52 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 22, 2006 ~GEORGETOWN~ S CUNEMAS ýt~5 GUELPH STREET 905-873-1999 OEVERYONE's HERO Daily 6:45 p.m. Sut. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. *THE PROTECTOR DaiIy 9:00p.m * JACKASS Il F8A DaiIy 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. St&un. 2:00Dm. o'PD MATERIAL GIRLS Duîly 6:45 p.m. Sut. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. *_ HOLLywooD LAND Cuarse Language Thîahr Pa,*In Availsaee aier Board's campaign set to begin Street festival l I11. I h. H i H u P Hr-. i h mi Sc i caipaign nIexit wcck. also participauîc i the rclay. Monday ai 8:30 a.m., a school- Last year the board raiscd more tbemed rclay will be bcld at than $ 108,000 in the campaîgn. This Burlington's M.M. Robinson Higb year's goal is to surpass that ainount. Scbool followed by a pancake break- Eacb scbool and work location fast witb guesi speakers in the cafete- wiîbin the i-lton board bas a volun- nia. The relay will include studenîs, teer United Way representative wbo teacbers, administrators and the organizes events to raise funds during board's senior administrative staff the annual campaign. Sizzling event to kick off tomorrow t ookîng for a bit of sizzle to combat Admission costs $15 per adult, those end-of-summer blues? wbîcb includes fond and drink. al Tnmorrnw [rom 1:30 to 4:30 n.m. -,~, - -i eunna ize -iijLmii upstairs at The Olde Dickens restau- ineCnba ziaCria- rant on Mill Street, a kick-off party for tbemed dinner and dance, will be beld the Caribbean Sizzle fundraising event june 16 to raise money for a CT scan- will be held. ner for Milton Distnict Hospital. on lieracy Sun. Celebrating literacy is wbat an upcomlng street [estival is ail about. The I 7th annuai The Word on the Street festival takes place Sunday on Queen Street in Toronto from il arn. to 6 p.m. and will include childrens entertainment, performanc- es by Canadian musicians and readings by authors. " (The festival) celebrates reading, promotes Canadian books and bighhights the importance of literacy skills," said Alex Moorshead, director of The Word on the Street. More than 20,000 adults and cbildren attend the lire event each year. The exhibitor marketplace will provide a wide selection of Canadian books, magazines and more for kids of ail ages. Teens who enjoy watching Degrassi: The Next Generation might be interested in the launcb of the new comic book, Degrassi: Extra Credit, at the festival. Cast members wiil be on band for a discussion panel and to sign autograpbs. Also included will be a fashion show for teens and more. For additional information, vîsît www.tbewordon- A story about tbe Milton Eall Fair in Tuesdays paper contained an error due to incorrect information ibat was provided to The Champion. The article stated a special discounted admission for seniors of $4 would be in place Saturday, but the dis- counted admission Àill actually apply on Friday. fi f