The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 26, 2006 - 23 Caer Caos j U eea IHIp oraHeIpý ' ea ~ Hep 8 GnmIHep GomIaHIp eo IHeIp Ûate or~ andg ~ IPick Pack,3hifl1 large~~~~~~" muhdmnîoa w.uada.o Distribution company Alremlidmninlorganizafîon in the Food lndustry a seeking A Mvw.urincmi Waterdown. a Category Manager reporting f0 the Vice President of Marketing. Re- - ý-Requires heaoy lifttng sponsibilities wiII include ongoing product and category analysis the Unilock Ltd., the ieading manufacturer ut concrete Up f0i 80ibs & strict drîvng o ne prouctinitativs, arkeingstraegyconumerand paaing sonesaund refaining walio, ha an immedi- Are yo enedeîc andpeokfroan ootiaatyandir'onc? ant eal drvn fnwpoutiiitvs aktn taey osmrad are openîng for the pusitiun ut SERVICE CREW ai AeyuergtcndikngraapruittogwF/T- Monday-Friday trade promotions, and presentations for sales. You w/il analyze target aur Georgetown Head Office. Primary reapun- AtGada1iegsc auatr uit n niomnai red $tOa-t2Ih.0 aue markets and competitors. Promote eaisting products and be respon- oibiliieo include: preparîng sumplea for Te rrîtury ' tîbergiasbulignuato rdc.Wereoae nCutyRd12 sibe or rîingan grssproitanayss.Managera, preparing diopiayn for sows and deal- unbidn nuainpout.Weaeictdo nnyRa 2 on experence. siblefor ricig an grosi pofitanalsis.ers, puving otone installations, and generai building (Hîghcay 24.) 25 minuteu eust ut Guelph, 20 minutes nurfh ut Genrgetown and Fxrsm o As the ideal candidate you wilI have a Business degree or relafed mar- maintenance. snufh ut Orangeailie. 1 (905) 689-9108 keting eoperience in a food processing company. Strong knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point. Practical understanding of marketing research techniques and analy- sis. Ability f0 multi-task. This is a confracf position for 13 months with a possible full time opportanity af the end of the contract. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package along with the opportunity f0 work with a great team in a very ruwarding environment. Email resume ta: SPORT CHEK OPENING NOVEMBER 2006 NORTH BURLINGTON Now HiRING MANAGEMENT POSITIONS STORE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER AND DEPARTMENTr SALES MANAGERS, To APPLY, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR RESUME TO: DANA DEVEAU, REGtONAL RECRUITING MANAGER, DDEVEAU@FORZANI.COM OR FAX 905-946-5506 FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING OUR EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUN ITIES, PLEASE VISIT OUR CAREERS SECTION ON WWW.SPORTCH EKCA -hg. . . o p rt S O R C E Ifa chalunge and exicellent tumuetation motnnaies von thet dhis map bu the nob for anti Aducco is the iatt1ust Huan Runnorcus Solution Company in the Worid. tee are inokîng totoan oununîru, service and saales oriunted persan shosmîili mark in the Milton and Oakniie aruas ta promute Aducco's mono sutrices. non must hotu 2 veors enpenîence ta Ousside Soies tncindtng dirent connons caPh prospects ond clitunts Ooiorp $380eO ta saus»e Pins Excellent Commission Ifaon mornt ro be an important part of o soccesaint suom thua pluose emoîil vont resomu or cou todon. Tel: 905-Mt-5173 Ont Oukvilie client, a choiesoler on the leedîng udge nf internet tectnnlagp. sueksan uvfsîde Soles Represenonioe to Iota thuir feue. The saccessfai conidate miii hotu a minvîme oi tws peurs expurîence ta nuilivu e2e mare prospecta, ou must bu compietela cuefotoble cîith colt coliînu and hotu stunu cootomer service obitties. Tac ideai candidate miii bu enthusiastic and positive, mîth the ahtlit ta unercomu chtallenges. Musa bu profîcient mvit Word and Eocel. You miii bu cuntoctînu thu Entopean market and tfserutoru the hssrs