Thse Canadian Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 - B3 Kitchener gallery presents IANYoP 1v E-"MON LIFT 7 otyHM Seller 0f artist ~ 'SOrvrr E Mt mnr,-<tr Free Report soulo pr0gfUrnSofdlocal UctMies A Kstchener gallery ss presenssng a Known for hsis poetsc exploratsons of solo exhibition of new work by Mslton natural Ontanio landscapes, Dsetnich VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED artist Tom Dietmich. bas more recently bien investigatsng CALUS 10 WM HW YOU CAN HRP. Trond wxilt appte r ea i the mrcnaroeo ensacironents. n (905 os Thend exibit penr tte Breaingte nturo btraintbin tbese875-1459 Wato alery , itb Mil an. apn ngeeti n reansi ta d tbi natu ra ora Waton les 1754 Miii Rd. upnng etiln reaking roudi exprl ored ar aain e rs Sunday from 2 ta 4 p.m. with Dietrich one of nostalgia and control," he sasd.-aainRdCos~ in attendance. Dlietrich whos .scî,lnir ntenir +* .M .W . A....... In keeping witb bis trademark tbemes of environment andi connectson from bss previous work. ibis exhibît of iandscape oi paintings incorporates dynamic sculptural elements, Dietrich said. came togesher for an exclusive per- formance next Friday ta support a goad cause. The first-ever Bands 4 Benefit Rock Concert in support of Milton District Hospital will take place at tbe Hardball Cafe, 8750 Regional Raad 25, just nortb af Hwy 401, witb doors apening as 8 p.m. An Indian folk music group will per- formi somorrow as Innter Sanctum Yoga Studio. Dbvani will perform its unique brand of Indian dîvotional music from 7 to 9 p.m. at tii studio. The coss la $20 and participants sbould pre-regisser. Dhvani bas been perfornsing as vari- oua centres across Ontario and B.C., and art educator, graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto and bas exhbiited extenssvely tbrougbaut souibero O)ntario. To lsnd out more about Dietricbs art, visîs $10. Concers-goers will be treated ta per- formances by Socialight, FYI, Law Level Flsght and Dead Celebnity. In addition, attendees will bave a chance ta win numerous pnizes. Organizers hope thss "Il become an annual event ta lend continuai support ta Miltons bospital. and la now perfarming monthly at mIner Sanctum. The group recensly rcleased a nîw CD, wbicb can hi liard at mIner Sanctum la locatid at 400 Main St., suite 208. For more information or to rigister, caîl Wendy as (905) 876-0551 or e-mail OIT A FRESH START. G.t SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problems Lmos of Job or Loved One Repossessions Major Cash Flow Probloms Wage Garnishments Evictions Persistent Bi Collectiors Judgenets, Law Suits Student Loban Delinquent Taxes Foreclosures :vsee Rdled Finoncil Fioblems PADDON + Baatrkruy ci,, be amud Cmli w~! No chage for à"im ahod on*o! ByADDOuN Ont YORKE INC. lu.' 8M -OS i Piq wmm&DoE5yS 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A bettes olution! Local rock bands gather to play at Hardball for Milton hospital A number of local rock bands will Admission for tis aillagis event is lnssissauga and Brampton, committed to excellence and compassion in fertility management and treatment. Toli Free 1-866-962-7872, email l'au are Invited ta our SQUARE DANCE OPEN HOUSE & FREE INTRODUCTION to MODERN SQUARE DANCING Saturday September 16, 2006 7:30 p.m. tii 10:00 p.m. At St Paul's United Chuch 123 Main St. E. - Milton, ON. For more information Cail John or Roberta 519-578-3276 emnail: Bill or Connie 905-878-9573 check out our web: Notice ofM Liquor Licence ApplicationOnai Thse following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gamsng Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under thse Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sales Licence BOSTON PIZZA STORE 455 1085 MAPLE AVENUE MILTON (Indoor and outdoor area) Any resident of thc municipality may make a written submission as t0 wheUier the issuance of thc licence is in Uic public interest having regard to Uic nceds and wishes of Uic residents. Submissions must be received no later than September 26, 2006. Please include your naise. address and telephone number. If petition is submitted to Uic Commission, please identify Uic designaied contact person. Note: Tise AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Anonymous objections are not considered. Tise personal information gaUiered is collected under Uic authority of Uic Liquor Licence Ac. Tise principal purpose of Uic collection is to assess eligibility for Uic issuasice of a liquor sales licence. Copies of ail objections are given to Uic applicans. Tise information may also bc disclosed pursuant to Uic Freedom of Information and Protection of Pris'acy Ac. Questions about Uiis collection sisould be directed t0 Uic Manager, Licensing and Registration. Alcohol and Gamning Commnission of Ontario as Uic address, telepisone numbers or e-mail address listed below. Submissions to hi sent to: Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commnission of Ontario, 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M2N 0A4. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR ToII-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: THE COVENANT Fr. 4:20,6:50,9:15 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1:30,4:20,15:50,915 P.M. Mon. - Thu. 6:50,9:15 P.M. THE PROTECTOR Fni. 4:15.7:15,9:30 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:40,4:15,715,9:30 P.M. Mon. - Thu. 7:15,9:30 P.M. THE WICKER MAN (114A)Fri. 4,7,9:40 P.M. Sat. & Sas. 1:20A47,9:40 P.M. Mosn. -Thu. 7,9:40 P.M. INVINCIBLE( G) Fni. 3:50,7:10,10:10 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1: 10,3:50,7: 10,10: 10 P.M. Mon. - Thu. 7:.10,10:10 P.M. CRANK (1 4A) Fr. 4:10,7:30,10:15 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:50,410,730,10:15 P.M. Mons - Thu. 7:30,10:15 P.M. HOW TO EAT FRIED WORMS (G) Fn. 4:30 P.M. Sati & Sun. 2,4:30 P.M. ACCEPTED(PG) Fi - Thu 6:40,9:10OP.M. LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE (14A) Fr. 3:40, 7:20,10 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1,3:40,7:20,10 P.M. Mon. -mTu. 7:20,10 P.M. BARNYARO THE ORIGINAL PARTY ANIMALS (PG) Fni 3:45,6:30PM Soi. & Sun. 1:15,345,6:30 P.M Mon. -mTu. 6:30 P.M. WORLD TRADE CENTER (PG> Fn. -mTu. 9:20 P. M. Indian folk music group to perlorm ProspertAd ONER ANNUAL GENERÀAL MEETING Notice la hereby given, that the 48th Annual General Meeting of Proapertty GOse Cmedit Union Limited wiIl be held at Granite Ridge Golf & Country Club, 9503 Dublin Une, Milton, on the 11 th day oif October 2006 at 7:30 P.M., for the purpoae of meceivng reporta and Financiai Statements for the year ended June 30th, 2006. Also on the agenda wii be: aThse election of Directors The appointment of Auditors Any other business osf an Annual Meeting Chlldren Welcome Slgned aft Milton, this 7th day of Sbptember, 2006. Dais Evans Secretary 44 Main Street E., Milton - 905-878-8105 Average Joe's FITNESS Godr&mir & Councifro WiIlJoin Us lb Cut The Ribbon! 30 MINUTE F1TNESS FOR MEN 327 @ROM ST. S. WS.876.W42 OPIN6 DAYS A WEEK!