22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 26, 2006 m liiis Deaths Ijj or as k 1cartierTraining o~r T rafinin AI, IFRgtIN C ade' RFqra( LIVE IN 1nann require d TR 1UC< Cap off r200 0 19 19 4 Mazd a 1 4000 * ']r-*h FWe& yOur saby,, Br~îfi Aînun6r in the Milon (anaidian Champion, ond you il recewe 0 voucher for wwWeePiggies.com 90ý5-5731 e 416-41 Cati 905-878-2341 f0 place your ssnsosrcemresf omn Events W coing Ettnts College and University Graduates Our special woiI run Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006 $59.00 + GST (pucture incl.) Deutdline is Friday Oct, 20f h at 4prni "No more than 40 words piese Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 Emailt ctuss ifed@ mnitoncunadiuncbampion.eom Foundation Thes Miflon District appreciaten anp ta Memoriam donations: 30 Derry Rd. E. Maiaso, Ontario L9T 2X5 on Thorvdap, Sept 2t, 20t06 at Alitondate Lon Term Cars Facility, Milton, ta hîn 93r year. Betoved hssband of the late Norma (nee Macinnon), cherished father of Barbara (Bruce Whitehead)/, .-s sur- vived by ntep-grandson Christopher Whitehead, and brother-la-tam Keith MacKianon (Anas). Predeceaned by his brother John (Jack). He wîil be fondly re- membered by his entended famity and many friends. Clade hadi a long and ac- tivs Ilite, enjoying many sports, including football, hockey, skiing and golf. A long- time member of the Ssmmerlea Golf club, he continssd to golf sal he wan atmost 80. During WWII he srved as Leutennt with the 2nd Canadtan lnfantry Divinion. He participalsd in many community ac- tîvitien throsghosl hîs tifs, inctsding as a Couaciîcir and lter Mayor of Hespeler (now part of Cambridge). Claude worked as comptrotler wilh Artea Wootlens, Hen- peler. and tater an Secrelary-Treassrer aI the head office (Satesil lad an Montreal satl iSm mrd-nevenliea. Osr speciat lhankn toi the staff at Allendate for the kindas and cars thsy nhowsd 10 Claude dsrrng these panl monlhn. As an expres- sion of sympalhy memoriat donations toi a chartty of yosr chorce woutd be apprecrat- ed. la ksepîng wrlh hîs wînhon. crematron han besa arrangsd wîth ratsrnmenl aI Mt. Pîsasant Cemstsry at a lter date. Faner- ai arrangements ontrusted ta J. Scott Eut- y Fanerai Home. 2f James St, Milton, Ont., 905-878-2669. Donations and con- dolences for the famrty may be teSt ontras ai wwwearlyfuneralhome.com. JONES: Edward A. (Ed) WWII, Lance CPL (Mi lltary Potlice) Psacefstty ut hîs home on Frrday, Sep- tember 22, 2006, Ed Jones 2 duys before hîs 9Oth. Betoved husband of Eiteen Jones for 61 years. Loving Father of At- tan (Heather) Jones and Pamela (Ken) Armstrong. Sadty missed by his grand- children Angela (Rob) Vangrootet, Kyle and Leigh. Survived by his great grand- children Tristes, Courtney, Tye and Quinni. Forever remembered by sisters Edîth and Doreen. Predeceased by hîs brothers Chartes, Bert and hîs sîster Alice. Heartfelt thanks tc0 Dr. Michael Git- bert, Red Cross, VON., Branch 136 Mit- ton legon and Community Cars of Hal- tr. ins were receîved uit the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME. 29 James Street, Milton, 905-878-2669 on Sunday, September 24th. A Funeral Ser- vice took place on Monday, September 251h from the FuseraI Home Chapel. Cremation followed. Interment ut Milton Eveegreen Cemetety uit a laler date. As expressions of sympathy donations to Mil- ton District Hospital Foundalion would be appreciated by the family. Online condo- lences may be made uit earfyfsnerathomne .com MCCULLOCH: I-ilde Peaoefslly, affer a courageous baffle with cancer aI the Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, os September 23, 2006, Hilda McCulloch at lhe age of 91. Dearly be- loved wife of fhe tate Wrlfred. Loving mother of Grant and hîs wife Fran, Keiltt and Sts wife Mary and Brenda and er hssband Dave McEvoy. Loved Grandma of Laura, Tsmmy. Brll, Tracy, Kathleen, Christine and James and prosd Great Grandmothsr of nias. A Mass oI Chris- lias Burral to 106e place Tsssday, 10:30 am from St. Fisher R.C. Chsrch 1300 Bai- moral Drive, Brampton). laterment As- somption Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society of the Peel Memorrat Hon- pitl Foundatios wosid be greatly appre- ciated by the famrly, Arrangements en- trusted 10 Ward Fuserai Home Brampton Chapet. 