Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2006, p. 27

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The Conadian Champion, Fridoy Septerlber 08, 2006 - 27 Bih Zi irh g EIg vents Comag Evats Un DahsDa 2-BEDROOM housen i ngîpefs prelerred. $1 ,ll0/month plus utilîties. Coul 905-873- 8 102. ACTION detached 3- bedroors bungalow/gar- age. Air condîfîoning, 4 cor parking, prisale lot. $1350/mostb + ulîlif les. No smokinglpets pro- ferred fi19-853-033e. GEORGETOWN 3- bdrrs mais floor bunga- low Avoulable Noyers- ber 1 st. 1,100/mîbh plus ufilifies. Coul 905 873-9576ý MILTON, brand e 3200 sq. fil 4-bdrm, 3 baîbroors. stainles steel oppi., S2eooîrsîb neg. 416-931-8704. NO banks needed. Owser fînascîng. Bad credif okay. Cai Bill 1- MILTON, nem Town- bouse. 5-oppi., A/C, double garage, 4-Odos, 31 /2-baîfis. mu/roui deck. avoUlable mid Oc- lober. 51475/mth, 410- 947-7802. MILITON townhouse 3- bedroom, 2-oppi. $1325/mth, loi & lasf. plus utllîies AvoUlable lrsmedioîely* Coul Dave 905-978-5444. MILTON Townboose. 3-bedroors. 5 oppli- onces, 1.5 boîfis plus ensoite. central air, central sac, fînîsbed basement, large deck, ose car garage. Spot- less! $1 325/monith plus utîlîlies. Avaîlabie No- vember 1 si. First/ aest/ relerencesi credif check. Se- nious eeqoiries oely. 519-853-9495. OAKVILLE- 3 bedroomn fownflouses avadtable lm- mediafely fhrougb Novenn- ber 1 sf. 4 appliances, Hopedele Mail erea. Lakeshare Management 905-876-3338 MILTON Lusurlous fur- nisbed mcom for work- ing Christien female. Oms wasbroom, close f0 401/GO. Cail 905- 878-M97. COME# AGON * New in town? - Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? Please cal! us comunht Welcoiue Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby Welcoune Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Laurît 905-878-0126 BUs/Prf Weicome Lauhe 905-878-0126 NATIONAL GEL DAY Corne and connect Swith your An gels! Sunday September 10, 2006 1:0Opm - 4:OOpm $33.00 per person J Reserve your seat, spaco is limnitod For more information contact Christine or Rebecca Christine @ spiritwings.ca www.spiritwings.ca 905-i876-4631 jwww internationalangelda Big siefer Eva, together with her par- ente Etena and Ivano Pet rilli are fhrilled 10 onnounce the arrivai crf ber baby brof b- er Domenico Fausto Daniel "Hico" on fhe l2fb of Augusf, 2006, weigbing 8ibs 8oz. Proud grandparonfs are Franco & Fausta, Bruno and Rosa & Domenico Pe- trilli, and also Lio Daniel & Kasia. SIMPKINS - Bob and Laura (nee Van- derseater) of Milton and Big Brofher Ga- vin are pleased ta announce the birdh of fheir daughfer/sisfer Jaidyn Jacqueline Lee weîghing 8ibs 13oz aI Milton Districf Hospifal on Auguaf 31, 2006 aI 7:O3pm. Weicomed by Grsndiparenls Jon & Jackie orsi Doug &I Susan. Jaidyn is alan wel- comed by Aunt Krista, Uncle Mark and Uncle Curt, and by Cousins Abigail & Isaac. Special welcomne by aIl ber Great- Grondparenls foo! Special thanka f0 Dr. Wilkinson and ail fhe nurses aI MDH, es- pecially Decha. EMMERTON Michael, Sarah (nee Hughels> and big brother Ty are thrilled ta announce the birfh of their second son Drew Michael, weighing 8lbs 2oz et Million District Hospital on Wednesday, Auguaf 30, 2006. Drew is welcomed by proud grandparents John & Laura Hughes af Miton and Bob & Mary Lou Emmerton of Haliburfon. Special thanks ta Dr. Wilkin- son and the great nurses at Milton District Hospital for ttreir wonderlul care and sup- poit. COLUING, Owen Big sisters Madison and Karly are halo- fy a welcome their new lifi le brother Owen Adam George" t0 the family. Bars on Augusf 14, 2006, weigbing in af 7ibs. Proudi parents are Gary and Jody and grandporenfs once ogain are Mers ond R uth Anne Coiling Of Carlisle , Joe and Jonîce Bossom of Mîligrove. «w weiggles con 9OS2-8T11 .4 /41 ýCal) 905-878-2341 