Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2006, p. 21

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The Canadien Champion, Fniday, September 8, WS0 - A21 Young 'D' picks up family torch with IceHawks Pn-ccjollows in big bwothcrs footsteps with hometown club By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Milton has a fairly strong history of local siblings playing for their junior hockey club - a tradition Jeremny Price is only îoo happy to resurrect after a somewbat lengthy drought. .The I 5-year-old defenceman has taken the fîrsi step toward that, recentlv signing on witb bis hometown lceHawks as one of tbe tw-o 1990s allowed for each Provincial J r. A club. Ptcking up the torch passed down bv speedv big brother Matt - w-bo' set te begin competng wTith NCAA Divtsion 1 pow-erbouse Boston College nexi month - the Halton Hurmcanes graduate tsn't a complete new-comer to the local jutniors. Mucb like Malt did three s-cars ago. Jeremv w-as part of a numnber of teain skates~ last scason - wxhicb the eider Pnice believes -dl be a btg benefit. It deftnttelv gave huit a sense tif w%-bats- expecîed and what he needs te expect Itemt hîmiselt.- satd \l.ît froem bts neosv resîdence ti Beantessit "Jecmv, sbould do aIl niglt. He's a smiarî plaver xhboswviIIin,, te learo.- GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION Jeremy Price is hoping te make a soîîd lump to the Jr. A level this season wîth the IceHawks. Eclîoing those sentiments w-as the young blueliners for- mer coach, Hurrcanes skipper Mike Kalapaca, w-be stated, 'He definitely bas tbe potential te follow in bis brothers foot- steps. Hes very mobile and bandles tbe puck w-cIl" lceHawks bencb boss Pat Cocklin feels likew-sse. 'Jerem\vs got aIl the tools te be a solid jr. A player. He jusi needs te mature now" Hrlptng expedîte developmenî of the team's lone Mîltonian is a lîkely patning vitb bluelîne standout Evan Cambnidge Winterbawks wbom Pnice skated with for much of the pre-season. "Evan's definitely a great player and 1 think we can work well together," said six-foot, 175-pound Price, who begins the regular season tonight against former Hurricane team- mate Matt Clark, another 1990 Milton defenceman whos now with thse Brampton Capitals. "It would be great to, play wsth an experienced guy like him." Added Cocklin, "'m hoping te keep those two guys together, at least for a while. lt's better when the youngest defencemnan's witb someone seasoned. The experience usual- ly rubs off." An 11 th round draft pick of the Oshawa Generals, Price recogrnzes that he won't be enjoying.anywhere near the type of regular season success that bis big brother did last year - when the IceHawks lost just a bandful of games and spent most of thse season atop the national rankings. But being part of a young, inexperienced team bas one obvious advantage. "Being a rookie, l'mn coming into an ideal situation in termns of development. 1 sbould get a lot more ice time than 1 w-ould bave last year." Set te turn 16 later this montb, Price knows hes not geing te set the league on fire nigbt away but certainly plans on being more than just a w-arm body on the blueline. 1 can't just sit back and be a rookte," be said. "I've got te n'y te make tbings bappen and basically just be as effective as possible." New era for club begins tonight efroin CHALLENGING on page A19 needs righî now is somne offensive cohesion - w-bich bas been practically non-existant through exhibition play "Hopefully the chemistrv will come soon, because right now we're ail over the ice,- noted Heinz. Perhaps the one thîng in the lceHawks' favour this season is the fact that a few other Wýestern Conference clubs are in prettv much tIhe same boat as them - with the recentlv sold Derbvs in a total rebuild phase and both Bramalea and Buffalo expected te maintaîn their 'ave-net'status. Wýith that in mind. Cocklîn recognizes that well-devel- oped systems and a strong w-ork ethic could well be the dif- ference between a respectable finish around the middle of the pack and occupancv tn the division basement. 'Weève got te come everv nîgbt and be readv te outwork the other team.' be stressed. Hopefulisl the new rules (crackdow-n on obstruction and sttck violations) w-dlI belp us wstb tbat. If thev keeping calling the games lîke tbev bave. I think the changes w'tlI be te our advantage because of our s'outb.« ,e w bat does the lceHawks' new brass expeci from their 2LX00r/7 contingent' -\Vc re lookîng for the guys te progress. We'Il w ork ai maktng the pîavoffs and anv kînd of dam.age we ceuld possi- bIv do in the firsi round voeuld be a bonus.- 'aid Pandovskî j "We've gel te be realistîc, If I saîd we wvere getng afier a champîonshîp this vear people w-ould w-onder if I w-as smok- ing something. But remember. ibis team w-asn't much w-hen I Brad Grant firsi tek over.- SEPTMBER BATER OPPNENI Tornght Brampton Fniday 15tis Mississauga Tuesday i9ts Bramatea Fniday 22nd Georgetown Fniday 29th Buffalo OCTOBER Fniday 6th Qakeýitie Fnday t 3tis Hamiliton Tuesdae 24ds Burtiiigten Fnida,, 27îth Strectevitte NOVEMBER FnidaNs Ird Buffalo Tueda% 7th Burtingion Fnda: (55h Be-arnatea FndaN i'th Hamilton Frîda: -iiii Sîreei,ý%11ic DECEMIBER Tu"'a% 'ýd, Oak% itie FnciaN Sth Brampton Fndaý i Sui Missisauga Frîda\ 22nd Geergeicun JAINWARY Fntiae ';th Georgeioun Frîd.î I 2th Bramaica Tue',da\ ibiS Oak%iiie Fndas '%1«Ilu Bramon Fndas Y'uii Sireetilleu FEBRUARY Fnda\ 2nd Mi"s'sau£a 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:3Opm 7:30pm 7.30pm 7:3Opm 7:30pm 7NO0pm 7 SOpm 7 lOpm 7 SYýprn 7 YOpir " 30pm " O(pm 7 Opir 7 Mpm - Opm SOpm 3(lpm L ail gaine, ai iltîon \Memori ena, McLean Cliflic Cosmnetic Surgerv Accredite Ph% aie Surgicai Fazilits Mississauga's Centre For * Tonmy Te&k Alternative Therapies &Sicin Gare * R~ em" - St T b. 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