Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 23

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son)- pussed uway ai her home in Oak- ville with famity et hec side Monday atter- noon, August 21st, 2006. Loving mother ot Brian, Susan, Darcy and adoring Nana 10 Andrew, Shae and Mariow. Will be sorely missed by former husband and life long confidani, Peter K. McWiiiiams, O.C. Daughter of Harold and ivy (nee Joyes) Aibertuon. Her mother was a war brde from Bernes Green, Surrey, U.K. Her father served in the WWI Canadiani espe- ditionary force. In death, Frances joins her parents and four of ber six sibtings. She is survived by ber sister, Ruby Bar- ber, and brother, Berkley. Frances is a prime esample of wvat Robertson Davies wroie, 'is bred in tbe bone witl out in the ftesh". Her quatities s0 much admired shne inherited irom ber ancestors. Hec love of travel and ability f0 chart uncertain waters were inherited from ber forefather, Nichotas Aibertson, who it hbis two brothers saiied their own boat from An- sterdam acrose the Atlantic Ocean to New Jersey in 1723. Her ioyaity to famiiy and friends mas endowed by ber Loyatist foretather vil came to, Canada abter the American Revotution to settie in the Township of Trafalgar (nom Oakviile) in 1800's where ber ancestors remained for more iban 150 years and where Frances set up ber home and raised ber faniiy. Her bravecy and courage in battiing can- cer continued the spirit of ber ancestor vil iougbi aiong site Generai Brock at Queenston Heigbts in the War of 1812 and lika ibat Cenadian bero she too vills feiled. Hec flare and sense oi drama In tife came by ber forefaiber who ted the raid and set the Rebet sbip, tbe Caroline, afiame bc crash oser Niagara Faits in tbe Rebeilion of 1837. Frances' pioneering spirit, zest for life and vry humour miii be remembered by ail wbo knew ber. Hie, Memoriat Service witi be beld ait Munnas United Church on 9 Dundas St. Est ai 6ib Line in Oakvitle on Tbursday, Sep- tember i 4tb, 2006 ai 1 p.m. wiib recep- tion to iollow. MORTON: MarI ene Anne (noe Parchemn) Peacefuity on Sunday, Seplember 10, 2006 ai the Milton District Hospital, Mac- lente Morion in ber 701h year. Betoved ite of the taie Harold George Morton ofi Homby. Dear mother 0f Lîsa (Ron) Pen- ninglon of Teesmater, Wayne of Milton and Dave (Cindy) Morton of Campbell- sie. Loving grandmother of Aaron, Wes- ley, Kyte and Melissa Penningion and Victoria Morton. Sadty missed by ber long lime Failtut friend Butl Shaw. Sister of the tale Shirley (Pete) tngteharl of Bur- tington and the talte Larry Parchemn of Brit- ish Columbia. Predeceased by ber par- ents Motty and Adotpb Parchem of Camp- betivîie. Famity and friends viii be ce- ceived eit the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNER- AL HOME, 21 James Street, Milton, 905- 878-266g on Tuesday, Seplember 1 2th fron 7-g PM and on Wednesday Septem- ber 131h from 10 AM untit the lime ofi the Funeret Service et il AM from the Funer- ai Home Chepet. Cremation tofa 1l1w. In- terment et St. John's Anglican Church Cemetery in Campbefviîte aI a lter date. As expressions of sympalhy donations f0 a cherily of your choice woutd b. greatty apprecialed by the famity. Ont me condo- lencea may be made ai esclyfunerat- home.comn M olMmam IPéo* Memoam Th Million Distrnct Sappreciatea any In Memnortam donations: 30 Oenr Rd. E. Milton, Ontanio Foundellon IL9T 2X5 iPé*e