fi p)ace youî assooscemneýt, pàtag & Poe for cIw.Is Ut Septmber 9,1006 $m- lam Koyal Camadiaii Leglot Lmt of games e- przes! TICKETS AVAILABWE AT THE DooR 5110/PERSON - S15/COUPE wihBrhAnnouweTents 'Hutchison, Stanely l.R. Suddenly on Monday, September 4, 2006 af the 896 of 62 years. Dedicated and lovung husband of Lynne. Dear fafher of Momnie (Mark), Jennifer (John) and Me- ghan (Tyler). Survived by siofers Mar- lene, Elaine (Bob), Bernadetfe (Dove), Heather, and brothers Robert (Carmen), David (Susie), John (Joanne), Gary (Jane). and Steven (Susan). Wili ho mîssed by bis ioving grandcbîldren Hillary. Andrew, Frances and Cmily. A Service of Remembrance wîll be held aI the Turner & Porter "Peel" Chapel 2180 Huronlarîo Sf., Mîssissouga (Hwy 10 N of CEW> on Sofurday, September 16. 2006 aI 3pm wifh vîsîlalion begînnîng ai 2pm. For ihose who wish, donalions may be mode t0 the Hospifal for Sick Children, MCWII t IAMS Frances; 0v /ne"- AlhArt. ville wilh lamily aI ber sîde Monday alter- 0000, Augusl 21sf, 2006. Loving mothor of Brion, Susan. Darcy and odoring Nana f0 Andrew, Sbae and Marlow. Will be sorely missed by former busbond and lite long confidant, Peler K. McWilliims, O.C. Doughter of Harold and lvy (nee Joyes) Alberfoon. Her mother was a war bride from Bornes Green, Surrey, U.K. Her father served in fhe WWI Canadian expe- ditionary force. ln death, Frances joins ber parents and four of ber sis siblingo. She is survived by ber sister, Ruby Bar- ber, and brother, Berkiey. Frances is a prime exomple of wbat Robertson Davies wroto, 'is bred in ftho bons will out in the fiosh'. Her qualifies so much admired she înheriled from ber ancestors. Her love of t ravel and abilîty f0 chort uncerfain waters were inheriled from ber lorefaîber, Nicbolas Alberfson, who wîth bis two brothero soiled their own boat from Ams- sterdams across the Allant ic Oceoni ta New Jersey in 1723. Her loyohty f0 famiiy and friends was endowed by ber Loyalisf forefather who came tb Canada after the American Revolution to sotle in the Township of Trafalgar (now Oakville(i 1800's where ber ancestors remai;ned for more thon 150 yoars and wbere Frances sef Up hem home and raised ber famîly. Her bravery and courage in baffling can- cer confînued the spirit of ber oncestor wbo fougbt along sîde Genoral Brock ait Oveenston Heigbls in the War of 1812 and like 1h01 Canadian bero sho 100 was fellod. Hor flore and s0050 0f drama in lite came by ber forefaîber wbo led the raid and set the Rebel sbîp, the Caroline, aflamo ta crash oser Niagara Folsion the Rebellion of 1837. Frances' pîonoorîng spirit, zest for fle and wry humour will ho rememborod by ai who know ber Her Memorial Service wîll ho held aI Muns United Cburcb on 9 Dundas St. East aI 61 b Lino in Oakville on Thursdoy, Sep- fember l4tb, 2006 ai 1 p.m. wîîb rocop- tion ta foiiow. Smeiko, Gus M. Gus passod awoy peocefully afler a cou- rageous baffle wîtb cancer ait Joseph Brant Hospital on Frîday, September 1sf 2006 aI the age of 68. Gus will ho deeply misaed by bis tomily and fniends. He was the beloved busband of Barbara (Mafia) for 47 years and dear father of Tirs (Julia- na) and Janis Martini (Randy). Survived by bis 6 grandchîidren Jessica, Elysso, Sabrina, Anthony, Bryon and Kevîn. For- ever remembered by bis mother Serafina and father the lofe Joseph. Alan remers- bered by bis 3 brothers J06, John, Albert and their wîves and by bis deor nieces and nephews. Family and biends visited 0f the McKERSIE-KOÇHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milton 905-878-4452 on Sundayu and Monday. The Mass of Christian ruial as oelebrated aft Hoiy Ro- sary Catbolic Cburcb 139 Martin Sf.