A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 Locals' victory hopes nixed in World Cup qualifier GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION Aînsley Vince (above) and Michael Grînyer (nset) ciear >umps wrth Catch 22 and Alcatraz respectively duning Sundaye FEt Wodld Cup Qualifier at Halton Place. r ~~OOK OIV NOW25 of.fI AND AVEIany air duct cleaning service. AND SAVEIM Saie epies Seplember 30. 2006. 1Twwy Rmqqwlsyw a- 11ý »i Visit our showroom (90)88-97 925 Main St. E., (905)88-197 Unit #3, Milton om"ii m0PU a l4eel~ FMAY à Mr 5 Pm Saeu.la 10 ar 2 pur Terry Rowley Mechanical mnc. wvishes GOOD LUCK to each team in the Milton Interchurch Softball League Playoffs! Thanks Milton! Your 2006 Milton Miner Basebail Association Board would like 10 thank YOUI The players parents, coaches and ail the volunteers vhs madte sur 2006 season and Charopieonhîp Day the most successful everi We eeuld aise lîke te express sur appreciation te Foodpert and M&M Meats for their generosiry and support, Tegethier we have shown that wîth a 1,0/le hard work and people who care, hasebal will thrive agaîn in Mihton' P/vase don t forger te Pre-regoster or Sponsor for 2007 fsrms cen 0e downloauled from the website îwi'wrniitson-basebali crgi and mai/vO to PO Box 221 Milton Ootarîo L9T 2Y3 cdo MM8A Regiotratiox Spexsership Congratulations to ail and l'e 'ou on 2007 2M0 AnnaIIIII General Meeting Saturday, October 14, 2006, 9:00 arn Boine Cammunity centre Fus llwtu omail: boncihaiobnl.cO le~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t j pelut ualpr eta t. Wv st tuen he reemiq so oasectatl. kit yun boa 2007 Tryouts 2007 Rookie Bail Select Trynath 8com in 1998/1999> 2007 Mosquito Rep Tryouts (Bers in 1996/1997 (sti!i ried coach for' 199 team) Saturday. September 9. 2006, 09:00 arn tii> nson 9 Rotary Parti Susday. September 10, 2006,10:00 arn tii> nsen 4 Rotary Park Saturday, September 16, 2206. 10 Carn ti> moan @ Rotary Park Sunday. September 17, 2006. 10:00 arn titi moon @ Rotary Partk Fer intermnatien ernaîl ' ave Clark, dctark&iarkbalaning.cern /Revkiey For inlormiatien emnail, Greg Farrewsl. farrows@symitCc.c fMesltuite, 2007 Peewee Rep Tryouts (8cm in 1994/1995) (Soli Naed cou*h tour 199 tam) Saturday, September 16, 2206. 10:00 amn - 02OO0pm C Bronte Meadnws Sunday, Seotember 17. 2006. 10.00 arn - 02.OOpm @ Bronte Meatiows Fer infoemsaboe efraîl Richard Creamner, Hreanerisympatics ce 2007 Banitam Trysuls (Born 199211993> Monday September il 2006, 6:309mn tii1 Opm @ Maplehurst Wedneseiay September 13. 2006, , 6.3Opr titi 10OOçpm @ Maptehurst Sunday September 17. 2006, 09:.3Oam iti 1:30pm @ Maptetturst Fer informsation enra, Richard Creainer rtcreaeteeiOjiitPaieece ù-.tiycî and Lw~titS& iuj l) L.CJ'U ut U i By Steve LeBlanc HoIsteiner generally isu't hindered by a soft footing. CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF "Being an older horse, hes got a lot of scope," noted Gninyer, who also finished mn the money with a Local standout hhow jumpers Michael Grinyer and 1oth-place effort aboard nine-year-old Garth. "He can Ainsley Vmnce - and their u-usty longtime mounts - handie the jumps in pretty much any condition." were on top of their game at Halton Place Sunday Alcatraz cersainly lived up to that claim, clearing afternoon. ail 1.4 jumps in the opening round and Unfortunately, that wasn't quite ail eight mn the jump-off without so enough to put them on top of the 20- much as rubbing any of them. entry field in the nearby facilitys inau- "The only problem was 1 didn't ride gural $75,000 FEI World Cup Qualifier. him fast enough," Grinyer said. "He Thniving on a rather soggy grand usualiy dues well indoors with the tight prix ring to close out the two-week turns, but not quite as good outdoorh. Canadian Country Ciassic, botb But he was great (at Halton Place) and Gninyer and Alcatraz and Vince and its nîce to have an event like this so Catch 22 advanced to a four-way jump- close 60 home now" off before being eclipsed by t Unlike Alcatraz 34, Catch 22 has a Orangeville's Frankie Chesler-Ortiz and tendency to be very sensitive on soft Picolienzeldenrust. à footing, wbîch sparked plenty of con- Chesler-Ortîz and Grînyer each cern for Vince heading into Sundays delivered another clean round - wrth migrand prix. Chesler-Ort.z upstaging the 53-year-oId '"I thought there'd be big problems Campbellville equestrian by nearly two seconds in witb ail the rain the day before, and was quite wor- 52.65. Wbile head and shoulders out front in termis of ried," she recalled. the dlock - with a lightnîng-quîck 49.27s - 30- However, Catch 22 had just one minor hiccup year-old rural Miltonian Vince and Catch 22 took overaîl and offered another reminder of why be's down the fourtb rail in the jump-off and had to settle widely regarded as one of the speedsters on the grand for third. prix circuit. "Speed's neyer an issue witb bim," Vince Gninyer and Vînce collected $015,500 and $9,500 explaîned of the 1 6-year-oid Dutch warmblood. "He respectîvely for their top-three finishes - marking just lost bis footing a bit there before the purple rail the best World Cup qualifyîng effort ever for Gninyer and didrit quite bave the push needed to clear it. But and thse best ihis season for Vince. Perths Amy Millar given the conditions, 1 was pleasantly surprised at - daughter of 'Captain Canada' Ian Millar - round- how well he did." ed out the jump-off, placing fourth with Sweet The oldest of three equesulian sisters, Vince satd Dreams. the chance to compete so close to home alongsîde Rîding Alcatraz for about fîve years now, Grinyer Courtney 27. anid Sydney, 24 - who botb had 12 said he wasn't really concerned about thse previous faults aboard Nalla and Uno - made her strong fin- day's downpour, addîng that the i 5-year-old ishs tisat mucis more rewardîng.