A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 OP;à1£1 iNONý For kids'Y sake, please drive sf Motorists being urged to bc extra cautious while driving in school zones If's bard ta imagine that the summier is over for Halion students and parents. While it nsav not offtciailv end until Septemiber 22, once the kids bead back ta sebool the care- frec days of summier are jusi a sweet memnor\v This time af vear cari be partîcularlv scary for mnotorisîs and studenîs alîke. Our congested roadways don't make it easy for bus drivers ta eollect their charges - especîaiiv if iheNs're hcing tailcd liv an impatient motorist laie for work. Ail anc bas ta do is look at the main arteniai roads ta sec .vlbat comimuters are rip againsi as the\- try ta gel ta stork ais timte. Drivecrs arc alreadv, forced ta caricenîrate on long hines of iraffic. spcedinig arid aggressîve miotanisis anid tîsose inivîduals who refuse ta slow; down for a vellovxs lîghî. As va cii. drivers ofien deal \vith vaunigsters and tecris who pay litte ta no attention ta the nîles of the road. Little aises m-ho dart across the street and teens wbo îhînk thev cari sunter into anconsîng traffie are everv dri- vers worst nightmare. But ifs up ta vau. the motoanst. ta do evervnbing passible ta ensure aur studenîs arrive at sehool safe and sound. These are sarne of the reasons Halton Regional Police officers step up traffic enforcement ti an effort ta remînd drivers ta be extra cauriaus now that classes have resumed. Project Safe Start is already underway bere \a-nb an empliasîs an five 'Ss - speeding, seathelts. stop signs. sehool zones and school buses. Basicalîx, it means matorisis had better be pavsing atten- tion ta wbaîs gaing an around îhem. anid that mearis banging up the ceIl phone and ta stop fîddlig with the sterea. The police are aise asking drivers ta bie courteous ta eacb ailier and the children. Sa ihink twmAce before send- îng a rude gesture anid lasing an ihe barri if yau feel slîgbî- ed. Safe Start continues until riext Fridav (September 15), but vau cari bet traffie caps %wmll keep a careful watch an drivers as ihev make their way around towri long after ibis particular program wraps up. Readers Write Send your etter ta msitanei@haltarLearch.Smi or drap them off at 8575 Mam St. Eý Hard-working Regional Chair Savoline wiII really be missed DEAR EDITOR: some of ber recent work. sucb as the As the summer cames ta an end, support for the energy-from-waste we .re faced witb a municipal election (EFW) and super-centre campus pro- just over the horizon, posais. One difference is that Regiona! She continues ta work bard for our Chair Joyce Savoline won't lie seeking region nigbt ta the end. EFW will lie a re-election. 1 would lîke to take this legacy that she bas lefi us. and wbat a opportunity to tbank ber for ber con- way to go oui in style. tributions to Halton. Sheill lie missed. ERIK KOWAL I wish 10 congratulate Savoline on HORNBY leviewfromher Voluter nuonn*g rewaring for both student and teacher For mom plenui, Sepwnbff la a min whoe lhey ï1dp thekià bock to achoo. Dun or sain adules, ü cm le wlum dkcy acny Iosm te awb Iaîn vamnali Mayw be " ihetftBill higl sdmo Mid D mt x mi dak &Oola. or nmrite <bey ion wt klm te il a bedm Loeh.MaqNue* 19Il «>110 a A" tw L ~i e 1 h I lie Sm- Aihougis som niq thk ehey)m e i s <bat to supor ais tni03 eveysicp aiog uy to vohnm LNWS nuactualiyony dm wa>e it wfth iheir sumies mS a lis staff ffvides eingses- week fur thate hotus. sion on liow te effecd.vcly As sommee who hmn bea uwtr, ofars îtsoquve to tu&di woeking ns a volunimo tuior fr wlth Mmd as alwas wing to éoes cm yoe nov4 1cm pani- - mma à" uypaom *Dlyaumsin the mcxi dem My dme The opmmo nks dma $M auiaaaoedeniswlw h Immth muai we - -l - ammrng k..ld ê. d m - cm @& a- Thor& a oeansnad im jadpeaua mmd paiau poela ubra YMe knaw you've heipa - ho hmv ood m"&hgwdeng il aieo mue xoeqmpy d"ni *AL MW Wkh eoday brlng butrnationa liiancy <ey cm me ibom dub S tl tham 1s ea~md" abMwkr hrlors- àkd &Mâ u IWLI~ds Sm mmi cm boe dw Ul CMWuk- lZbe Qanatian Campion Milon' CommunityNewspaper Since 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiamng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mriltonicanadianchamplon.com Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendcy MfAlIabi Managing Editor Karc-n Micpii Production Manager Tnm Coles Circulation Manager Chariene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canad Chwamo, ptMshed eveiy Tuesday and Fuiday ai 875 Main St L, ioi, Ont, 19T 3Z3, is ce of thme Metrclud Pvintig PUblising & Dislbuin Lii- !yp nTae t çaept ne cuô Mn inaen ie e p nonn 01a woSte w W Oeitt~lbt6jnfdl.,awn ste ee ta, ne PMa lot az oe eaççk*alae The pLielna rewrnn ce tngto ,Ate9ze aNevÂmeent Ye *dmj CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by CNA Canadun Comttninty N.a eaen ae Assaoaen p 'Su86n NewWeaP Thse Canadian Champion as a prouan media sponsor for )ie Mil Fund n d UNiOBO WAY TVj UT OF 10111T01 MN-UTom SANTA CAUSn PARADE ~jYYYÇA 1 he 25ne Showase Mdton * GALA