The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 - A5 7Proposed super-highway to undergo intense study tBy jason Misner SPEC IAL TO THE CHAMPION The Province is committed to ensuring a proposed super- highway [rom. north Burlington to Niagara is thoroughly studied even though a handful of politicians want the corr- dors construction fast tracked, according to the spokesper- son for Ontarios Minister of Transportation Donna Cansfield. Erie-Lincoln MPP Tim Hudak, Hamilton Mayor Lanry Di lanni, Lincoln Mayor Bill Hodgson and Port Colborne Mayor Ron Bodner met with Cansfield last week to discuss -ways to accelerate" the construction of the Niagara-to-GIA Corridor (once-named the Mid-Peninsula Highway), Hudak stated in a news release. He said he arranged the meeting as part of an ongoing campaign to build the "much-needed highway through Niagara and Hamilton." But Cansfield's spokesperson, Neal Kelly, told The Champion the minister wants the environmental assessment of the proposed Burlington-to-Niagara highway to be prop- ci lt and ai 1 tît> ut)i Ictt'd. t lie ,t'cstîu xa', put on ltuld three years ago lor further study "The minister told the MPP and local politicians that the FA (environmental assessment) process bas to, be respected, but she also told themn she sees the need for this type of high- way," he said, stressing the Province wants ail the munici- palities to work together. "She knows theres a [air amount of congestion in the Hamilton-Niagara corridor. You can't build a highway in isolation anymore, everything is linked, (with) ail the different modes of transportation." Burlington Mayor Rob Maclsaac said hes pleased to hear the full EA, in which tenns of reference were completed in June, wiIl proceed as scheduled. Burlington and Halton had filed a joint court challenge of the highway three years ago that was eventually withdrawn. "An accelerated proceas is what got the Province in trou- ble the last time around," Maclsaac said. The EA is expected to start in the [ail and take four years to complete, according to MTO staff. Under the previous Tory governiment, plans for the 130- km, $1 .5-billion superhighway, previously called the Mid- r _,' i'cttiiutl, Hilîgway, was 1)rupused lo ui tromn Fort Lire to the Niagara Escarpment area of north Burlington. Possible connections for the proposed highway included Hwy. 407 near Walkers Line, an expanded Hwy. 403 on Hamilton Mountain, Hwy. 401 near Milton and Hwy 6 in Flamborough. Back then, the highway was to he subjected to only a lim- ited assessment, leading Halton Region and the City of Burlington to file a joint lawsuit. There were concernis [rom counicillors and residents alike that the highway would bring more traffic, more pollution and destroy treasured nstural see WORKING on page Al 3 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hure a Real Estate Agent Whether You Decide to Seli or Buy a Home on Vour Own, or Hire a Rekal Estate Professionai to Handie it For You, There are Certain Key Factors That Can Literally Save or Cost You Thousands of Dollars HALTON - Not ail real estate agents are the same. If you decide to seek the help of an agent when selling or buying your home, you need some good information before you make any moves. Picking the right agent is one of those crnt- ical issues that can cost or save you thou- sands of dollars. In this FREE report, we give 'vou the specific questions you should bc asking to ensure that v~ou get the best representation for vour needs. Before you hire any real estare agent, cati and get a copy of a FR-EE Report called VO Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Agent'" To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cali 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3006. You can cail anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or visit us online at Find out the questions the others would prefer you neyer ask. ýJDSV BACHS CET .IE e..OON-I SPCALS Orthodontics a(a, .1 TIX.f ORTHODONTICS - An investment In Yourself Or Your Family! Braces for Children & Aduits Smiles that last a lifetime Please cali our office to arrange for an initial consultation * niew patients welcome @ flexible paymen t plans e personalized care * no ref errai necessary e ail inclusive fees ___ e