The Cànat 1iàr ChâeMià,ý FrldàgS laibii'6o-A Track record needs improvement Nassagaweya farmers' barn . uit. l t %îtO -'; I lit o burnîng poweri plants, tts j enibrace of nuclear power and iîs décision 10 exempt its plan for new electrncity supplN - includling new nuclear plants - Irom .inv provincial environ- miental assessmnent has already cost the Liberals dearx, Thev miav be bevond redenription arnong nsanv envi- ionnn-ltrst voters. but if Mc(,uintv and bis cabinet sin- cerely want 10 repair tieir tai- tered green cloak. tbev must refuse tbe expansion of Duffern Aggregates' Milton Quanx on tbe Niagara Escarpment. At 1,156~ acres, tbe exîsîîng site is tbe largesi active quarrv tn Canada. A 205-acre expansion would canve up tbe esearpînents contînuous natural corridor. Turnîng it dlowen would seemn to be a polîtical no-brainer, since its smack in the middle of tbe Lîberals'much-beralded Golden Horseshoe Greenhelt. wbtcb resulted from a 2003 election promise. A Niagara Escarpmenî Commission domînated by prov-ncial Tory appointees sup- ported tbe quar-y expansion back in 2002. If the same appli- * cation went before tbe commis- sion todav. - populated as îî is * witb mueh greener. Libéral- appointed members - it would gel a rough ride. Bolstered by tbe 2002 commission support, a beaning board. after an 82-day public bearing, approved the quar-v expansion one s-car ago. liS ol\( cl In ilii casc - lic Coalition of ibe Niagara Escarpinent (CON E) and Protect Our Water and Envîronmenîal Resources (POWER) - appealed the board's décision to cabinet, cii- îng a long lîsi of ecologîcal and land use planning reasons wby tbe expansion sbould be turned clown. Tbe quarrv propertv is pari of tbe Halton Forest, ibe largesi track of continuous forest along tbe Niagara Fscarpmenî soutb of Grey Countv and tbe largest intact upland woodland in tbe Greaier Toronto Area. And just as nuclear power camres wvitb it tbe nisk of tbousands of years of bîgb-level radioactive waste, tbe Dufferîn quarry expansion would involve massive engi- neening works that would need t0 operate successfully for years in order to attempt to proteet tbe water resources of the area - the wetlands, creeks and groundwater tables. Why jeopardize tbe ecologi- cal integnity of tbe Greenheli for centunies for a mere 10 to 12 years of quarryung? There wîll alwavs be a demand for more aggregate Stone, sand, gravel and produets made from them, such as concrete and asphaît - for roadwork and urban growth. But as a Society we musi look long and bard ai whether we are doing enough îo reduce tbat demnand tbrough more compact urban developmenî. more pub- lic transit tnstead of more high- DEAR EDflOR: Tbe recent proposai bv Halton Region to buîld an energv from waste (EF\\V) facilita ta most apro- lx-S. To correctîs assess an EFS\ propos-al. ils essen- tial to esîablmsb tbe asverage and peak volume of dailv total waste being bandled, and the expected gt-owtbl rate botb for tbe region and thse GTAý One also needs to correctiv identifvl the present fraction of combustible, anaérobie and landfîll wasie for eacb waste consîgniment from thse dîffer- cnt possible sources. Modern EF\ facîlîties bave tbe incorning garbage sonted oui into ibese fractions so tbaî ibey use tbe apprQpnate tecbnologx for eacb t\ype gtc:lu Recycled sources can provîde about fîve limes more of tbe aggregates needed for public- sector road and development projects in Ontario per year tban would be extracted from tbe Dufferin Aggregates quarry expansion area eacb year. Wîîb so mucb at stake politically, and viable alternatives io tbe quarr expansion in tbe wings. îî inakes us wonder wbat could possibly propel tbe cabinet bo approve tbe quarry enlarge- ment, otber tban tbe enormous influence ibat tbe aggregate industry wields ai Queens Park. Tbe Liberal government bas- n 1t x'et had to make any big, îougb decisions about proteet- ing tbe escarpmenî - pant of the Greenhelt - since comîng 10 power in 2003. Tbe eleenical power decisions appear to signal that environenial protection may no longer be a hîgb pnionty for McGuintys government. Approving tbe Dufferin Aggregate quarry expansion would be an equally strong sig- nal. Tbe question is wbetber MeGuinty's cabinet truly appre- etates the uproar in thse environ- mental community that approv- îng tbe quar-y expansion would cause - and bow much tbey care. BRADLEY SHAW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COAUTION ON THE