905-064-4315. Daycae STAY-AT-HOME CHILD CARE PRO- VIDERS REOUIREO for bsp, growang ta- cal dupcuee ugenicy in Milton. Cuti 416- 877-5344. www. fltondlapcure.cu USED highssd k iches cabinsots, crsum wul tamînats wrth nak trini, irnctsdisg contertop, $500. 905-878-0383. COLORADO BLUE & GREEN SPRUCE TREES Varros Srzeo Cuti 905-854-9969 or 905-299-9677 SMALL trîdgr nota. pipe TV stand. Al tuent ciller, Cai Frank 905- 876-401& Like Newl BEAUTIFUL paria woud ornue imported from lnetasd, Bsegusdp red enumei Uned ose wîsiter. paid 54000ý Aniring $2000 080 905-078-6227 DîNETTE set wiboffet. 4 capt. chairs, table wiestesion. nsry whmarcul, skp bise. $300. 905-893-0450. HOT Taub 2006, 6 seat- se, 5HP Mslsr, svery apgrude. waterflt, ozone, new stlli n wrappîng. Coat $9, 500. Sacrifice $4.,200. Cai 519-722-4077. A bargain! Bed, taoaey pri- lnwtnp mantrens, ban. spring, new strit sn wrap. Coat $1200. must seii $375. Cas deirer. 905- 923-r1434. A drsrsg room. cherry- wood, double pedestut lubie. 8 chaira, buffet, hstch. donetait cas- struction. New sOýit an boes. CosI $11000. Sacrfce $2800. 905- 567-9459. A King Pittnwtop Mut- tres Set. New in plus- lic. ConI $1800. ssii for $40. 905-567-9459. BED, Amahisg burgurs. qusen oethnpsdic gît- tnwtnp set, nes in plas- tic, wurrustp $200 905- 587-4042 wrtt detîner. BEDROON Cherry- wood, Bed, cheat, dresser. 2 nîghtntans Donstril Construction. Nener openso Coat $8.000. Sacrifice $t,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET t haneseve05t t1.000 yurds nf niew Star Master & 1W,0% npton cai pst. Wrtt do tiving rnam huit for $389. Inctaden a pst pad & intatlation (3 pards) Steve, 905-63' 8192 MOT Tub (Spa) Couer tuent pince, BonI quaily. shapen & coinars. Cati 866-585-0056 wwwthsconeeguy.ra MOT Tub/ Spa, 2001 mnodet. ail options, Cou se. Neyer used stîil ri wrappser Cant 58.900 Ssii $5.000. 905-567 4042. PIANO and bssch Kawar. Farnîtur, qsalrly nak, sprndtE lega. f owser-perlec condition. $250( 080 906-693-96 coindition. $400 ouo Cati 5f19-943-0708. POOL lubie, 4 1/2n s 9s rsgsulin snize. New feit, ose-inchl state, teulfier, pocksts, ait wood sn immauaate conditios. Isciades butts, racks, cus, cus hoider, rse, caner $3,000. Cuit Alles aI 905-483-7106. Thusk pas Normu J. Guida Ctuss DepI The Bramp- tas Guardias 905-454- 4344 Est. 248 TORONTO RupIne Li- cesse. Excellent pltiutsm sas, plus saus tic kets Wiii bsy fluck soe tickets if rsqsrred. Rsgur licesse prce as $20.'000,' pion tickets, open la tuent affer. 905-847-3168 Articls td BEST CahSPad Art China, Crypaa, Sitosa. Figurins, Royal Daultn, Swarouskî. Giava. Potterp, Etc. Estate Speciatrats, Tnp Cansh Cati duvet Tracy 90h 331-2477 PIANO tanisg specrai $75.00. anod piunos tram $500 Ou Phone The Piano Tuna 905- 873-f737, l ar or Sale 1998 Ptymauth Breeze. Auto. futty ioadsd. ontpy 99.000km, excetlent condition. Askrsg $3,800. Cuit 905-693- 1322, usk for Dune. 2005 Toyoa Echo Hatcflbucl, seas Irans- fer, payesent ontp $269imtfl 22K ontp, minI cosdition. 1999 Toyotu Tercet for suie, 95K, mrst condi- tiros, $6.500. 080. Cuti 416-525-4588. 1995 Saum 4-cytisder, utamuatrc, original parit. rebrilt engins. Cfleup on gus, 1.9L en- gins. Great for ara- dsnlPconortrng ta work. MusI tue seen. Must sti. $2,450o50. John 905-873-2562. good condition White bise isterior. New brakes, clutatu and tires. saclades winter tires as rims, bed tiser and del- lu totl boa.' E - testedPcertified. $3,995. Gruhum 416-520-1963. Georgetown. Vans, 4-11111111111 Drive 1994 Aerostar XL, 3.0Lm t45,OOOkms, air cosditrosisg, ps, pib, AMFMcssett e $1,200. Cuti 905-877- 8456. HALTON Hilis 6th Lise & rots Sideraad, star- age avaitubte. Wîll fit bouts, cors etc. Cuit 905-337-9769. Avable * Who has time ta, centhese dapo.. 1 do' t proarde ex- UceIttservice andl exjlltesrate. Cali Debbie ai Cleaoed by Debbie 905-854-8668. M ayperson EXPERIENCED Handp Mas for ati pour home resovatias seeds. Cati 4f16-726-082T Decoin ig INTERIOR painting dose ut reasosabte prises. Wdt do uniy room in yoar house sn- ctudisg csp- boards.doors etc. Cutt fot a fres estîmute. 