A12 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 8, 2006 *dLIresents ~~ Guest Speakers Include: Dog Wrainers, Groomers,(Vets, Dog Park Promoters, Animal S pecialists ~) Animais Up for Adoption: Dogs, Cats, Bunnies Hamsters Huiiae soceties pîts. a hîge rlu n mtir soeiv. -1"o put it rtdel.\, hurane socictiesre our garbage collectors. Ihey ptuk up sur e ris ind abused animnak anîd tAku In ans animal tit is no longer Nvanted. Havinga no kîli polleid te the ove rcrevd1ng it tIhe shelterý dUC te the taCt that there ,ire more ainsails uemngn uin u stscauspwd. As an cx\amiplu. U.pper C.redit basý ruuuntlv salsn in oser et) iens. Kittun miilk repLauuteuti ttucdJ, !se 11u puuiss osu Iei Us ud te bc enuid mid sucus hairits re tîeeded se toie tise turc1 -i iio lii îles atuin ii, toc nu, w er ptssstst sîer siiit 11t 1assl I litiitu Sýociers'ý svich hitidles Nîtîton s u i tii us irs I sei mss uali iltsi tilleulIs i a U .ý m sus n il s Lusbou trsg cars in the haîss.office aruaý indu sinsvsshure titure is in opets spauu o "r sosne tussie îsss. I busc aniiîtals need ýouir help. Oit Ousober I st, cosîtt Un 's a iîted i ltruh andu sbOss cour Sisppssrs! Ai of this takes rime. mosîev and lots e l'Cisse Pluss OLneIs attd -suppot sur es'ettt est tctssher I st where, for the first urnie, O,îks île Husmasse Sossuiuts titi1 pper t.reulîs Ilurniaste Soc1ctV' seul bristg sîsrue et their pets tor adoiption tus Miltoun. Please uorneu ot 1 itisppot thi, guit caise. It seIll he a greait taittil event! catry Prenter, lust Pausç Proud sponsor of LPaws for Thought Adopt-A-Pet! Mr MONIKA WATOR S"n -emen *** HOMELIFE RESPONSE REALTY INC. Diit416.721.4408 V olvce 416.620.0070 mww.stwhonm&sca A qwccialpmwentiztion frum Mikoný own Dr Ross A. Dawson. Dr. Dawson wiff addrvss the scope e&signeflance of hereditary health pro4lans in dogs e uch on examples of some of the more common probem. -ý Guo#u meld: Animd-&&twiour Specialis Temas Leusn à Temasrs 1 a &bbit Trahur Dog&Epr4l1 and awbT of Doggne Crazy ansd f MMINST. E. MONU I.1-.'~fb'k: ~ MTT TtFREEi4iWU23i4 le, ~se belp support our local shellers. For more into or to donute, please cali: Cathy Prenter, Jusi Paws (905) 876-2206 Upper Credit Humane Society (519) 833-2287 or OakviIIe Humane Society (905) 845-1551 To go oi vod & Wfl sROffl tis wo1111orful cause, contact Roq Jo o,4M -Ça ~ ~ x27 Design, Construction 4a Installation, Training Opn,..w... InFocus -PSB - NAD Custom etectronics for your epoc home Custom Homelheab'os For a free persosai consultation, cal More affordable 905.875.8960 than you thinkl Don't trash your computer, cali: IT. SERVRCS At work, at home, on the road, HiTeach helps. TECT VOUA DATA URE YOUR NETWORK E UP YOUR SYSTEMS WWW.NHloch.Net HoIp-me@Hlloach.Not 905-878-5185 -i Y,