Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2006, p. 26

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26 - The Canadian Champion, Friday September 08, 2006 o~~~ . * s : nex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 90M-76-2364 Email: classif ied@miltoncanadianchampion.com lé Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 55 Mon. to Fh. 9am-5pm BONUS! AI classfed ads also appear on www.haâonsearch.com: * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 -I BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY/OPEN HOUSE PebbieCelebratirng his IfsNflytbeFity! 8Oth Birthday Ws ify t b Rfy!Michael J. E~~Uwelcomes allo hisfin st 17 Peru Road Sepaturday, Spember 9/06 %) at 7:OOpm to help him celebrate -~ BYOB & LMv~Y<raal Lawnchair (Corn Roast) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE mNNiViR rFSARY/O0PEN HOUSE v Samantha Hamelman 9 Please join us at an * wishes to announce the * Oe os upcoming wedding of her parents:9 Oe os Shauna Hasaelfeldt * celebrating the 1! and Steven Hasselman é 5Oth Weddlng Annlversay of Bill & LUII Ruseill on Saturday, September 16, 2006 v g from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Banquet Roomn Weddn~ 0 zke paceon Miton Sp3orts Centre ' Septe. iber 911,, 2006 * eat Wishes Only 3-BORM townhouse close lu ochols, vice/y decoruted & land- Soupe/t Dec lsi clos- îng. Ca/I Peggy 900- 878-2403. MILTON 2-bdm Con- do .cose Io downiowi 2 ca/hoom insai/v îaondry. es/ensive innovations 4-apo,., Cali/orinia violOr s $209.900 05-87-- 2866 CENTENNIAL FD,--v Ca"dlo larvesl 2 --iri S299,99900C Cat 905S 864-8587 MILTON i OC/acre, ideal large horse faim. large stone Souse & bains. 1 mile 401. 416-537- 4264. Industria MILTON t400sq.ht. Commercial Space on Main St. Available Oct 1 st. $1050/mth plus GST includes M&T. 905-878-4738 or 905- 876-t1609. REASONABLE indus- trial unit for mxlt 650 - 3,200 sq. h. Loadîng docks an/t dnive-in 905-277-9347 or 905. 275-6834. SMALL plimate, offices beaatfullp appointet Hwy25 &401. 1-905- 277-8347 or 905-275- 6834. MM pruile PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS to over 4 million auot reader in South Central Ontario. Book ynu adeertiox- ment iv oner 75 Metrs- land communîty vews- pupers ciO ove phone cal, Cal foi informa- tion on eekly work ad packages internetlist/ lngs ;ncladedi 416-493- /30J exi 276 288 237 ccc in.9rOluod coin -Dl ecry REMOVE yoai onininal reords Fast sa 2a Par- dons ard US Wavirs Dot tce enncaasse e/ 800-290 5520 govinmentpardons ca FM~ or Re! 1-BDRM upotaîrs apt. Main St. Milton, anai/able immediutely Iridge/stone No pets, $750/mtn n un//itien. 905-875-0935 MILTON Docvtocn 2- bedîsoinr large apart- ment. St QOCîmth ail-iv- ciasive, Avatlable nm media/eli Contact Scott Piior 905-878- 1'77 Remax FIeai Es- /4/e Centre ic. DOWNTOWN MI LTON Mit/aide Towers 82 Mit/si/te Drive. Attractive qaiet baud- .vg Spacînos origni clean 16&2 bedronin av/s wi/S i4Jndr /40 iity and sociai ronin on si/e Regular resîdent enento L ae, Open 7 dans lm Inouanls"& eveniaga Cali 906-878-1249 SSMONEYSS Consolklate www.eelstar.ce 3ebts Morrgages to, 1 (0*. Nos income. bad credît 1-BEDROOM p/us OKi Ontavoide Finaxcial study. Nec/y rexova/ed Corporation 1-888-307- in quiet building. Walk F799 to GO. No pets pre- f erre/t. $750/montS plus IlSdr Asaîlable Octo- E~1~ e~U~e~Oea v ber lst, Ca/I 416-896- Fer 3et MILTON Dowxtown 2- ACTON 2-bedroom bedroom apairment. apartment ground lev- Aeai/able November aI. 5875/mont, plus. 1- tsit. A/il utilities ix- Sedroom, SSOO/month c/a/ted. 2 parksing plus ut/I/tien. CaI 519- spaces. In-bu/te laux- 853-5080 or 519-853- dry. Firstdlast. No 535. umokingl pets. $1350/ mth. 905-8752866 ACTON large i -bed- roomn apalment. $750/moxîh. Pleese MILTON csy 1 -bdrm cia/I 90'5-301-1450 or tfu/I basement) ept. 905-489-818. Pretar No pets. Pa/txing un/t atîlîtias ixclude/t ACTON i -bedroom $950/montS. 905-878- apatsent 1vt balcoxy. 