F The Canadien Champion, Fnday S PU NOtI( bl pl en eo(gelwn I în itnivtix'xi n ri time 2evennsWeae ooingfoan outl Publishing & Distibutîng Lid., ix seeking an enperiened Inside Sales Representative The quelified candidate will be e motivaed independent, seff-starter with previous telephonie sales expenience. You teilI possess eocellent virien and verbal communication skîlls and be familier with Microsoft applications. In ttiis role, you will be customer focused and ciii build strong relatîonshîps cith new clients by ensurin thel Iheir advertising needs are met. Vox cul be goel-oriented and capable of meeting neguler monthly budgets wîthîn a deadlîne focused envîronment. If you coeld like to work for a leader in the media industry Ibis opportunity may lie the night one for you. If întenested please forwerd your resume. no later Ihan Sept. 3Oth, 2006 to: W. appreclute thse IntMW est of ail appicants however only those aelect. for an interview i b.r conutaced. No phlone cail or agendaes Pl--s. PROFESSIONAL SALES ASSOCIATES required Bell World lis seeking full lime sales associates for per- manent full time employment. Candidate must be seek-1 ing long teren employment in a fast paced, professional environment. Key Duties and Responsbillties: - - High school diploma or equlvalent -Solid customner service and sales explenienoe - Excellent communication SkIfS -Aptitude for worfdng in a computerized environment - Team player - lntegrity Please apply tn person with resumne and cover letter or online at www.wpcicareefs.com Bell World, 377 Main Streeat East Mlttan, ON EXPANDING CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP REQUIRES W! 0F4ER: *GrounilM foiportunity In 7fnsn deatelsr *W Ro l or halurs adeaxcemexi *EocIe ln ruM o inthibonus *Strousg mtanagemenit support & braxfig -Compçany deuno or car alloreunce *Gxod orgualinai *Èis -Cinintine Il wnuluxkig ine teli ernanineemet -O.M.V.l.C. Lcem recesla -Deswre fo eaxn utove uverage mrne Expenence prefeered but not necessary as we wil train trie nt candidate. Pliiss semmd resim tai Rid Pu~ue rpsllrtokvUSddg0.com Fax (US6) 645-577 chainPioîi can-adieni. Représentant(e n assurances Possédant des habiletés de vente et de eile à la clienite, te tittlaic'e de ce poste jouera un rôle clé dans le soutien et le développement de notre agence. Le titulaire do poste doit détenir, os êtce disposé à acquérir dans les trois premiers mois à son poste le permis d'assuances tARD. La détenîtion ou l'acquisition d'autres permis relatifs au secteur des services finaniciers, pourrais étre requis. Cet emploi demande une certaine flexibilité dc l'horaire de travail et drs déplacements. Ray JdhkmoCl CLU 211 Guelph 3Stre Gsogwn, ON 17G 5855 Phone: (905) 877-0131 Fax: (905) 877-0949 Email: rayjohnaan@ooopeeato.zoa Seuls lu-s candidatsielectionnés pouin unie entire% îie seront contactés. rnli d pro siete les COOJ)Ci teiiis e'e-erneuiii 'ale~ Une place de ctix- ~HaiMeui Atmeie ie Piacemeiis collective Commerciale Ferme Voyage Ditralg proyalei Rait experwlen ss et. I Pieus fax troue rauma ta Jsy 056815545 mor mn JAS SHOES www.osmhosa FASMIlON OPPOlRTUNITY »AS l.a f*ulous tsmîtxue prnndax tsq fasiaxe stioes aid eccessones for style cooeolous woere We va -pri MW5WU l0Clof on thse Làltulsor ins dauntasus Oeiflfe. Fustsist are required for ful and part ttjme ale ssoate High eleg sIloe uthil w0 love fmhlioe are eus- couraedto am,î If eitereeted el joenqs te JAS teurr pilese fax resttnme 51I434-33U kh@lan bdau me Monday ta Fnday 9 arn ta 5 pm JOELLE'S Fast Paced WOMEN'S BOUTIQUE Requires an outgoixg. amis nous talespernon witi gxxd orgarniza- tixeal ilaif Iv fiIl a F- T & P T position uap- prox. ithrsaweek ivi- csin weeaends FaixEmai nesumes: mli@~mfsgelauýp>con fax905S3l-2328 No phontue cais piease eptember 08, 2006 - 31 Ilease replyto:I * Dr. Beauchsun/O Griplr. Huiier Optometrlc Assistant needed for busy pracice in Milton. Vilr growing AGAIN! Pari- flme (14 + fiSl including two evenings/week. Reliable teem player vit schedule ifexibiliiy es- senl Muti,-tasking ability, computer comfort, excellent people skills. Pieue fax reume ilh expectatlons of hour>n wage to: 905- 876-3559. ATTENTION RN!/ RPN, PSW'S and proHome« Pediatrlc Nurses for Private Homecare. To provide services in Hoopituls, Long-term care laclitien. as celi as Prîvate Duty homecare in the Bunlfigton, Oulille, Hamilton & surroundinig ares. PSWs ure URGENTLY neededitn the Buriniglon und Oakille areus. Vehicle woulit be an asset Tel: 1488-227-3085 Fax: 1-888-331-1414 Emal: sslngh@prahome.ca If you ure interesîed, pieuse fax or emnal your resume urmmdel Be part of a winning teal VON HALTON Personal Support Worker positions availitbre immediaiely in rettrement home & community settings We offer: *Competttive wages *Days, evenings, spltt & weekend shifts *Paid orientation -Educationl & Careen Grswtr Opportunittes *Trevel reimbursement *24 hours Support Pissa ail to: Human Reacurcas, VON Hilton. Fax (905) 827-"476 E-mail: humusnretouroeu@vonhalton.ce Onty those candidates seile for an i nterview mill be contacted SUNRIs SENIOR Ltvt'uo Surtnîse of Buâ nal NowHkn P-T/Weekend Chef Casul Weekend RN'S / RPN'S P-T Care Managers Volunteers Needed Pleuse fax ressise tIx 905-333-3199 PDA doits requieed for Mion Practice. nIlf dsdes Fon Deuti Dulles. Pls sendi reeinnelfoi O Eva ' Beil 85 Mîan Street East Milic ON.l L9TINit Fax 90_r-&'8-it373. No phrone acl pi Ask UsAbo ut... worko ~r341 905 878.2341