are Sae-t atipe. tayonare inturuatud te ininu o prsgressive compony ct mono oppertunies thon pieuse amati vtiru tesome asap 10; c"dulneu@ademcec M 3 neiHep SUN HAVEN TANNING Requiren PT Fl SALES STAFF *Evthusstic *Wage & Commission -Suit mature datdent Burftngtan & Millon Locations Fax 905-319-5955 "KIOS ON TV!" Commuecala, Film, Vkdke, Serles & Pint- Rash Faces age 2 yrs- Sentors neitui immeit No feu's, No coumses. Top aguncy/Senous colis. We Make $ when you make$ .Cati No.., 416-221-3829 Nutemp Muchanicai Systees Lfd. has an opuning for ucpen- enceit pemson. Must hase diean drivers abatrant, knocfdgu ot GTA and excellenrt or- gacizabioerl asls Please cusit ww.umpuca for coaxpietu description unit ta applycor Fao: (905)338-6677 ers licence and hune experience in iandacaping, great communication and organizatîonal okillo and be cietail orientud. Uniock Ltd. offero a competitîne oaiary and excel- lent empioyue benefito. If pou are întereoted in a chailengîng punition, and purouing a career in a foot paced eauactarîng envîrnment, we'd lîke ta hear frnm you. Appiy in confidence cith rename tai Unilock Ltd. 287 Armstrong Avenue Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4X6 Attention: Human Resoorcua Non ioeiinpe, e uthank aiiappatnnts aut otiptînosu seleced mi e cntacte Wuv aoc hune an openîng in aur carehouau for soumone chuo ou slf-mofiaatud and enînva cark- îng in a faf paced enîrnmunt. The naîtablu candidate ciii cork cioaeiy cîth the Production De- partment as cuti au asniat in the day fa day tuncfiansofu the caruhousu and ohîppîng dupuri- ment. Expurience in inoentory cycle counting cnoid be an anaut. Pieute fax runumea taý 519-853-9494 Or mail: lobsqbçardmoreieatherau0rv EXPERIENCED Handyman (Man or Woman) Mat but able toi cor itC minimal supervision, Shouid hune eupenience cîth uny and ail house- hoiti repaira. This job ns a fall timu/part lime po- situa chich couid tara itt a fll rime positon for the rîght persan. Emal: or Fax:905-78-2083 PikSm hoveI éà uimimei ta $12 -14 per haur. IDnersaloente preerrhuI $15--$5upecass Reuiedpatimefor unchl Ihourand atlerohooprogamsin theGeoge * oco Miton are unte aue loulirg for outgoing * adovduals cho hane euperience ca king cith chilj drn uthune ocar, Fao unaumu 905-526-070 Emaii hum ItontaCosuesr@ GENERAL LABOURER POSITION AVAILABLE Full lime - Day Shift Stuc) Ennîiroamunt (Milton Location) Overhcud crune & forkih expenience an au- nef, but acf neoesaury. Competitinre cage. Fax resume to: 905-693-996 PETITEKEEPES cItaludi werken w1-go/hr F'LEA5E CALL 905-336-5455 $1000.00 NEW EMPLOYEE BONUS WORILD'S #1 TRAVEL CLUB ..Attractive . Dynamîc .Outgoing.. Requirea HOSTESSES Burtinton Pimentabo Travel Cehuer Evngo. Tua-Fnî, 4pm-tt1pm &Sat. 9am-6pm Cait: 905a68-3555 Fax: 90546314836 Emai: burtlngton.admin@ .' b mIYàV clneru~m PRODUCTION WORKER $14.43Aiour to atart increaatng to $1B.561htaar atter 6 montha (lus shift and ceekend premiama aneragîvo $.l2trour) POTENTIALTO EARN OYVER $49,000 AFTER 1 VEAR (more wtth oeterttme) tPîth aur 12-anar rutating shift schedaie, cork 15 shifts a eovfh chute enery other ceekend is a long ceekend. Wile offer competitive cilages, excellent bene- is, bajutesfinoentiaes, iearning opportunities and an RRSP/pensînn plan. Appiy ta the abute position in peroon any ar mai) pour rusumne cith refuruncu informa Human Resources, Guardian Fibel 300 Main Streft, Ern, ON NDE tTO Tuiephone: 519-83-9645 artail truc 1-800-f Fao: 519-833-9749 Email emdinc n0bp.garddsn.con JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$$ Wile are looking for ret abie, reupono ble Youths and Aduits For itoor fa door ta deliveries PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 miN DUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE MiiHAICrg REQUIRED Due ta expansin ce hune un immediafe openîng for a Miicrighf. The ideal candidate must posauns Ontario or Interproniricia certification us a miii- crîght and hune a minimum ut 3 peurs experience la a nranufacturing enoîruament. Suitabie appli- cunits nhud hune a guud corkîng knucledge ut hydraolîc and pnuumatîc cuntrolsaunit pooseas ex- collent rroubieahoufîng skîlis for PLC aufomateit cysteen.Thîs positin ciii require atrong electrical skîlls. Feliable transportatior la a muat and shift curk may bu requîred. vie offer cuepettîe cageo and a cumprehenoîne benehîts package. Appl in conhidence coth reaume toi Unifack Ltd. 287 Armatrong Avenue Georgetocn, Ontario L7G 406 Attentin: Plant Manager No phote cali please, weOlank aii avas ui uripOlhose selte ciib contacted Frue Training - Part-Time Hus Pterfect for retirees anit hsmemakers. I fyou hune a few hoars a day and enioy lthhe 11 mpny o cid.n, peaseotct s3a 905877-2251 or 905-877-4448 Training NOW for September FACETo FACE HIAMI LTOINIS fOB1 FAtIR Wedlnesday Sepember 27th 10DAM -5OOPM @ The Hamiftoe, Convention Centre 1 Summners Lane Free!! Water Damage Technician - Cleaner Rapidly grucînig reataratian contracter lookîvg for s Techniciuv, in Halton wiWater unit Firu Damage Reaturatiar eoperience. An excellent apportonity for aumeuve cigocit communicatiov otilis, and or- ganizatioal abilitieu. Expenience preterreit bot wili- îng ta train a pemsor cith the nighf attitude. Clean driver abattant requireit. Lookiug for someone cho likea woring an a qsality onuenteit cinning feam. Email resumie to, or Fax 905-333-9461 HERITAGE PLACE Independent Senior Reoidence F/T & P/T Dining Room Servers P/T Dishwasher Drap resume ta: 4151 Khlmer Dr. Buringlon Fan 905-31946349 A0nr Food & Oeverage Manager Our high profile Oakaille Travel Serviceo client has an immeitiate npening toroan expenencei Corpo- rate agent, fuît Ume & part time. Eucellent commu- nication, cuotomer service and arganizationa skilia neceosary. Srrong international enperiencu a must. Miouiaoauga on-aite apening for corporate agent, great hauro ! Jaîr a prateooîora progressive enairorment cîth attractive coepensation package! 328ai pe e:r oas u t 0ma i)rr. TRVLAfENT OPP:Jeff I HAKIM PTICA FS Il- COSULAT RE. eONS - Paiit cuely - No expenience nuceuaary -Ns lapsffsor srikuo -Rapitadancemeaf - Must have oca vehicie Local celi estabishet company ot heahth proitucts seeltu t5-20 peuple I ta t tmmeitiately, number ut positions tram caruhoasu f0 management. NO EXPIERIENCE NECESSARY FA5T.5IGNS Siga & turaphk: Sonunon Maode Simple. Sales Representive Juin our soles team unit take paur career ta the neot lenel. Reaponoîbiîfîeu inciode prabiem aoling and heipivg cusomers ta take nec nieca ut their oîgn and grsphîc relateit uppartunities. Prevîuus sales ait sîgr îrdaotry experierce nuf requtreit- ce train. A solit an-goivg base cith an upaîde ut $40K + 1;otential. Office Associate thîs time flexible position inasines suce N/R anit A/P's cutk sait some genersi aditmnistrative dattes Great caor unoîrsamenti Email your resume ta Call Mon & Tuesday 9am - 7pm only 905-573-1569 Bilingual Telemarketing Rep ville are currently seeking a proactive bi-lingual telernarketifig representative to work oui of our Burlington. Ontario, office. You trust be fluent in English & French (other languages are a bonus). Previous telephorie solicitation exp. also required. Our steel distribution business offers a comprehen- sive wage and benefits package. Please forward your resurne and covering jeter toi: Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. Attn: Helm Gilliam 1220 Hedtage Roar, Burlington ON L71L 4X9 Fax: (905) 319-4250,