The Canadian Champion, Friday September 8 06-2 the followîng positions: Cashier (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) Food Service (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) Please apply in person: 9528 Regional Rd. 25 Retail Store Between lOam - 5Pm str yordy e.etr ah Become an Independent Delivery Contractor. If you would like to deliver The Hamilton Spectator and The Toronto Star, we are currently accepting applications for routes located in your aiea. For more informatton Cali 905-526-2416 or 1-800263-902 ext. 2416 and a Hamilton Spectator represenlatîve wîil contact yos. Door-fo-door delivery is ho be compieted by 5:30 a.m. Monday - Frîday and by 7:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. A reliable vehîcle is requîred. TH1E IIAILTON SPECTATR *.yond Black and White Cbâîg#Mon JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Eam extra $$$ We are looking for reliable, responsible Voutha and Adulas For door to door 10 delivanres PLEASE CALL 905 970 5947 x245 NORT HLON DIS SCNR the are tooking tor a person who as nterested in a great notanteer opportanity. Thia person needa to ha motivated, energeti and hase feacfwtg and 1or preaentatixn esperaience. Vos woatd ha part of a team reaponsible for feachîng oor training ses- stons for our crisi eeptoie fine Plesse catI Gail ait: 905477-065 TH ID HID OSE ACIN* AT E O Corn worm for an excitlng retail store. The Olde Hîde House has opportunîties for entho- sîastic, coorteoxo and fashion orientai part-lime ofudenfa and day sales staff. Yoo must ha able to wxrk a weekend shift. We offer a competitive hoorly rate and fisse a genensus dascosof policy. Fiease cDopet e an application avadlabla at the castomer Service Desai : 49 Eastern Asene, Acton. Fax toi 519e4634514 Exnadlto meur~t@ h BAGGER OPERATOR requirad expenienca an enset, but viil train. Englisit comprehension and ability to move quickly needai. Able to tift 501b hag and place on skid. Posihility for advanoemanl. Resames accepted: Monday - Thursday betore Spm HoIIy Industres 59 Eastern Avenue, Acton NOWIIIRING IMMEDIATELYS Cleaning tor Restaurant & Banquet Hall Free Training -Part-Tima Hours Paritime, moming, good psy. Perfect for retreffes and homemnakers I Kîtchen help, mneat cxaîxng I vis pre-schoxi chticIex iay ride verS youl Faît-time dsys I o hava a haw hours a day and anjcsy lte Coul Mike as (905) 878-7934 j ompa1y of ciltdren, plane contact us et Thue Grand Chalet 905-677-2251 or 905-877-4448 PImeeaumouallty*Ute %I-ann NOW for Setember Aftra e y a d WW un an Ongoep "dd DUE TO STEADY GROWTH WE REQUIRE: * 310 T TRUCK TECHNICIANS - 4TH YEAR APPRENTICES EXP. TRUCK PARTS COUNTER STAFF *EXP. PREP ANC PAINT STAFF WE OFFER : BENEFIT PACKAGE I N HOUSE TRAINING SCHOOL 4 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO *PROFIT SHARING PACKAGE - ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Diningbe Ser&vicesoo -4p ExrswMilto QA essan assetsug 5un0 rDie olicet aearsn nSaeest traîn Fax: 90-7-1471 EmaIl: Feo rodulcton an ooud inaea Te accsu candiate mot haves aoreal a and bea aîlbîfrearly montafefveie weekly ok s nole BeofelCmet700 a - and a ndsay tTran FA905-7-247 Mus eale toitrasvel Competttv Hxurf Riste Reepond by faxing reaurne ta: BilBoyd, Canant Bulding Enveope. *ha anmdite ochons or3prulgrlme no are 100 ng Ea fin ha eotwnBxfaapaarformad shenc o] c *Call95t7318980 8a430 n1 a I I' FACTORY WORKERS PLEASE DROP OFF RESUME AT. 851 NIPISSING ROAD MILTON, ON MON TO FR1 9:30 TO 4:30 POST CONSTRUCTION ,PR)CLANN CREWS NATIONAL CO EURSEXPERIENCED SUB CONTRACTORS. MUST HAVE OWN EQUIPMENT AND RELIABLE VEHICLE. START IMMEDIATEL Y' General Labourers Needed Cali Stevens Resource Group 905,87&7789 CHESHIRE INDEPENDIENT LIVING SERVICES ATTENDANT SERVICE WORKERS NEE0ED <Numeroas Positions Avallabile) Cheohire Independent Living Services (including Carey House and Out Reach Services in Bsrfing- ton & Helen Homes in Hamilton) miooion is 10 pro- vide oelf-directed peroonal support 10 adulto with phynical disahilitien living independently in their commonify whether il be a congregate setting or their home. The ooccesoful applicants reqoire good work ethico and conduct, must be in good healif' and demonstrate gond communications okilîs. Ap- plicants are requîred to have flexible aoailahîhity, in- cloding weekendo and Holidayo. If interested in the Ot Reach program, applîcants will require a re- hiable vehlicle and proof of inourance. Continuait training is prnvided in a pooitive and sale work en- virooment. Soccesotul candidates are requested f0 submît a Criminal Check Pleasa tendi resamne and cocon tleo outllfng yroar sIdIlsand experlence ta or Fax 9054634-667 We thank yos for your interent, however only candidates oelected for an interview will ha contacted. No phone callo please. Cheshire Independent Living Seviceo are eqxal vpportunity emplvyers Staff for Mail Prooesaing No Eopenience Req'd. Start ImmedialelyfMF smSp $1l0Ihr, Apply in pemsos: 505 troquois Shore Rd. Unit 11, Oelcvlle 9016-0272 id We can help Cail JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Hmaw.Iud Iu.un winniing tearn and want a fun reward experience, corne and join tearn Zellers J - Qualifîed candidates wilt hanelit lrom Zellero cammîsment to traînînig and devel- opment, plus hîghly compettve oalory, incenlîve and hanefito package. Wv are loolsng for vnthusiastic indivduals who welcame cammitmenl und wîll apply theur interperoonol skîl in a cirallenging and encitng wofrk envirorment. Reoumes are presently being accepted for thv followîng positions: Overnight and Early Morning Merchandising Crew Day Time Associates Floor and Cashier positions available Apply in wnlting ta: Zellers lnc. 1455 Rebecca St. OakviIle, On. L6L 1Z9 ATTN: Kathy Johnson Zellero has un Empîxyment Equity Program and encourage upplîcants from aIl qualified candidates, încludîng wxman, abonîginal people, visihle minorities and people with disahii5eo. roioffers indMdfUallzed services to guide ansd assibt Lyou ta identify and meach your.qWmu * a LO>I'Car erExpl aration/Counsedkg 0 Jobs urc tg ** 0 Job Matching I Resume WMdn f Job CreIati SWNdflTnng *$ewtEmpay e EDUCATION SERVICES Tihe moot trsted ochoal buso Company ix Not Amer-ta ~ FULL-TIME CHARTER DRIVERS Muai beldi uali "a" class licence euh t t lent onuyarnosdivn heur ene. awee bours ditin ospnofs. -Monday ta Fniday. To apply please fax resuime ta or cal 1-888-648-7477 1-877-91 4-KIDS an equal opportunfy employer