NIAGARA ESCARPMENT of wasle. Hîgb tempeérature anacrobie digestion bas thse best efficiencv and leasî pollution, fol- lowed by solid combustion. Many [PV facîlîties Mith access to anaerobic and solîd wasle cboose a combînation of tecb- nologies. The public input would be more valu- able if thse Région could reveal tbe breakdow-n of ils swaste. as suggested above. Everv EF's\ facilita builtiso nov. swanting 10 expand. Tbe upmward trend in energy pnces will aLso lîkely continue. Hopefulîs. %ve in tbe region sbould soon sec our wastes turn int nuggets of gold DOUG DEANS SOMERVILLE TERRACE totally destroyed by Iightning 'Tine Capsules' are geints of infor- motion extractedl front past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miltonk past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in contect. June 1908 Last Ft-iday evening's thunder storm did great damage in diffeérent parts of Ontario and two men were kilted byligbtning. It was heavy here, but did more good than bat-m. The beavy rain alter tbe long drought was welcome. Walter L. Elliott's barn in Nassagaweya was bumît by lightning witb its contents, $500 worth of macbinery and 30 tons of bay Mr Elliott bad only $600 of inssirance. Thc harn was blazing when hie fir st saw the fire amdie coutld do notbing. lin Milton tbc elcctric lights were put out of business for a short tinte. Messrs. Bastedo & Co.ý chinîney was smashed. Duning that of Monday evng Edwaîd Cotes dwelling, on King Street was struck while bis ten- ants, the Fennimore family, were ai tea. The bghtnng bruite the bacit door into pieces, went tbrough the dinlng rooni ami out tbrough the front doom knocking it off uts loch. Thse faînily had a womierful escape. No one wms burt, but a htle gi said herarti*gld. The band will run a snoonhght excursion wo Budlngw Beach by nain, thence by stcamsbip Modjeska foir a ibme bour saii on the laite, tomortow Special nain will leave Milton at 7.30 p.m. Fare to Burlingion Beach 50t, boai tickets 25t extra. July 1908 Thse union excursion of the Methodist and Presbyterian Sumiay Schools to Scarborough Beach, Tor-onto, last Friclay was well attend- ed altbougb thse WC.T.U. convention kept many at home wbo would bave otberwise been witb it. G Co. of the 20tbLone Rifles got home from tihe Niagara camp on Saturday about 2 p.m. ami mat-cbed down Mamn Street on their way to the armoury. The men lookeil well and Ma t on . Time capsules * moved smrarly They were paid off by Captain Clements a littie later after retuming their outfits. Tbey hope to wear a different uniform next year, thse officers of thse corps baving, at a meeting, decided to apply for khaki clotbing, faced witb green, also for Stetson bats, cowboy pattern. Captain Ballentyne will command the picked company wbicb the regi- ment will send wo the Quec cedc- brations at the end of next month wîtb Uceuts. Peppiatt and l3astedo as subalterrns. Milton was defeated ini a basebui league match lust Saturday at Georgetown. Milton led 3-2 "ndthe 9ih înning wben an osatfidld emr let the locals tie the score. 4-3 for Georgetown. There was a lively match on Satunday between a teamn composed of nine members of the Winn family and anohe of employ- ces of the shoe factoty of Messi G. Wmnn & Co. The Wms were win- ners, score 25 wo 5. No less ibani seven of thcmn were Ieft banded. The Deputy Mînîster of Education bas notified the secreiary of the Milton Scbool Bond duat the Model School (for teacher training) wiil bc discontinucd at Milton. The anniversary of the battie of the Boyne, "the glorîous twclfth,* was celebrated by big denonstra- nions at Toronto, Hamilton and other places. Most of the Halton lodgcs, Homby Campbeilville, Oakville ani Bronte went to Hamnilton- Hornby and Campbellville lodges wcnt and returned via Milton an mrcted the citizens to plenty of fie ani drum music. This mate-ial is assemblail on behalf of the Milton Historical Society b Jin Dills, who can be reached at jdilLs@i-direei .coin. E'T DEFEN Protect yoursel when biking this season: wear a helmet every Urne you ride, don't weave in and oui of traffic, and follow local laws and guidelines for rnding. If you're dnîving, watch for bicyclists riding in the road. Wo can ail sharo the rond Ihis summer. e 't moe imtoabu rntlCse? Would like to find out more about Doulas? Join us to have ail your questions answered. 1102 Barclay Circle, Milton, ON o 905-876-3283 si rho nn e e s(ýy -ai .c EFW facility a good move by Region