Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2006, p. 20

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r A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Sept Buins w -hu trip to New Mexico as a nieniber ol the Canadian National junior Fencing Team -jade Ryan and Ahlana McLeod, $ 1,000 each to cover travel costs for the international Dance Organization 2006 World Championships. Applications for the funding are reviewed by the Community Services Advisory Committee and staff. The Community Fund now has a balance of $204,070. ember 29, 2006 Groups receive siots cash oicIl apro moreîhan (harnpionshps e he e giniM ncp lt fH l ALTERNATE WATER SUPPLY TO THE TOWN OF MILTON CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Study Halton Region is initiating a Class fnvironimental Assessment (Class fA) Study for an alternate wate.............. H IIorao supply to the Town of Milton and the Halton HuIs Highway 401 Corridor (see map). Tht Town of Milton water sapply consista of a groundwater-based mvii system and a lake-based water supply fram Oaksille by way of a transmission main on Regional Road 25. The Halton Water and Wastewater Master Plan Resîew (2002) identified the need for improvements ta the Town of Multon's lake-based mater nuppiy aystem that miii address security of supply and service projected and approved growth. The Process The stsdy as being condscted in accoîdance wvith ,ne approved requiremenis of a Schedule 'B' o.roiect under the Municipal Class Environmental ,:,ssessment (lune 2000), vvhich is an approved ' process under the Ontaro Enaîronmental Figure 1 - Approximate Sîudy Limits buseasment Act. The Class LA procesu includes Dublic and review agency consultation, an evaluation of alternatives, ai 'wsessment of rhe potential k-nsironmental effects of the proposed improverreis and identification of reasonable measares to mitiqate arry adverse impacts that may renaît. The map aboae shows rhe approvin are limita of the study aiea. As part uf the Study, a Public Information Centre is planned for early 2007 ru prevent mhe proleci ru the public and government reviewv agencies for revîew and comment. Tht Public Information Centre wîll provide backgrosnd information on the study and the varîcus alternatives considered, încludîng a comparative analysis of those alternatives. Representatîves tram the Reqion and its consultant Earth Tech wîli be present at the Public Information Centre 10 answer questions and discauss the neot steps in the stady. Notification of the Public Information Centre wîlI be provîded ut the appropriate tîme by means of a sîmilar advertisement in this nemspaper. Upon completion, a Clans FA Report wilI be prepared ta document the planning process follomed, including conclusions and recommendations, and hom public snpot was receîved and considered. The Clans EA Report wiii be available for public reviem for a period of 30 calendar days. At that time, notification of tht review period and Clans FA Report locations wilI be made by means of a similar nemspaper notice and a letter mailed to those on the project contact lint. CoemfltL We are interested in any questions or camments you may have concernîng this project. Please contact eiher one of the following praîect team members if yau have any questions or camments, mish ta obtain more information on the praject, or if you mould like ta be added ta tht project mailing lis: Mr. Colin Baker, PR Eng infrastructure Planning Engineer Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 31-1 Tel: 905-825-6000 et. 7235 Fan: 905-825-8822 Email: colin. baker@haltan. ca This Notice firstiîssued an September 21, 2006. Mr. Kelly Walsh, P. Eng Project Manager Earth Tech Canada Inc. 80 King Street, 2nd Floor St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7G01 Tel: 905-688-4272 Fan: 905-688-5812 Emaîl: kelly.walsh@earthtech.ca Sanitary Sewer Main and Sewerage Forcemnain in Future Louis St. Laurent BIvd. from Approximately 420 metres East of Tremnaine Road (Regional Road 22) to Regional Road 25, Town of Milton Class Environmental Assessment To allom for tht mastemater (sanitary semage) servicing cf Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan lands and future Milton Phase 3 lands, tht Haltan Region la prapoaing ta canstruct a sanitary semer and aewerage foîcemaîn in future Louis St. Laurent Blvd. from approsimately 420 mettes East of Tremaîne Raad (Regianal oad 22) ta, Regional Raad 25. Subject ta tht ntcesaary appravals, tht pralecti s planned ta be completed in tht sprîng of 2007. Tht above project iv beîng planned under Schedule B cf tht Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Subîect ta commenta received as a resuit cf ibis notice, and tht receipt of neceasary approvals, tht Halion Region intenda ta proceed wiih tht design and construction cf ibis proîect. Tht proîect file documening tht Clans Envîrosmental Asseasment praceas iv available ai tht followîng location: Citlzen's Reference Library Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakvîlle, Ontario L6M 3Lt informr'ation related to ibis projc cis ai alunaalabe on Haion's vvebsite ai the lolIowinn addîess. www, ha Iton ca/purs water/Svvi Louis-St- Lau rent- EA lnierested parties shouid provîde wriiten commenta to HaIton on tht proposai within 30 caïendar days tram tht date cf tnîa notice. Commenta should he dîrected iv Mi. Laird Smt10 as noivo below. If concerna arise regaidinq thîs proîect which cannot be resolved in discussion with Halton, a persan or party may reqatat that tht Mînîster cf tht Lnvironment make an aider for tht projeci ta camply wîth Part Il cf tht Envîronmental Assesament Act (îeferred ta as a Part Il Order), mhîch addreasea indîvidual environment assesaments. Requesta muast be received by tht Minîster at tht address belom mithîn 30 calendar daya cf thîs notice. A capy cf thîs requvat must alsa be sent to tht Haltan Region. If there as no requent received by October 24, 2006, tht Sanitary Semer Main and Semerage Forcemain in Future Louis St. Laurent Blvd. milI proceed ta design and construction as presented in tht planning documentation Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue, lOth Floarr Toronto, ON M4V 1 P5 Mr. Laird Smith Project Manager Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Boad Oakville, ON L6ÏM 31 Tel: 905-825-6000 ext.7601 Toîl Fret: 1-866-4HAL'ON Fax: 905-825-8822 rr~6 Email: laird.smith@halton.ca This Notice îssued September 21, 2006. Flu clinics pushed back until mid-Nov, The Regîcîns flu clrnics won't start until mid-Novcsnbcr this year due to, a delay in vaccine production thats affecting many Canadian communities. The clinics will commence as soon as the vaccine is received. Halton encourages residents to check its Web site at wwwhalton.ca/flu for updates about the availability of the vaccine and flu clinic schedule information. The vaccination iv free for aIl residents of Ontario who are six months old and up. ln addition to the delay affecting bealth department cli- is, flu vaccines offered by physicians and local pharmacies will also, be held up as a resuît of the situation. Monday night. The money ts going to 10 Miltonians to assist with the costs of traveling to sports championships. Lt cornes fromn the Milton Community Fund, which was created so residents or groups can apply for money the Town receives from, Siots at Mohawk. Grants were approved for: *The Milton Marltn Swim Teamt, $2,499 for five swimmers and two coaches to, support travel expenses for the lunior National Swim 1. rfl o d ftýr( 0 f. 1I 0)p2ý00 I 6 H LON TY 0-2 83avvv.atr.c -1

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