a eoram ~E iMeram Wr woutd tike ru, tIsants ue faumily, frends andi neigtsbours for tbe beautiful tiowers, andi carde, yeue caeing morde aud att yeue love and support fottowing tihe tees of eue Lyon. Wr woutdalse tike ru enreusi a speciat tsants you ce Attendate, tise Community Cure Accese Centre, Hamsiton Generat Huespital, McKersie-Kocher Funerat Hume, Hoiy Rosary Catsotic Ctsurcts and Mit- con Evergren Cemnetery foc your tind assis- rance, compassion and sympathy. Youe tisougtfutne li appeeciatesi andi wit1 atways be termembred. The &bifiiaaiF-i4 The Canadien Champion, Tuesdey Seplembier 12, 2006 - 23 Caol ofThanks Crdo Tlhank Cearsfriae f Hnversonj -crescnir aal 1994 H,tiiiî A,,ord EXPFRIENCFD H;ir,,!yti.. rr t' Il, cxeod a lcrtesîit thankese toIeug. Judy andi oboý 315,OOOkms, as is. runovation couýds.ýG1 t,,oIji andIFI I itAVAt,. Services le over 1 Million si ff I Mc-,-,,,e îcher- -uerai Home for Cati 905-702-0393. 416e726-0827. energy customers in the Ontario Market tbeir care and comcpassions during eue loss, anJ a specialt haniks ce Rev. Shawn Croit for a beau- tiful service. Herse SuppliesI & Boadinj BROOKVILLE Eqeine Centre. Large privete tacîlity bas stale aveilable. Large indoor arene, sentI ring, uset- lent care. Reasonabte rates. Cati 905-854- 5573 or visit btp:/Ibrookvilleequine. tnipod.con ale OVEN for sale - pur- chased in 2004 toc $1000. A Whiripooi Suit Cieanîng Eluciric Oses vil flash Ceres cooktop. white, clean andI morks tîku ne. Asking $850. 080. Please inqeiru et 905- 901-3195 (Milton) A dining roon, cherry- mood, double pudustai lubie, 8 chaire, bcut, SaleS. duvetait consetruc- tion. New euhl in boues. Cost $11000. Sacrifice 52800ý 905-587-9459. A King Piliowtoy Mal- trees Set. New in plas- tic. Cosi $1800ou suit Toc $450ý 905-587-945 aED, Amuuîng burgaîn, quen erthopudie pîl- towlop set 'new in plas- tic,' warranty $250 905- 587-4042 miii dutîner. BEOROOM Cherr- wood, ButI, chesi. dresser. 2 nightstands. Donulaît Construction Neyer opunud Coel $8.000. Sacrificu $1,900. 905-587-4042 CARPET i hane sucera 1000 yards et ne Staîn MÀaster & 100% nylon car- pet. Wttl do living rsom & hait toc $389. Inctudes car- pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Conurs busc pnie, Busc quaiity. AIl ebepus & colours. Cati t 888-585-0058 ewwvv.theconurguy cru HOT Tub/ Spa; 2006 modal, ail optons, Coner. Neyer esed stitli n wvrap- pur. Coul $8.900. Seti $5.000. 905-587-4042. W Casfor Sale Like Newi HOT Tub - 4 purson Soit tub. 5 jts. Euoel- unI Condicion, baruly ued. Oark Green. Compieely portable. Comus milb ait chumi- cals. $1400 OBO. Cai 905-875-1305. KITCHEN cabinet, Euro- puan cruam and oek design. 20 yeare old, In vecy gond condition. Inciodes stand, duos, panlry and c a b i n ea t s. 00e renoue you pick up. $2000 O.B.O 519-853- 3667 TORONTO Rapior Li- cunse. Eucellent piatînun seuls, pies season tickets. Wiit buy baek some tickets il requîrud. Ruguier lîcunsu pnie te $20,000, plus tickets, open te bel oSfer. 905-847-318 M McWa aed BEST CaShS Paîd- Art. Antiqiues Coiiuctilîbiu China, Crystai. Sîlver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Searoveki, Glass, Poguery, Etc. Estatu Spucielîste, Top Cash. Caii John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 M -af fr Sale 1974 Ford Gran Tonino Sport: A must se, Starsky and Heltcb Model Gran Tornu. Vi- pur ced in cuise milS white stipe, ceo yuar oid peint lob, milS El- debrock Manifold, Cern CarS, Rocker (Devers, 351 C Engîvu rebuill Ilt tow km, hacdty denven. C-e Tcauny ru- built mIl Sh5t Kit vil- lu. More 10 lst, asking $15,000.00 Fira, mivi betoe whal car s worch, uerious inquiries onty pieuse. Cati 905- 864-2822. E3WIhtIi~on HAVE A USEDCA 199e Ford Taures Wagon. High kirs, bai runs gond. As is $900. Cati Terri et 905-873- 0022. 