B10 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 8, 2006 Dateline - f rom DATELINE on page B9 'Ihe Fine Arts Society of Miuton's Evening Group of Artiste meets Iroin 7 o 10 pin. The informai environment provides au tis with an opponnuîxty to exercise tîteir draNNing skills. For more information, catI Janis ai (905) 854- 5753. Big Brothers Big Sîsters of Halion liolds an information session at 7.30 i n.m ai its oficet4, 404 Nlordeo Rd. iin Oakvillc for pouential voliinteers. There are a nomber of programs requiring vohtinteers. The agency is particularly interested in finding sindents to o.îor primar-y school students for one hoor each week afier school. For more infor- mation, catI (905) 878-8840. Friday Sept. 15 Milton District Hospital holds a gioop -sessioni brcastieditîg clinic witti a certified lactation consultant from Il arn. to 12:30 p.m. For information or to make an appoiniineni, caîl jean Gallen ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear enîrance), invites hîgh school students to drop bv hetween 7 and 1l p.if. to play a game of pool or josi hang ouit. < BIue'Fîns Registration: September l4th, 5:30-7:3Opm Competitive swimming tram minro to National levels. Programs are run out of the Georgetown High Sohool Indoor Pool. $10 non-refundable assessment tee required - cheques only please! Bring your suit and be ready to swim! For more info contact Mary: 416-948-FINSI info@ haltonhil Isbluefins.ca / www.haltonhillsbluefins.ca Id * ts Of Ail Ages Ca iearn... to, ~3500 > Nostorctur e clsesig n oe. >ý Work at your ownh pac onl yo owadng psch e wi fe ai hor and wiîh tacerspo.. > LA Open ayadeennS.EM L-Jazz. Tap . R A.D Ballet. Musical Thar coa I H p o Boys Boom Squad. Baliroom. Stretch, MT oms i & Tot Dnrsze j ~J B oating Class * Registration Milton Canadian Tire Store Wednesday Sept. 13 and ThursdaxI Sept. l4th. 2006 North Halton Power and Sail Squadron www.nhpss.ca Or cali 905-877-8815 and leave a message. 0 " New larger and improved location with state-of-the-ar-t sprung dance flooring HIWP: Waw- »sc 10-week Session Regularly $80.00, h» yu Md à FihUie $a0.0 Instructor former Head Coach and Choreographer of the Toronto Argonauto Dance Team. (Starts Sept 25> PLATE: i or ' 10 ow.êm su.0 (Staris Sept 21 > 3 years bo aduft ~eh1fe sfrg q'C. 001 f9 BALLE PIeare cal1 to register (905) 693-8391 529 Main Street East (across from Loblas The Milton Farm CRAFT SHOWu" * 140 juried crafts people In the Great Gambrel Barn, The Aberfeyle Town Hall and Individual Exhibitor Tents * Handmade quality Stra * Superior workmanship Sa" Sumday * Great gif ideas 9 a.m. ,4 p.m. * Country decorating at it's hesi dut * Live entertainment Chiff l 12M * Debit machine on site Ule 2FE * Food Available __ COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Rtoad, Milton, ON Cali 90-5.878,8151 Ilff gi .i s. MGI ATTENTION ALL WOMEN! Are you NEW tu Milton? Have you lived here ail your life? Are you Looking for a u>ay to [et your voice be heard on issues that are important to you? Do you want ta, meet newfriends? Q The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton & District INViTIES YOiU TO A WELCOMIE WiNE ANd ChEsiE With Special Musical Guests '7h. Women of Note" Thursday, September l4th, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Patty Wilcox CFL'\V'.Mllton î'. for ai] \%omen %%ho enjo\ ihought prox oking meetmng \%îîh d\ namic Le.t ,peaker.. and fun and creafîxe interesit group. To find out more. J