* Mil- fan on Tuesday, September 5tb 2006. fIn- ferment followed aI Milton Evergreen ce- mefery. Expressions of symnpetby or me- marial donations to thie Canadian Cancer Society wouid ho appreciated by fhe fami- ly in lieu orf fiowers. Leffers of condolence may ho leh for the femily eit www.mrclcer- aie-kocherca Stocks, George Passed ewey eit tbe Credift Valley Hospioal on Sundoy, Sepfemhor 3rd 2006. George Stocks of Miton, in bis 82nd year. Be- loved busbond of thre lofte Eileen Stocks. Loving fother 0f Louise and ber busbond Brion Roontmee ond Efaine and ber bus- bond Terrance Thompn. SadI y missed by bis grondcbildren Nicholos and Vic- toria. Also survived by o brother Alfre and nieces and nepbews in Englond. A privofe fomiiy service wiii fake place. Me- morial donations f0 the Milfon Districf Hospital Foundation would ho oppreciaf- ed. Arrangement s enfrusted t0 the McKOrsie-KocbOr Funeral Home 114 Main SI. Milton 905-878-4452. Lehters of condolonco may ho 10ht for the fomîly aI www mckersie-kocher.ca n Memoriams in the form * ~U~.î. of donations to The I0 J Canad Ian Cancer Society 87.24 are deeply appreciated. - Wilkoes Karon gusi 31s1 2006, Karen Wilkes of Milton. Loving daughter of George and Minnie (deceasei) and olep-daughfer of Marga- ref. Sadly missed by Uncle Ralpb Wilkes of Toronfo, Aunt Jean and Uncle Gerald Davidson of Brig hton and Aunt Mildred Frank cof Lac dufbonne, Manitoba. Karen will be Iovingly rememebered by cousins Marie Ouf rom, Kevin Davidson and Gail and Diane of Alberfa. Family and friends visifed aft the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Sunday Seplember 3rd 2006, fol- lowed by the funoral in the funeral home chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations f0 fhe Communify Living North Hailfon would ho appreciafed by the family. Letters of condolence may be leh for fhe family 0f www.mckersie-kocher.Ca OOé uc Ntces PublcNtices The AnnuaL General Meeing for fhe Canadiani Menfal Heallh Associat ion, Halfon Region Branch will be on Tueaday, September 26, 2006 at 6:3Opm Seniors Centre (Library Lounge) 500 Childs Drive, Milton, ON 905-693-4270 Refreshments w/Il be served. mlEZanie fli ane LIVE-IN CAREGI VER REQUIRED for children aged 2 monîhs, 1-1/2 and 3 We reqoîre someone who: *Con falk wifh our cilîdren in Hindi; *observes ail aspects o f caregiving, ona is playfol. energefîc. and introduces oppro- priafe new ideas/gomes; *support s Indien cutre, efhics and val- ueo; and *agrees on issues of discipline, foîlel- fraining and eatinglfeeding habits Proof of training, cerfification and references are required Tra*ning in CPR and other flfe- saving lostis deffiniteiy an assef. Email resumne ta: massyl @look.ca M 8itMNFted ROOM FOR RENT MILTON Close to ail amenifies. Firstlast. Available immediately SW0/m h. Cail 905- 878-2068- E4Daycare rAvatable HOME daycare bas 1 infant/pre-school space and 1 before/affer schooi space. No pets/smoking. Re- ceipîs. Police/CAS checks. Kalhy 905- 693-1276. PRIVATE Piano & Vis- lin lessons, esperi- enced leacher just moved iocally. Esam preparallon. Tania 905-876-4717. IWOtMatBskt STAIRUIFTS- Pord, lOfts, elevafors, scooters, wheaiciairs, hospifal beifs, Osyl Sait Cafl Silver Cross 905-847-5504 COMPASSION AT E ceregiver f0 seniors availebie f0 transport on enrands, appoint- ments in Mifllon. Uighî bousekeeping, meel prep, etc. Taiiored f0 suif individuel. Refer- ences. 416-948-0546. BROOKVILLE Equine Cenfre. Large privafte faciiity bas stalis available. Large indoor arena, sand ring, escel- lard care. Reasonoble raies. Coul 905-854- 5573 or oisif hop,//brooivilieequine. In.pod.com wms7tB a~skt WILLIAMS' UORCHARD Prune Plums, Apples, Pears, Fresh Cîder Pick Your Own (wookonds on)y) and Ready-Pîcked Open 9am - 5pmn Daily Boston Church Road (3rd Line) North of 5 Side Road (Pjoxf t0 Andrews Scenic Acres) 905-876-4220

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