Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 2006, p. 19

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The Canadien Champion, Tueeday September 19, 2006 - 19 Blith BIrhs nlgEveb Ig Evmns ngEvuns Cntn EvftW Cdo lThanksMC ~ofThanks FAY -Jim and Ailson and big sîster Av& of Milton are thrilled ta announoe the birth af their daughter Jules Elizabeth weighing 7lbs i oz at Milton District Hospi- tai on September 12, 2006 at 5:37am. Welcomed by proud grandiparents Herb and Cathy Martin, Gave and Lisa Fay, and Joanne Robinson, as well as Aunt Jenn, Aunt Stephanie, Uncte Greg and Uncle Scott. Thanks ta Dr. Hunter and ail the nurses at Milton District Hospital. CorlIIEuent Cora g Eveif You are nved to a Series oGospel Meetings Friday, Saturday & Sunday for 4 weeks Starting the weekend o September 22-24, 20 06 (Wttl include some mid-week meetngs) 7pm Start Hugh Foster Hall 43 Brown Street (next to City Hall) Please join us! o 0 ~ o: PSYCHIC FAIR Sau Sept 28 - Noon - Opm Sun.l Sept 24 - Noon - lpm lnternationally known Psychics, Auras, q Palmisis, Tarot Cards, Spiritual Communication, Crystal BaIl, Runes, Numerology Lectures and MUCH MORE. Admission - 84,00 HOUDAY INN EXPRESS 2750 - PflET M., MMG 905-879-495 For more into. please cail Mystical Visions 415-920-4193. Sponsored by the International Psychic Society Chuchmacfs, Sohi DIejt' Deeths W FOrSle With grisai sorroc the famîiy announces OTu2088set me est aiSopas t ha iNoe Dstrct LOOMIS, Yvone (1160: DeCerck), Ai St. se 5HP Motor, avary Hospital on Friday, Septembar 15th 2006. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, ai Kitchener upgrade, watarfal, I Belovad cife and beet friand ai Terry formerly rot Wstarford, in hec 77th yaar. ozone, nec stili hn Chuchmach of Milton. Lovirig mother of Belovad wda af the laie Neuf Loomis. Lov- crapping. Cont $9, Jason and hie cife Dabbie and Nicole.' ing mother of Gsrry (& Catherine) An- 5oo. Sacrifice $4,200. Loving Baba of Cola. Dear steter of Ber- 1dress, Mores (& Charlbe) Reed, Manice (& Caîl 519-722-4077 bara and her husband Marcel DiGeova and their chiidren Natalie and her hue- band Jim and Michael. Famiiy and frienda visited at the McKersîe-Koch- er Funeral Home 114 Main St. Miftion 905- 878-4452 on Sunday The tuneral Mass mcas ceiebrated et S t. Demetrius Ukrai- nien Cathalic Church 135 LaRose Ave. Etobicoke on Monday, September 1 Bih 2006. Intermrent foltowed et Glandais Me- mariai Gardons in Etobicake. If desired, memarial donations ta the Canadien Cen- cer Society would be appreciated by the family. Lattera ai condolence may be lefit for the famify et www.mclcersie-kadher.ca *We are pMou of you Mum you fought th. fight of your llfe' LESLIE, Adela - Peacefufiy on Friday September 15, 2006 ai Credit Valley Hos- piai with her falmily by her side. Belaved wife af Daug Leslie. Loving mather af Carol (Gard) Hickman, Darfene (Jiar) Beech, Don <Brenda) Leslie, Scott (Kamhy Cann) Leslie and Todd (Maureen) Leslie. Grandarather ta Gerry, Brad (Shannon), Denise (Brian) Hickmas, James Beech, Veronica, Gillian (Adam), Nicole, Sean (Barbî, Dans, Keri, Kevin and Donna Les- lie. Great Grandima ta Emma Jane Hicir- man. Survived by hec sister Jeanette Tai- lyn and predeceased by her bramher Son- ny Hall. Friende wiii be received ai the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 an Manday September 18, 2006 froar 2:00 - 4:00 & 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. and on Tuesday tram 10:00 a.m. until the time ai the Fa- nerai Service ire the clapai ai 11:00 a.m. Reception la 10110w. Intermeni will take place in Buriingtan Memorial Gardens. In lieu ai ilaors, donations ta the Cred il Valley Hospital Foandalion Cancer Cen- tre. or the Canadian Cancer Society wouiri be appreciated. Donations and condolences may be leh anlime uit www earlytuneralhame.coar SÀ o 2T15PtRIî Philip) Shaiay. Cherished Grsndma af Ryan, Robyn (il Nate); Jennifar (& An- dre), Chris; Joshus, Nattraniel, & Sabrina. Dear sister af Yolande (& Vern) Mais. Friends and tamii were received Sunday avening ai the UHMPSON-MOTT FU- NERAL HOME, Waterford. Funeral ser- vice cas heid in the chapel Monday ai llam. Fr. Jim Dunne officiatad. Inter- ment ai Our Lady af LaSailette Roman Cathoiic Cemetery. As expressions af sympathy the famiiy wouid appreciate do- nations ta tihe Pauiineon's Society. SCHRMITZ, Kart - Pescafuiy at Mihton Dis- trict Hospital an Monday Septembar 18, 2006 in hie 72nd year. Husband ai Friede and father of Peter and hie ifie Pisie and Christine and her husband Rab Heagle. Opa ta Kyle, Kistapher, and Kurt Sctmhz and Rachel arnd Keira Heagie. Brailler af Crystat Spelimink ai Germany. Friends ciii be received at the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Wadnesday Septem- ber 20, 2006 frram 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Funer- ai Service ta be heid in the chapel an Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Interment, Ever- gteen Cemetery. In lieu ai flowers, dona- tions ta the Diabetes Association or the Kidney foundation wauid be appreciated. Donations and condaiences may be lef anine ai www.eadtyfuneralhome.com. J. 