878-8223. i-i 'in I to Ian mloyed r- Get LEADING EDGE career training sn POLICE FOUNDATIONS i or LAW& SECURITY OFFICER 4 Hugbson St Soultt, Sfh Fîssi HAMILTON 905.528.8972 55 Citit CosS Dne, Sufte 20t, ts FI MISSISSAUGA 905.949.4955 CALL TODAY! Ftacrs astarý a bs1000aiiu5e o ý Mm qu i I CAER~ SBIMR REAL ESIRTE If you are currentlp on course, recentlp lrrensedý coosidering a change tram pour Carrent turoker or tookîso for a new career pou owe ilta o rseit ta attend rOis semmrar. You Wl,, Finit Out About *Who should consider reai estate (and hoc should rot) *Provinciai ISlsnourse R oyal Let'age training persOual development and suppuor Ho6w rogtra quick stro Ho4w ta maaimrae pour ircomne Tho-My, Seol M81, 7.10on QUMB C011N11111 CH(TMl 10241 EM LUn (1.1w. ffl Ni1 I T*sail) Seatrng ru tîmîted cati n0W 10 reseeoe a Seat' Milto N06784101 - - CunçetMIe 96-8544101 ROYAL LEPAGE GeOriletllu 905477422 - - Acten 519453-M47 ~' ' ' Mlaslsauga 90642143200 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Consider a career as a professional cm z arm 8ntezs :rzz Canadian Sociéte Crîatný a sorleiitîfere no Catadian fearn cancer. Cancer canadienne Society du cancer n5tal r se roa andaielhe, fire carienîke it duppen. Let's Mlake Cancer History .loin zurthoain of dedtcaded raînatteero ardolff ta elp aus racO aur ,ais. Uit Manag£er Tns roleAwto osr OaknHe Unit is eH n ted for an indidualx-ho loves a challenge und tbn ves in an excifsng environmtert Yos are an organzed commameatlor mlto iv rends ta ce-ad te l'ai (anancil. scufi and volusteers in deliving fssdraising. ossreach and costasnmtv service activites. W0it several vear, of management expéence in a volanteer irrganaas ana o ani rrversee dailv irperasions. coordnae dae arrnsal bsdget and plaonng proceos. a.s sellas estalnlish anrd nauntaan professional relaboniiaps. Your nos- econdar% eduaun. preferuhin Basanes,. i: combmned vvndn seeral vears in HR management including sciaf sopetisios and motiv-tnon. 'on hure o soond laniuwledge of fiarancial managpement. and proves snccess in devetopiso and sapperrting a large ibase rf rolonteers. Fanrnart Aih the locail commnnaitv. and prrificiünc. an MS Office 2(ff0 Iord/-scelPPoerPointi are es-,ennui Oaa must have o valid dinver*s licence and access to a reliable v'ehacle. as-orne aravel mas ire reqoired We offer a compedoveusars. escellent besefun,. and an oppeirtamot tri contnibste to aur mission ia a greai worlanq enrirrameat. Tis position Mdl Ire oI interest an daose correnù aducmring an the mnd -tdt range Quahc-ed nera omoker, are ravt.ed tri vend dneiri revomi-s, hr (ktober 3, 2006, tri Regfionat Adaministratiorn Oakvýitle Unit. Central M est Regi on. Canadian Cancer Societi. 328.Mountamn Park Drive, Hiamilton, 0N%1,8V -LX2. Fax: 905-5--l'5. E-mai: Ilahaooce@ontario.eancer.ca. We doann ai apphcancs for dreir rateresi and adv-e doat mnlv thase selcccd fror an iernem xili te costactenl 'va phrone cals pIe-aur Thre Cenadian Cuarteer hvcted prnodeo equai opperrtunit, rit en;p/eatmnn and -encourageo appliîcationsfroni ai! qiuu/tJiedperopiun SALL G~me W (8111) te loving memory of ose Dad, mho înussed awup September 2-7. 2004ý ,7Cone are the dur« s me ssed ro share. Bat inoue heurts vas are almavrîthere. The gaîcsof memtorpill sevr clase. We misa pou mare tanu anvone knowr. Wiah t endier love and de ep regret, We who Irise vosr mill sevr forger Almuvo in ou ahoughian ud lutescr inou osaerts. Lore Duarii Diane, Debrbis, Davidî& Famili'u Miltopo Community Neunspaper Since 1860 sClaaOfied Phone: 905-875-3300 Claanified Fax: 905-876-2364 Ckiasfieul Email: dassificd@milconcanadianchampion.cnm à