90.88.34 CrtiTraiing C111 efTrinig Ge EDING EDGE career trainîn H EALTHCARE Ml OffoeAsla PffmonaSuppod Worker Commuîty SeivoesWferW 4 Hughsen St Seuths RhI Fluer HAMILfON» 905.528.8972 55 City Censre Drnu, SuIle 200,2nd FI CL MISSISSAUGA COAL 905.949.4955 TDY »n z Jo l-ta zzaýidddl lg. Presidnt &n ec.EO. Te) us whyca yu, ca lead us 1 eatina gre incal susccessn -Save a lite. Protect worke,,Urs. Promote sale work pracie. M0 SELL? Let the Canadian Champion Classifeds help get te word out. e. Advertlse in Milton and GeorgetownlActon for $40 + GST Ask Us About.. or Milon, Burlington and Oakville for just $59 +GST M * DATG OF, THS GRA *S S ! 90,88m a4 * -sîfed e........achmor..... w' 2341 AS; sOU Wg' PLIS g tisieF g' gEK I Join the Ministry of Labour's inspection teamn and help reduce injuries in Ontario workplaces. As an Occupatonal Heatth and Safety Inspecter, pou evt: unforce the Occapational Heatb and Safety Act/Rugulations; condect comprubensive inspections/investigations; wile ordure/reports; engage in unforcemuent activities. including prosecutions; mork ilb beatb and safuty partuners. mochurs and union/management to promote sale mork practices! mortsing conditions. Positions are evailable et vanious locations ecrose Ontario. Some positions are bilinguat aud ruquire proficiency ln tuglish and Frunch. To Viell detaitud job information. incleding duties, qualifications, salaries and instructions on bow Es apply, pinase visit www.gejebs.gev.en.ca. For inquiries, e-mail us uit RecruItfnglnspectors@meLgov.en.ca OR cati 1-888-429-3475. Application deadline: Sept 22, 2006. An equai opportunity employer & Ontario wwgjb.o.nc 4, ad frk -&l 2woekU To heip drive our continued growth, Union Energy is iooking for a HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGER to lead the development and implementalion of processes and tools Ihai wii ensure our orgenîization is in total compliance with ail appicable Heaith and Safety legisiation. Responsibiiities wouid inciude depioying a Heailh and Satety program, pertorming and facilitating regutar safety audits, and contributing f0 our business goals and safety targels. Ouaitied candidates must have demonstrated succesa in driving forth satety standards and accident reduction, the abiiity 10 identify trends and beat practices to, improve satety targets, and muai keep current with ieading edge Heaith and Safety concepts, methode, and federal and provincial tegisiation. Esperience within a unioàized environment, and that demonstrates the abitity to drive quaiity improvement in business processes wouid be an aaset. A post secondary education, plus 3-5 yeara EH&S management experience are required. CRSP designation and/or EH&S Auditor certification ia a plus. Aithough this position coutd be baaed out of the Burlingion area, frequent travel throaghout Ontario wouid 'be required 10 support ait oif our branches. PUease send your resumne to: Lisa Coppîns, Human Resources Consultant at Icoppins@unionenergy.com

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