8888Available September 988.Itt 701ohnt ut/t/tien included. Quiet Bail/t- MOFAT bs in1- g. No-pets. 192 Oisi. rt00nqt bas Churchill Road South. ment apt. iti primate Cali 519-853-1281 entrunce, 51100/mis ix- ACTON 2-bedroom. cludes unlt/es, 4-aPPI Avai/able mme/tiarey. FasFor Rent BRIGH4T, dlean. quiet 2-bedroom iv G/en Williams. c/doSer liI Prîvate entravcelpark- ng, No smoking/pets preferred. $1.000/ mon/S inclusive. FrsI/l astI references. Cal 95877-536J DOWNTOWN George- toci oucheior apari- ment iv quiet bulding Non-sinokerîno pers pre/erred, Availabie ým- inediute/ly S695/inorîF plus S/dri Cal 905 702-3301 EQUESTRIAN Divanr 1-oedronin locer evei -n log hoine an Shirse farm iv Huiisburgh Sin- gle, nov snolker no pets pre/lerred Parking. centra vac. fîreplace. Satellite $595/montS Cali 519-833-2591. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2. and 3 bedrnnms. Check out web site wwc.haOtonhîllnren- ta/s co GEORGETOWN (Ma- pIe and De/rex). Anaîlable Dctober St. 1-bedroom basement apartment. Prieenx- trancel parking/ gardent/ cabie. No smoking/pets preterred. $750/montS includes utîlîties. Suit single business Ilm ex. Cali 905-873-6390. GEORGETOWN 1 - bedroom Sasement apartment. $800lmoxth incluanve. Separate en- trance. near GO Sta- tion. Includes hridgelntove. No smok- îng/pets. FirstAasVreer- ences. Cai for avaitabdity. Su aingle temale. CaI Brande MacDonald 905-877- 5165ý GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apairment, dlean an/t quiet Preter MM s or Rent GEORGETOWN, 1 - bedroom citS 4ev/bal- conylgurage, appli- ances/cabe/laundry, Quiet couple/single. S900/mon/h inclusîve. Anaîîable September t Sth/October lt. 905- 873-2980. GEORGETOWN, 3- nedronin main f/soi if canga/ac, Lauri dry/ pulsion( Si,200/ mo/Ft Plus i!2 a' ii les Aoalî/ao/e Au- gus isli CaI 416F6- LARGE 2-Sedîsoin uer/i nîce bausemni aoar/imeni oun laur- dry sepa/ste entras- o 5950,mon/s isclade< atîlfes No Smos- ing/pets Dreferred. 905- 878-486 MILTON Heîghts large 3-bdrm. 2-bathrooms. large yard. 5-appl town cater natural gas. air, $1 80011/mthvutî/îtîes. Aoaî/aS/e Sept, i th. 905-854-1687. CAMP BEL LVI LLE Couxtry Bungalow 3- bdrm v famî/p ronm. appliaxces, $11f O/mtS + utilisies. Immediate possession prefer ns pets. 905-659-7217. MILTON - Semi 3- bdrm. 2 1/2-baths, a/I appliances, Si 360/mtS. Fîrst//antlraferencas Derry & 4thUne. 905- 54-3228. MILTON, detached home 3-b>drm. 1.5 bath. baaufu deck. 4 appî. double drivewa. TV --.-....dhie- ii.iu.y. sioe utiniis o v sngecouper o garage. No smoking/ IV ihsee tr ncluded No pets. smoeîng/pets/refer- pt $1 450/mmhpu FuSmSIipi a e a et.Mtr prfsso - irSast/sreîerences ' ne.Otbr it utîlities. Cal 416-728- PRIVATE Sae EiJIE on relerences. prefl quired 519-853-3877. Cal 905-877-1209, 0210 Fi/ tie FSrid oiut what lisur Adorable 3-bedroom house. 661 Childs 854-2083. ACTON. large. attrac- GEORGETOWN 3- alI o rthI t, lssolfie Oreeta ogdv-________ ive 1 -bedroom base- bedroom large base- STEELESITRAFALGAR .çpeciosurds fixer lin s hme pus zoîn cal . ve er oom i 5 ment with fireplace ment ot bungalow wrt large 2-bedroom absopoperes e fra.i s. Mo. d 5 u8s2 5359 ng leav bah. 3oxneîely reno- MILTON Sache/or UItlitiesîpursîng/uppl- a pplia ncesilausn- Souse. air conditioning hotproertle ai evuudk=.n 59-97-559 leae bths cmpitel reo-$750/mth. lîitchen, unces încluded. Non- dryipareîng. Wa/e to with double garage wMW*N**Sbmj- 1-8-26-3057 message. suie/t new farnace. bath. utîlities. cao/e & smoKer pre/eîîed. schools. mail. No St 300/month inclusive pec mwindows. d1oorsý laandry No peto/soo- Avuilabie immediatey smoking/pets preterrea, Availuole October i si -31356y.S _____________________ 225,0000OC Cal 905- in 90-7638 CaI 905-875-7560 afler Si, 1 OCmonth Cal No dogsismoking Cai 1-8-6-068871 1-7-24 6 OC/pin 05-877-2771 905-875-4632 litÔFER and get up to $10 in phone cards! Win'. a Buzz calling card!_ Ad erti-- eou eaag Saefr2s-.strv riy adrcie 5 ")Hmouâ(zfulml Wumim -à

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