IceHawks end f irsat weekend in credible fashion Narrow loss to Raiders 'sonwthing to build on' By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Looking ahead to a [ail in which growmng pains will be in ample supply and victories likelv wvon't. the rebuild- ing lceHawks will have to embrace ans' source of encouragement they can get their hands on. WVith that in mind. there was ai least a certain amount of optimism upon * departing Georgetown's MoldMasiers Sportspiex Saturdav night. "This is definitely a building block for us," said goaltender Tayler Dunn. follow'ing a 4-3 loss to the less-than- siellar but far more seasoned Raiders. One of jusi three 20-year-olds on * Milton this season. Dunn - a Burhington resident who competed in his native Australia last vear - had good reason to feel positive about the narrow defeat. StilI fighting an ear infection the night before during home- opening play. he w'asn't exactlv up to snûff in a 9-4 roui ai the hands of the fairly solid Brampton Capitals. Much better againsi Raiders Eager to distance himiself [rom the beauing, hie weathered a numnber of storms in Georgetown - particularly in the second penocd, %%hlen he made rwo huge glove sav es and stopped 18 of 20 shos - wo give bis voung charges a shot ai upsetting the Raiders. -l %oke up feeling a lot better today. and that really helped,- noîed Dunn, w-ho recorded 41 saves overaîl in bis firsi test on the road- Bevond shoming jusi how much work the lceHawks require to return 10 their contender status. this pasi week- end clearlv demonsnrated just how cru- cial powerplay efhciency will he, within the leagues new eooern-f- obstruction era. N\ith their even-strength attack all but completely neutralîzed Friday. Milton relied on the Capitals' evenîng- long parade to the penalty box in order to minimize their season-opening hum- hlîng. The lcel-awks' four goals al came on the powerplay. -with three scored duning five-on-i.hree advantages. in Georgetown. thev kept things compenutve bv sconng m-ice %%ith the extra attacker. The latter of these - a big cross-tee redireci deposit by former Glanbrook>1 Jr. C centre David \alloram - came -wxth jusi under three minutes lefi to put a somnewhat suspenseful fin- ish on what many flgured w ould be a cakewalk, for the Raiders. -Nith the new rides. special te-ams is goîng to bc so important, said head coach Pat Cocklin. -Both our power- plav and penalty killing umîis are goîng to have te0 be ready to go.- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - Al17 F' Ie ~qs e* ci IriN t wçMn1E GALLINGER e LINKCGLN 2006 FODFUSION POWER AND ASSOCIATES 2006 MOST APPEALING MIDSIZE CAR IN THE U.S."* *2.3L 16-valve Duratec Engine sPower Windows/Door Locks FM EMM ýM O. (2M *ABS Brakes *Power Heated Side Mirrors W . ý(9MG *Keyless Entry System eAM/FM/CD/MP3 Player E R PWRAI 16« Wheels with 6 Speakers *Message Centre *Power Drivers SeatLASA 0 "Speed ontrol Tiltffeescopic Steering Whee FOM FUSIO SE 14 AUTOMT AND UT~S ALU YOURS FOR A VERIY APPEALUNG PRUCE. DOWN PAYMENT 48 MONT LEASE $~99 18 %MHIS $0 £271 WIHLEASE OR PURCHASE $1 .000 $5 A.P.R l 9% 10 FINANCINO 25 I...1O LFSO $2,000 $228 PER MONTH/48 MONTH WITH $3,300 DOWN OR EQUIVALENT TRADE PLUS FREIGHI $1,150. I lqlr.[RITY DEIPOSIT-*-c. *m 3.OL V6 * 6 Speed Auto a Air Conditioning 2006UM M EPH R CU U Y R IIIIIIIIU* P. Windows/Door Locks/Seats/Moonroof e Speed Control & Tilt e Heated/Cooled Seats * HID Head Lamps * Chrome Wheels * THX Audio eABS Traction Control * Sîde Air Bags - Remote / eV Starter * Dark Blue Exterior. Stk. #26000. W43eUI! W h hwv .gingerford.caomgr 0<deil jV 3