82 -The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 It's too bad I won't be around for the express people mover et»-tMFJR, sqL25-Duý rmù*W De*m * bm Oct If Thte Parkig Available of Rear o 1 stopped and watched the old black car rattle down the country road. It was a Model T or Model A, 1 couldn't tell for sure because it was dark. Actually, 1 wouldn't be able to tell unless somebody told me, but thats beside the point. And it wasn't exactly a country road, but it looked like one at night. Anyway, for a few moments 1 was taken back to a time when those cars were common, and 1 wondered what it would. be like to live duning those days. 1 didn't wonder too, long. There are more than enough movies t EORGETO1AS - CINEMZN 5GUELPH STREET 905473-1 999 0 ACCEPTE DaiIy645 p.m &9:00p.m Sat. & Sun, 2:0 p.m. O) TALLADEGA NIGHTs s DaiyI9:00pm 0 Zoom Dai 6:45 pm. Sat &Sun.2:00 m. O CRANK 1A DaI645 pm.&9:00p.m. S Sat& Su.2:00 vm back at this time, and wondening how we could have lived without some par- ticular thing that hasn't been invented yet. 1 mean we wonder how people he managed before we had television, n th computers, ccli phones, and microwaves. loose You could watch Thejetsons and get an idea. Every futunistic movie or book b] as people flying their cars instead of dniving so thats pretty much a given. not hard At the very least some time mn the future they're going to bave to do some- g in rxght thing about traffic. And thats just in Milton. We're stili t it would a ways from when we can be beamed L football places like on Star Trek, but the fact is n. Now, 1 people want and need to get places and 1 can quicker and easier. bail, and 1 went to Scarborough a couple weeks ago to TSN, which is inside the 'ork on a CTV building at McCowan and 401. 1 how cool was doing some stuff there, but told ecting nib- them 1 had to leave at around 3:15 p.m. No way did 1 want to fight the traffic. It ould read took me over two hours to get home. once in a If the roads were clear, I could have ewspapers made it faster in that Model T or Model the world A. a big rock i women me. Still *ut when I a hundred be looking So, 1 think what we're going to see in the future are express people movers. l'm not talking about buses or trains, which still take a long time, but some supersonic deal. Maybe you can even take your car, like a ferry on land. You go to, the sta- esee EXPRESS on page B5 and television shows that its to imagine. 1 like the time we're livin now just fine. I remember when I though be heaven to watch every NF game on a Sunday aftemnoo just have to flick the remote watch every football, base hockey game. I remember having to, w typewriter, and then thought it was to gel une with a corr bon. I rememnber wishing 1 c newspapers fromn other cities while, and now I can read n~ from every city from around on the Internet. I remember wishing I was star or movie idol, and th~ would throw themselves at waiting on that one. What I really thought abo saw that old car was how in. years from now people will