AB - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Seplember 1, 2006 ()Wrý rit / Thanks for the Hand Up! Back in the fifteeîîth century, iii a tîîîy Gernian village near Nuremnberg, lived a famîly wîth eighteen children. To kecp food on the table and clothes on hîs children, the father, a goldsmiîh hy profession. worked almînut ciphîcen hours a day ai hîs trade and any other paying chore he could find in the neighborhîîd. Deupite their seemingly hopeless condition, two of the children had a dream. They both wanîed tri pursue their talent for art, but they knew full well that their father would never be financially able tri send ejîher of them tri Nuremberg tri sludy ai the Academy of Art. After many discussions, the two boys finally worked out a pact. They would tous a coin. 'Me loser would go down mbt the nearby mtneu and, with bis earnings, support his brother while he attended the academy. Then, when thal brother who mon thne toss ctnnplcted hiîs studies, be would SUppnrt the îîtbcr brînther while he attended schtîrl. They tossed a coin and Albrccht mon the triss and ment off tri Nuremberg. Alberi went dlown into the mines and, for the fient fonur ycars, fînanced his brother, whose work at the academy mas almosi an immediate sensation. By the time hie graduaîed, he mas beginning tri earn considerable fees loi bis cîînmîssioned marks. When he retumed Io hts village, the famîly held a festive dinner tri celebrate his triumphant homecoming. After the meal, Albrecht rose tri drink a toast 10 bis beloved brother for the years of sacrifice fihat had enabled Alhrecht tri fulfill bis ambition. Bis closing mords mere, 'And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, il is your turn. Nom you can go tri Nuremberg tri puitie your dreani. anid 1 wvîtt irke cire oif yîîîî Albert rose and 'aid softly. "No, hrither. t caintt go tiI Nuremberg. t is 100 late for tue. Looik what fotur years ini the mines have donc o rny hands' The hinnes in every finger have heen smashcd at least once, and latcly 1 have heen safterîng from arthritis so hadly ini ny rtght hand that 1 cannnt even hîîld a glass to return your toast. mach less make delîcate lines svîth a pen or a hrush. Nîî, brother, for me il is 100 laie. But 1 will pray for you!" More than 450 years have passed. Today, Albrecht Durer's hundreds of masterful portraits hang in every great museum in the svorld. But the ocdu are great that ytîu, like mosi people, are farniliar wîth only one of them. You very wcli may have a reproduction hanging in your home or office. To pay homage 10 Albert for aIl that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer drew his brother's hands with palmu together and fingers; utretched skysvard. Hec ,allcd hîs pîtînci fui dr:twtug sinnply IlHands." b ut the wnîrld bas renaiid bis trihute of love "The Praying Hauds. It is a trîhute bo truc frîendship. a memorial rit truc love that is wîllîng tri dot sbatever is rcquircd lin sec anîther succeed. Anoîher set oif hands, depicted by countless artisîs, reveal the greaîness of God's love. Jesus' hands bear the marks of naîls driven tbrough Ibeni int0 Calvary's cross. But the nails did flot laold him in place B is love for you and 1 did! He died that me mighî be ahle tri ive forgiven free of vin's shame. To learn more about the Savjour's hands and the sacrifictal nature of Hîs love, visît a local church ihis week. Service limes and locations are published in the Religions Directory below tri help you! Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor Of Milton's New Life Ch urch. Mito n Bible C(,wvc1ý LotÀnqî Goèt Lîtvnq pei 200 Main Street 905-876-3586 10:00 AM Sunday Worskip Service Children's Ministries running Concurrently Don't miss Pari>y in the Park! Saturday September i 6th from il arn - 2pm at Dempsey Park <behind Chris Hadfield School) Everything's Free! Bouncy houses, food, games, prizes, crafts and more! Meet your neighbours & bring a friend. ThCMIELTON o r 'ti nu Heai t rri irit n Ci 1URCI 1 InTwliI t lu, u to ouf àmkiv 'salilvilli %ent, ai SUNIJAI SEI>T Foster Hael 43 Brown St Mihton 5. 911 ) ti - n Sa.i ii 'nIl lfl.M AIL ',ai 11n)i ntîesn 10:00 AMiY FREF BIBLE. SCHOOL riHow will 1 bc remembered?"iý lc i[,hp t www.thesanctuary.calrnilton ,ý. 1, 905.257.3987lilS uîp' Milton Sports Centre î~ . 6% swuma b M R& w of i#Wy5 n 1îu n,,r nîn[ior .îtul.nîesî ý-,(ni pîî,-'î,î -11 W GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E CHU RCH 0F Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi/I McDermott 905-878-2411 CHRIST Rev. Dr. Renée Desiardns 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 Father Mark Curtis 905-875-2939 Sunday Services Sunfday School Classes 8:00 amn - Said uchatist 10:00 arn 10:00 amn - Sung Euchanist incldng Worship & Communion -Kis' Spirit" Pmograrn 11:00 arn followed by coffîte hour Thusay Bible Study 10:00am - Said uchanist 7:00 pmn Wheeichair Acceas Ilrougli Parking Lot àwww.gracechurchmifton.comn Minister Steve Corbett WRCEWAY 'BAPTST CHURH 103 Martin Street CA1. 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn, Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "Yau'II always lind a friend ai Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org 5L th 905-878-5664 " ',. i , 1b .ý 1 andtheHospital Pastor Jack Ninaber Connections Café (in the foyer) 10:00 ar. Sunday Worship-1 0:30 a.m. Continuing our series in Hebrews "Living with Christ Like Confidence" Juin us for aur Faîl Carnival nexl Sasday, Sept. 101h Fun for tht kîds. carnival statians with pris, pizza. High Power Sapccer Camp tîtam pintas plan captain canadal www.southsidemi1 Iton. org St. George's ~~Anrgican ChIurch1 ~OururMinsrv has heen sen ing tis cîi'nimunitri N EWîrF 150OYeairs 82 eHM O RD S. ILO Jota us tida year lu a clralion of. Tbt prcafhmg of Gîd s word in "u churrh on tht tsrarprnent sirt 1856. Cotne an entus, wt wl bc verpie"dtonmmtyu, i RFCrOIt Rev Canon Charles Masters Summer service -lune 25th fin bçpteum ir 2006 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service 8:00 amn sali Serice of Holy Comno 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School for AUl Ages 9i30 amn Monnng PMser 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service Nu"an jnir Sndy cbolWHAT CIVES ME 7051 Guelph Line ai Derry Road D O E (Tel) 905-878-1363HO E Vsit Our web ste m gkasjj a& WITH COMMUNION 6:30 p.m. - Evening Praise & Worship À PLÂCE FOR A&LL Ë Ë Outdoor BBQ Social Paster Gord Rutledge Sunday Service - Soptember 3rd, 10 arn Sunday Service - September lOth il arn Unir %bUIIIIIIEIIIUN - 2 GREAT SUNDAY WORSHIP STYLES! Sunday. Sept. 3, 9:30 arn SUNDAY WORSHIP Supported by music from our Summer Choir. Staffed ursery & Summer Sunday School Youtli Th*@ rAuditions - open to aitMilton youth Sept 6 (7 pm & Sept 10 (2 pm) - ca/I for details.! ww. stp uS 1:tt.. sai: lit.wri- o rg KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E.. Milton 905-878-6066 Mînîster -Res Hoard T. Sullivan Director oif Music Minisuies - Sounja vn de HocIf Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Children's Sumimer Worship <Ages 3-8) 10:30 a.nî. & Nusen Sunday, September 10, 7:30 PM Service of Induction for the Rev. Howard T. Sullivan -C411,EI Tf> SERVEZ THE LORD" SWhcckhair a&scî, and usr nrpîîîc ail is a ine and uînsrhip Am.ncss o Mar\ Street MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. -878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.rn. - Prayer and Bible Sfudy The Faîser sent t/je Soit Io be the Sae'iour oJ he i'orld. -list John 4.14 r t 1 1 f 9 4 î f 9 1 1 f f 0 4 f 9 (79r