Candidate Nelson Iooking to give back to community By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A positive approach and teamwork is what local resident Greg Nelson says town council needs. Now he plans bo bring that ideal to the table if electcd as a Ward 1 councillor in this fails municipal election. He's going up against politi- cal newcomers Mike Cluett and Eugene Cummins and long- time incumbents Brian Penman and Rick Day for the job. Nelson, who also ran in the 2003 municipal election, offered a simple explanation as to why he bas decided to put his name forward again. 1I moved to Milton five years ago and l've enjuyed buw the town bas taken me in," be said. 1 just really want to give back to tbe town." He acknowledged that some people may focus on the fact be ran unsuccessfully last time, but deemed tbat way of thinkmng as one that overlooks tbe big pic- ture. '1 was able to meet so many people," he pointed out. 1 was really encouraged by the amount of positive feedback 1 received." N eson aI1r e ad y laid out a long list of things he would4 like to a c c o m - plisb i f elected, sucb as Greg Nelson encouragtng the development of infrastructure at a more realistic pace to keep up wtth planned growtb. "We have expenienced unprecedented growtb during the last few years," he noted. "This concerns me and many of our residents." He empbasized that infra- structure iso't just limited to roads, but rather includes "leverything that makes up soci- ety ' Making sure new residents feel welcome in town is also one of Nelsons priorities, along with promoting what the town has to offer. -l want to encourage people to find everytbing tbey need in Milton," he said. -You don't need to leave towo to shop." Protecting and developing the arts communitv is some- thing else Nelson deemed cru- cial. "The arts community bas so mucb to offer. We need to make sure its tbriving," he said. On the budget front, Nelson said its important for taxes to properly reflect the growing population base. Other key initiatives in Nelsoii's platfuruî arc to havc a bullying and barassment in pub- lic places bylaw implemented, youtb services established and increased and roadway develop- ment improved tbrough things like proper timing of traffic ligbts. Nelson is the manager of a service department at a car deal- ership in Mississauga. I-e recently got married to his wife, Sonia. Over the past fîve years he bas volunteered on many local committees and groups, includ- ing the Milton Community Policing Committee, The Deck Youth Centre steering commit- tee and Arts Milton. lie can be reached at (905) 875-3663 or Melanie Hennesscyv can bc icaclied at thennesscey@amiltton- canadianchampon)?.ComI. The Canadian Champion, Frnday, September 15, 2006 -A9 100 Niplauing Road, Unit #6, Milton, Ont"rl 905-878-7771 Opening October 2nd, 2006 WePlayChildren's Centre tales an invaive approach to children's prgtmming. Our programs have been devised to belp cehidren fnx brt to five years of age develop physically, cognitively and emotionally 1nainerons will, soar and chidrcn will triumph at Wèe Play Chiklaen's Centre, the ulftmate in exercis and play arem.a " 10 week long theme based, age appropi.ite, parent/child prograss " Emphlaia on physical activity anid edc tidough music, dance, relays, crafts ansdgamica " Designd by board certifled educatoes * Rolling registration " Special Prograsus: Paoent's Night Out, Open Nly, *Unique Soft Play equipsuent Joui us October 2nd tbrough 9tIi for complimet&ry Open Piay Session from 9:00am - 3Opn Registration is now open on-lime aI Register befoe Octobe 9th and receive our 10% early bird dbscout. r - Î- 1Mý Àdý1,