'OTT-RJRy i M oriam InMema A i Ire Memoriam donations to The Willoc 185 Ontario St S Foundatioe Mdiovv ON L9T 2M4 are truiy apprecisted. 905-070 4141 e s to place your ad in Prt Ca-na-b*n c4anipion cail 905.878.2341, A dising roam, cherry- coari, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet. halch, davetail con- struction. New st11 sn boxsn. Cast $11000. Sacrifice $2800. 905- 567-9459. A King Piliactap Mat- trans Set. New in plas- tic. Cant $1800. salI for $450. 905-587-9459. SEO, Amazrng bargain, qosen orthopedic pii- laciop set, 55w in plan- Oc, wacraity $250 905- 57-4042 wîll deliver. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, Sari, chant, dresser. 2 vightstasds. Dovetail Construction. Mener opaneri Cool $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET I have sevecai 1,000 yards ai sec Stase Master & 1009/ nylon car- pet. thilI do livng ront & hall fac $389. Indludes car- pst, pari & installation (30 yards) Stsve, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers best prie, est qaity. AIl shapes & caloues. CutI 1- 866-585-0056 cw hiecovvcgay.Ca HOT Tub/ Spa: 2006 mariai, aIl optiones. Cov- er. Nover aseol stili In cruppor. Cost $8.900. Soit $5,000. 905-587- 4042ý TORONTO Ruptor Li- cerse. Excellent piutînum seuts, plus sousor tickets Wîll boy lacs sosse tickets if coqaîcrid Rvguau lircese peice is S20,000. plus tickets, open ta best ofler. 905-847-318 BEST Cs$h$ Psid- Art, Antiques, Coilectibles, China, Crystal, Siuver, Figurines, Royal Doufton, Swarovski, Glass, Fossery, Etc, Estate Specialisis, Top Cash. Cal John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 BRAmIS Shodhair/ SeHeas Res as. Two 7yrold tarniais cets, ires, tai gond home. May ba happer sep- aralld. CaR 905878-7255. PUPS for ale. Golden Retriever. Pag X, Cockapoo, Beagle X, Pods, Sheltie, Gaidie- Pao, Wheatev Poo, Pue, Lhasa Pao, Mini Schnauzer. Firsi nee-dies, val chadrsed, d-wlonmed, fiea treted. Ruffins Pet Centra 905-875-0475. PUPPIES Laving famiiy pet han pars brari mini dachniiund pappies toc nais. 905-878-0990. k« l aefining 0 -arofr Sale 2005 Ford Mustang ST Convertible, iully iosded, every option, dans bise extenior, black leather isterior. Tinted i cadows, shaker 1000, ainter stored, rani checked, 33,oooiirms. Askisg $31,000. CaO 416-553- 9502. 1996 Black Ford Rang- er Spart euth customr capistandard 5 speeri/sir, 170,001 Km, cel maintaineri, excel- lent condition, cee- Chfable. $8,000 Oeil 905-337-1929 after p ctenergc ceinn 11E !!> /he fu ï vc ,Vt ,cc friends & lsouly for your kind expressuons or Z - ëdrn he losa of our dear bsssbaod, sd'rn ather and adoring pappa. Many thans for the flossers, sards, c rtal dona- tions and food. We cao neyer express our ap- preciation for the love, caeiog and surppore that we bave received duriug this incredibly diltico r rime. Our speciai ttsaoks to Reveeod Gerry Hofstertee for such a perfect service, to Jamie aod Rebecca of J. Scott Eaeiy Fanerai Home foc your guidance wben we weee ai our wocst, mo Cheis Hareis foe the loveiy lunch, and toi D. Kozlowssi and the phenomenai nurses at Mil- ton District Hospital for the excellent care Tom received in bis iast boues. Wr are so very p coud of this true gentleman wbo demonstrated sucb inccedibie srengttt, car- ing aid compassion ro others aid, rigbt toi the very end, did tbings on bus rerms, Always, Pqp Pazm, Megan ansdMati 1s SEKRS ATD 1v,, EMfPtLWMENT RE»OMRCto ctu~ huagàmo 860 Harrltoe Court 90o__ý-m - 140 Geupe(su 184 Gueep Slxee 905-702-7322. Ext 209 IUke550 Oesono SL Souih. #203 (SOUtView PO2O) 905-693-8458& E*L io7 O&t*sMe 465 Morden Ad., #bo9 905-845-1157 6,0. 121 For more Information, please callyour nearest Employmerit Resource Centre or visît www. ttiecen tre. on. ca. TheCentrle (>ê#" SkillaDeveIopment & Tralnlng This projact la funded by thse Government of Canaa 1997 Dorige Caravan, Pieuse cuit 416-997- 6328 foc more detaîls. lm torgeSpace I4ALTON HuIs 6th Lins & lOth Sideroad, star- age ansilable. Will fil boas, cars etc. Cail 905-337-9769. M iPrm Help HORSE Pan sn Mitas ix loaking for s part- time staff. Esperience ast asset. Oeil for de- tains 905-693-1657. Who has Ume ta dlean thee days.. 1dol i pravie ex- *cellent service a]ri * CaU Dettie ai CI.n.d by DM"til 90"-54-8668. M apemon EXPERIENCED Hsndy Man for ail your home renovatian seeds. Oeil 416-726-0827. 111 anir rining Free Career Seminar For: APPRENTICESHI1P IN THE TRADES Thesday September 19, 6:OO-7:OOpm Cali the YMCA in Burlington@905-681-1140 i

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