Working group being establîshed The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 - A13 I scarpmnent. A full 'Žnvirotiiental assess- ment meaifs carefully examin- ing social, economnic and narural land effects of the highway h also means seriously studving alternatives, such as widening existing highiwavs or creating superior rail and public transit systems. A key factor in the trans- portation planning process is the forecast that the Greater Golden Horseshoe area will groxv by four million people within 30 v'ears. 'AIl reasonable options to add transportation capacif y to, the corridor will be examined ',aid Il_10C spokespet sois Bol) N ichols. Hudak noted some specilic suggestions were presented to Cansfield "for expediting the Mid-Pen process." One of themi centered on using a previous 2001 needs assessment study to accelerate Phase One of the EA process. Phase One as currently writ- ten will re-evaluate whether a new highway is needed in the fîrst place, whether the QEW should be expanded or if traffic can be relîeved through transit- only options, Hudak stated. The 2001 needs assessment already studied these issues and deter- mined a highway was required, Li L, i 11 cxpansion fo Niagar a. "Significant t ime and money woulcl he saved hy usîng the original study rather than re- studying the same issues," he stated. "(Cansfield) was well aware of Niagara's and 1-lamilton's concerns about tnme- frames and growîng traffic con- gestion." Kelly said a working group is in the process of being estab- lished to monitor and partici- pate in the EA process, and is expected to start some time this year. He said ail affected munic- ipalities will be invited to take part. Pay hikes wiII cost extra $54,861 - from REGIONAL on page Ai salaries were 7.2 per cent below the GTA average, while the regional chairmans was 1.5 per cent short. Weacknowledge the impor- tance of compensating fairlv and on par vith other municipali- ties." said citizen committee member Ram'y Wogden. Is estîmated the salarv increases will cost the Region an extra $54,861 annually. The citizen group also rec- ommended that it reconvene in two years to determine if a Sioke Alarms It's The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instail themn in your à homneor cottage today! or salary market revîess\ is requîred, The councîllors on the com- mittee applauded tîse groups efforts i dealing with the com- pensat ion issue, which can often be a touchy subjeci for those on councîl to handle. Cfakvîlle Councillor Keith Bird said he thinks using the cit- izen group is a -cîs-îhzed way of dealing with a difficuht situa- tion." Regional Chairman Joyce Savolîne also extended her appreciation to the advisory committee. "This isn't something council can accomplish wiihoîiî a lot of controversy," she noted. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale added, "We're tryîng to take the politîcs out of tis." The citizen advisorv commit- tee is composed of two residents from each of Haltonfs four munîcîpalîties. The raises will be considered by regional council duning its meeting Weednesday. Melanie Hennesse v tan bc reachcd ai mhen nessc.v@mfiliffn- See nr store for complete details. QEW & Walker's Line 1607 Dundas St.E. The 533-53 69-90 .com 3025 Ridgeway Or. #2, 5800 McLaughlin Rd. 569-0677 502-7500 SATURD 2:00 TC SI1 PAULISU p9gsTi &Y SEPT. 9 )4:00 PM IITED CHURCH FFAflRI NO k88II000 sculptures S*43g18, & lots miore FuN!!!,@