smaking proies- s/anal cauple. Large 1 - bdrm naturaiiy brîght, newly spdatsd & rena- sated lower levil apart- muni. Quiet neighbor- hood w/lb ample park- ing. Close ta ail amenîties. Appliances w/th shered iaundry. Separats s/de en- trance. Vsry dlean, a must sus. Na pets. Anailabie Non, lost. $900./mth + shared aii/t/us. Oeil 905-592- For Rouf MILTON Availeble now. 4-bedroom detached. 1-1/2 bath, family-room. Freshly painted, new broadloom. 905-854- 1021 APPLEBV Line & Bni- tannia, furmhoase, $1500/mth. Ca/i 905- 337-9769. MILTON 2-bedroom end unit. Large block garage, yard, ample parking. $950/mth + st/I/tien. First and de- pas/t (negatiabie) 905- 321-4745 aller 6pm. MI LTON townhause 3- bedroom, 2-appi., $1325/mth, 151 & lest, plan utilities. Available lmmediately. Oeil Dave 905-878-5444. OAKVILLE- 3 bedroom tawnhoases available lm- mediatsly throagh Novem- ber 1 st. 4 appliences, Hapedale MaIl area. Lakeshare Management 905-876-3336 Ren Wanted MILTON Laserioas fur- nished raam tar rent tar warking Christian te- maIe. Own washraomr. One month free rent. Oeil 289-878-9511. mm irtizi ROOM FOR RIENT MILTON Close ta ail amen/t/es. F/rst/iasi. Avaîlabie /mmedîateiy $5a0/mth Oei 905- 691-6>314. LARGE room, se- ciuded country home, praiessiana maie pre- ierrsd, Guelph Lins & 401, $425/mth. $120/ week. 905-854-0359. CAMP 0E LLVII LE room for reni in large home an 10 acres with poal. Neer 401 $550/mtb includes sat- ellite & ut/lit/es. Oei 905-854-5777, MILTON, om i sbarud bouse, $700/mtb îsciad/ng ut/lit/es. Ave/lable am- medietey, temale pre- lerred. Oeil Shannan 416-988-9615. M -AdIaeImoion LARGE home in the country aust norib oI M/lIon. Fr/dge/stove, wasber/dryer, satellite TV, large deck, BBQ. $550/mth ail-inclusive. Aveilabie Octaber 1 St. 905-467-488. ROOMMATE requ/rud ta shar_ aIde damniao Miltan home, parcb, ieundry, parking, cabie and ail ahI/buis included, $725.00 lest manibs flot reuired. Oeil 9058756596 rnZk« zith -SAMBELLS -Joffroy and Siephanlo (ne.) Merkiey aI M/Ston are pleased la announcu the b/nbh of mhe/r daghter Addison Rose weighing 8lbs eit M/lIon District Hospital on Mandey, September 18, 2006. Wulcomed by lirsî-lime grand- parents Frank unI Linde Sembelîs anI Bryan anI Marilyn Merkley, n Aunts ciel Ihanks ta Dr. Cnet/o and Dr. Rajas/ng- hara, and 4he conderul nurses ait MDH, especiely Sue und Rensia. PEARSON -James and Rita aI Burling- Ion are pleased ta announce the birth ofl ihuir lirsI child, Josephine Graou, 7lbs 2oz et SI. Joseph's Mudical Centre in Hamilton on September 20, 2006. Proul adparenIs J/m and Gail Pearson of I iiA~ ETHEL RIDDELL Please loin Ethel and her famîfy for refreshments and cake at an Open House to celebrate her 85TH BIRTHDAY on Sunday October lst at NEW ADDRFSS: 81 MliRaide Dr, Milton from 2 - 5pm in the Party Room downstairs. Parking at top of ramp at back. S_ PRIVATE AU b 1

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