Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2006, p. 11

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Krantz named honorary chair of hospital campaign Mayor Gord Kr,întz lias been given aisother ninporiaisi titie. The local pobitician was natred ibis vvek as the bon- orary chair of the Milton Distrit Hospital Foundations (MDHF) 'Our Coinmunitv' cainpaign. witb a goal of bringing a CT scanner t0 tbe local hospital. Krantz said bes "tbnlled" to bc appointed îo tbe position in a campaign tbat will becbt local residents. "Milton District Hospital (MDH) already provides excel- lent bealtb care to tbe Milton community and tbe addition of a CT scanner wîll belp to eesbance tbe qualîit of ibose services," be remarked. WVith a goal of S3.5 million, tbe CT scanncr camnpaign is tbe most ambitions fiîndraiser tbe MDHF bas undertakcen sînce the b o s pi tai1 ex pan sio n projcr in ibe mid- 1980s. M o n e raised will cover tbe cost of Pur- cbasing the new scan- iner, reno- vating tbe jýne, Gord Krantz existing space 10 accommodate tbe scanner and building an annex to expand tbe sîze of MDI-'s current Diagnostic lmnaging departmient. -earc vcry happy tisai Mayor Krantz bas decided to J .oîn Ouir t ommîiisity cain- paigis,' said MDH-l b oard of dirct ors pIresîdlei Krni M1ason "He lias provîded eci lIenit lcadersbip tn our municipalitv oser tbe y'ears and we are coesfî- dent ibat bis leadership as bon- orary cbair will inspire otbers 10 become involved wiîb ibis camn paign." Evcr year more tban 2,900 Milton residents require a CT scani. Local resîdents can get involved in tbe campaign by attending a pboto sboot tbe MDHF bas arranged for Septemrber 24 at 1 p.m. ai tbe Milton Faîl Fair, A pboto will be taken of 2,900 indivîduals sit- ting in tbe grandstands ai tbe Milton Fair Grounds t0 provide people witbi a s'isual representa- tion of tbe impact tbe new CT scalinci- v, ili bave. Represen i aiives froni tbc louindatoîon sssli bc on hand 10 aniss er ans questisons about tihe cannpi 411. The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 8, 2006 - All ~1~PITCHIN ~ CANADA SALE PEOPLE 0F THE MONIN AUGLIIUSI 2 0 00 PAUL ML - -L1 S A E S O RDSN C S E R I N C O L * T . C L I I N C n R e Species at Risk Act Public Consultations Environment Canada 15 requesting feedback from the public on or before September 25, 2006, regarding recovery strategies for one endangered species in your area: Henslow's Sparrow The Species et Risk Act (SARA), proclaimed in 2003 for the protection of wildlife species at risk in Canada, requires that a recovery strategy be prepared for extirpated, endangered and threatened species. A recovery strategy identifies conservation goals and objectives for the species, including habitat needs, and is the first step toward development of future conservation actions, stewardship and protection. Proposed recovery strategies are posted on the SARA Public *Registry Web site (www.sararegistry.gc.ca) for a 60-day comment period. You are encouraged ta check the Registry for a complete version of the recovery strategy and ta learn more about species at risk. To receive a paper copy of a recovery strategy, please write ta the address below. Comments can either be submitted on the SARA Public Registry, e-mailed ta SARAregistry@ec.gc.ca or sent by regular mail ta: Head, Species at Risk Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Toronto. ON M3H 5T4i Ž.Xeý Jt,0UN PRESENTS THE SECOND ANNUAL AU INTERACTIVE LEARNINO SYMPOSIUM a EXPO FOR RITIREES AND SOON-TO-BE1 RETIREES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7y 2006 THE LIVING ADMIRS CENTRE, MISSISSAUGA RBC Theatri., 4141 Living Arts Drive JoinrmAX(XJ14for a FEATURING Keynot. Speaker DR. EL&INE DEMBE lie Pas"i.Ddv one-of-a-kind introduction Dr Elo ne Dembe is one of Conada's outstanding to rotirementi ouihaities on longevi y, stress management and motiatin. ceebrtedchirapracror, sought-alter Preparing for and enjoying retîrement takes speaker media personality marathon runner, ond greait planning. Spend thse day with eprts author of the besi seli ng books Possionote fr health, housin , finance and travel Longe ity -10 Secrets ta Growing Younger and Use ofis the Gaad Dishes: Finding ioy in Ener Day Lite, Dr. felds and gain tse knowledge you need ta Dembe bas helped thousands opeie ncluding make the most of your retîrement the lies af Poulo Abdul, Phdl Cailes Ceine Dion and the Toronto Bine Jays. WR01:5 ............%CO MN III1WOOUIO ......1 . ..... G &ý ESSl AISPIN ~~45-1O3O ~ Deu &qy foncer tewer ond ri"hof e1 il b osoee eks on 9AS10-m ................OR.BÂIE D ff MLKIIII edan e uo ndM $ ic i rouent tilpeîtsste WA SW n- mosLqt dwliflV «t e 0k tise e ptos erny ceaudal chntig e e sict pIceciem he ceeh wtuh passion, pàendl d ceuftm Mo mtter yu op. 'Grefl Wu dê %-, teu gieges, ced muc mare. dees't buier te lpMd tthe WsceeMMgiig1" 1 1O.*1Ns.45M ......... « ieeom - o .............TA Susc tiic ced tdwcnd Mcleydee wttl discuis 'Irppuu for t ee inioding 10.45-1215M ..........OSNN lecmig vneulions, gelegnel leaee5,ox ain a letie ceeesentes, cisiiq & D.egGrswItecer tecyr eu of9etbesselighbocks nered estue wil n MdeeqcItdeuce des Qi Fuesent tet foire cMd 0"Itot MWee caot dacesai tee 0redu, buyi nrraeecipeep.et heyei wnseul me et, bauig set et country, tex 3:30-UN ............. .HMATN & WILUIESS *cie, d ChMoeýGwry Lmpe.ch, Instrut in the "dae et Ktceeay in the Sore W i e t otuK (Deceno Retiment Caiwmnitis *'-tclyetKat cete tisei nerr ttpiet' AmomwciA m wqtiousd re oedne ydy y ae T Young Io Rte Your Body This pesmettic ejill leus ce suinon end tfin tomrnees il reiates te ouiq cItr in Ite. Thssm o W the oa pitt e s i n ouer bdies, koeptcceiefhet sesin A mq cioig the risWdismshonmieup g onitdtieidsepsoeee 4:30-5pM RECEPTION IH FOYER 12:1S-l:30pu Brui tEnjy rehteshments cehiie yen met the prin sen ad sponses persaneills TICKT ARE ONLY $11 Sp---de b aeed admission teFode s aeledaee to aNl dme abeav sMmner, progra, on-sMt dnnaeslrtios mI n at bag. Sceelinc is hoWc sa book todyl rTckets available et the Living Arts Contre Box Office 905-306-6000 or 1 -888-805-8888 and onin. ut www.ivingrtsc.ntre.ca For intarmahatin on amailalsi sponsarsnrp/nhibitor oppartundies, piease call 905-337-5591 -i

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