AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 OPINION Off to the races Milton1. fate for the ncxt four x cars wili bc in your hands November 13. On that day, rcgistcred voters xviii decide who xviii bc thc nil mavor and whio wiil represent Miltons four wards at Town Hall and Halton Rcgion. Milton voters xviii also hielp decide who xviii fol- iow long-time Regionai ChairJoyce Savoline, who's stepping down after hcer termn expires tis [ail. Finally, local electors will be asked to select schooi trustees who make important decîsions about education in Halton's pub- lic and Cathoiic schoois. XVhile some of the can- didates aiready registered likely started campaigning months ago, the end of summer bas traditionaliy signalled a sort of unoffi- ciai kickstart 10 thc rcaily serions campaigning. It also mecans there's iess than a nmonth for unregistcrcd candcidatcs 10 filc thcir nomiînations. Scptcmbcr 29 is the dcadiinc. So far îwo candidates want le0 bc mayor - veter- an Mayor Gord Krantz and newcomer Gerrv Marsh. At Haiton Region, the region- ai chair's position has so far attractcd two candidates, former Halton MP Gary Carr and Burlington's Robert Plaschka. In ail of Multons wards, incumbents arc being chai- ienged. And new faces have entered the race, as have some familiar ones who weren't successfui at the polis previously See the Town's list of registered candidates at Readers Wri«te Send your lettres ro multoned@haltonssarch.oem or drop themn off at 875 Main St E. We need to stand up and speak out for better health-care service DEAR EDITOR: This letter is in response to Champion editor Karen Miceli's recent column entitled 'Please someone step up and improve our health carie'. i was sorry to hear about Miceli's expenience in the hospital. She shouid know that given the underfunding of hospital services across the GTA and 905 ares code, shes not alonte. The GTA/905 Heaithcare Alliance - which has no affiliation wlth hospitals across the GTA and 905 regions - has stepped up 10 the plate and is working hard to bring better hospital care close to home to the more ihan three million res- idents living in Milton and other GTA/905 comn- munities in Durham, Halton. Peel and York. There are many things growing in the GTA/905: eThe population is growing at more than twlce the raie of growth of the province. Each year, the GTA/905 accounits for more than haif the population growth in Ontanio. These regions grow by more than 100,000 residents each year. That's like plunking down the city of Kingston int the GTAI905 each and every year. a The taxes GTAI9O5 residents pay each year are growing. Already somne studies show thai GTA/905 residents pay out billions of dollars more each year relative 10 the services ihey receive. And now, as a resuit of the Provincial Heslth Care Tax, GTA/905 residents are paying an additîonal $570 million in taxes. a The gap in funding for heaith-care services in the GTA/905 is also growing. Sînce 2003, thc per capita funding for hospital services in the GTA/905 bas falien further below the provincial level of per capita funding. In 2003, per capita funding for hospitail care in the GTA/905 was $146 below the provincial average, and as of today is $182 helow This translates into an annual funding gap for hospital services in the GTA/905 that has grown [rom $54 million in 2003 to $759 million today As a resuit, GTAI905 resîdenis are waiting longer than other Ontarians for certain health- care services, are fair more likely than other Ontarians to have toi leave their own communi- lies to gel hospital care and have rates of access to hospital care that are lower than Northern Ontario. To fix this problem, tbc Alliance - on behaif of GTA/905 residents - ia actively caliing for the governmrrent of Ontario to do three things: a Provide immediate growth funding to high- growth hospitals (until popuiation-based fund- ing is fuliy in place). - Ailocate heaith-care funding to Local Heaiîh integration Networks (LHiNs) on the basis of population size, characteristics and growrh. *Deveiop a heaiîh-care strategy for Ontarios high-growth regions to complemneni Places to Grow Whîie the Alliance is sîepping up to ihe plate to gel action, we need GTA/905 residents to step up with us and raise their voices. To fix ihis problem and gel change. CeTA/905 residenis need to be heard. GTA/905 residents need to contact their MPPs, the Mini.ster of Health and Long-Termi Care, the Minîster of Finance and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. 1 encourage your readers t0 vîsit us ai 10 gel more information and 10 fînd a convenient way 10 contact iheir MPP By raisîng our voices, we cani get this problem fixed and help make sure no one cisc goes ihrough the experience Mîceli wenî through. TARIQ ASMI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR GTAI9O5 HEALTHCARE ALUANCE picku after your dào DEAR EDITOR: rd like to, raise an issue that i know fa very much in the mlnds of Milton residents. It periains toi pets, apecificaliy dogs, ai thse Fariner Market on Saturdays. F'm referrng t0 those pet owners who allow ther dogs lt defecate lm thse iddle of the mnarket and refuse toi pick up after thein. La Saturday 1 was one of the u-nfortune shoppers who lnadvertently stepped on dog excerment on the street. i behieve that amy responsible pet owner would appreciate that this isnb simply a malter of esthetics but a matter of public heakh. Let me give you an example. Shorbly after stepping on the dog excremenit, 1 saw a smail child ait by the curb and put down bis back bacon sandwich next toi hlm. His par- ents, mot kmowimg amy better, simpiy picked up the sandwich, wiped il and gave il back to the kid. Can you sie my point? While rm nmot asking for pets toi be bamned frmn the market, i would like 10 ask the Town or the Region 10, post bylaw enfoitement officers or heslh inspectors ait the market and severely finie those irresponsibie pet owners who refuse to pick up after their pets. Their actions are ruining what bas become a regular family outing for US. MAURICE RIVAS MILTON ~lEbr Qanabian QElampion Mi to orin lny Nf paper Sinc 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Ciassified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miü Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publiaher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager mrm Colas Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tari Casas The Canadian Champion, published eveef Tuesday and Fnday al i75 Main Si. FMilton, Onl, [91 3Z3, i n of the Meüoland Prnîîng, Pubiî6ing & Sîsüibuting [Id. colImuniIf nespapes. Advenising is aîceped on the condition that, in the eoent of a typographlica ensc tilat portion of the adver tising space ocîopîed [y the enonenon item, toqethef with a 'IeaIcIlable allowaIIIe for signature, all not be charged lot ^ot ahe balance of the adonertsemen wil [e paîd for aI the applicablle rale, The publsher eoerves te right lo calegorze advieenns or deilîne. CCAB Audited ilecognizrd for excellence by '& Ocn Newspaperssociation C NA Canadian Communily Nwpper Asoiation Sh~ Suburban Newspapers mm of Ameensa The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: Jingle tell Funid UNITED WAV 0F MILTON TV AUCTION CANAD[A DAC MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYCA Showcase Ms ~Aards TIn, oak'illi, Miliffl ilton