Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 1, 2006 OPINION01 Eyes on Halton N\'biieJos'ce îeavoline bas niade it abundantly clear Ilalton Region bas no intention of beconring an easy solution to Toronto', waste wvoes, ifs easy to undersiand bow outsiders inigbi bave receniiv reacbied a difiereni conclusion. Evser since the strate of Michigan begant getîîng iouglier on oni-ol-siate îrasb - iaking îî possible tbai iruckloads of Toronto's garbage will soon be îurned away ai the border - Halion leaders bave feared ibai ibeir years of foresîgbî miigbi pro-,ide Oniarios largesi ciiv wiib an easy way oui. And wviib good reason. In Aprîl of 2004, iben provincial Ens-tronmeni Mînîsier Leona Dombrowsky sent Savoline a letier sîaîîng ibai she eouldn'î excuse Haltons landbill (rom beîng a poiential emergency site to take one-million tonnes of Toronto garbage per year. The correspondence bad a galvani.zing effeet among Halion regional couancillors. wbo s'owed to proteci the land- fllIs lifespan îbrougb a seines of wasie diversion initiatives. Halton council was back to a defensive posture again last faIt after iî became known the Province bad been secretly compîling a lîsi of Ontario landfills tbat could accommodate one million tonnes of trasb per vear from Toronto, York, Peel and Durham regions. Ai the lime. insîde sources saîd Halions landfîll on Regional Road 25 in Milion could be on the lisi since ifs one of the few i the province large enougb to îake extra garbage sbould Michigan close lis border enîîrelv to Ontario irtsb Once agaîn came the loud and clear message (romi region- aI counicil - Halion doesn't %vant garbage front (TA nîunic- ipalîties îo eser end up in lis landîtîl. But cariier ibis înontb, the Regions consistent. btrdline pielics appeared to sofien ever so sligbtlv. In announctng the possibitN oh' lalion buildinîg an ceergy-from-ssasîe (EFS\ I long-iermi solution iii the [mnite lifespan oh its lsndfil., the Region noied ilit Ontanio Ens tronmeni Ntinister Lauirel Broien bad pros. îded NN-iien confirnmation tbaî Halton Region bad appros ai under tbe Fnsironmeniai Assessmeni A.ct to implemeni an Efacîlîts. One poienial scenanio înciuded Hiiton building aii EEW large enougb to take svaste fron tber regions. fi sounds io us as il Broten bas .tdvised Halton to prepare for tbe inesîtabie arrisai ofi garbage frota nîunivipaiiics lac k ing a back-up plan ss en \Michiganî tiln ibein a\ssas if Halion wants îo etîsure it ss-on't gel dumped oit bv the lîkes of Toronto. îî sbould con-sider building an LFW capable ofhbandling onîs as mucb %vaste as our region produces. \Vbîle Haln mas not bc leyeing Toronto garbage. Savoline and tbe rest of regional councti can bc sure thai [oronie and other GIA munîcîpalîties wiib senious %vaste management issues bave neyer stopped eyeing Halton. Rneaders Write Send your lettïors to r1itnedi@hatonerch. on or (biol) thern off at 875 Main St. E Provincial gomerment should deny Dufferin quarry expansion DEAR EDITOR: A cabinet decision expccted soon on Dalion \tMtiini 01 ntario Liberais a Niagara Escar-pnenit cluarrs expan- hasve losi so inuch grouîîd on the ensvi- siien mas, v%,el prove enlightening in ronmnental front sieniniig from receni regard ii hoss seniousir the Ontarno decisions, on the eleciriciiv suppiv cnisis I iberais wvant io trs t regai n a mecasure tbai one bas to question whetber tbey of credihîiity on the ens ironeni file. can recover in time to %%in enougb Tbe combinarion of tbe provincial environmental voies in tbe October govemmenis abandonment of a fîxed 2007 ellection. esee TRACK on page A7 Eitor'sesk Please someone step Up and improve aur health care Weve all heard stories about the sad state no one even came to check on my condition. this or that, and l'mn sure its needed. But of our health-care system. Weil now 1 have one to tell. in early August, 1 lefi work and went to the Milton District Hospital emergency departonent toi gel medical attention for terr- ble pain 1 was feeling in my abdominal area. 1 was assessed, regisiered and given a lied relaîively quickly but then the waiting began. In fact, 1 waited and waited, and wait- ed. No doctor. As the pain grew worse, 1 informed a nurse and was told simply there was notbing they could do as there was only one doctor working in the emergency depariment. There was an accident on the 401 and, of course, that took priority Then heart patients came mn. Meore I finally saw the doctor, 1 ended top waiting three tofour bours, and in that time They were just too busy Does tisai sound right to you? Only one doctor in the emergency department for a town with a pop- ulation of about 60,000 people and major highiways nearby. Its a ~< rotten feeling to be left in pain. worried about what might lie wrong with you and not lie able toi gel care in a timely lashion. 1 wouldn't %wish that on anybody. F'm flot coming down on.- Milton District Hospital or any of ils staff. They must lx frustrated as well. les the sysîem - and our governiment - that 1 blaine for this dismal situation. The question is, who's going 10 step up 10 the plate and do something about il? Everyday we see funding being awarded for I shouldn't our health-care systemn collie firsi? Doesn't that make sense? Shouldn't Milton District Hospital be adequately funded to have a reasonable number of el doctors in the emergency --- department at Ah limes, espe- S cially considering the growth. NV'ith Ai the taxes we pay on ex erything, everyday, is there iý A any excuse for anything lesa? After tesuing the next morn- îng, i was discovered 1 had appendicitis and 1 had surgery tbat day The pain in my stomach is now gone. but l'il always lie left with a bad feeling from the experience. 1 know there are people out there with stories much worse than mine. Maybe we need to speak a litile louder about them. lEbr CEanabîau Ci ampion Milo ( r rriiiy P w aiper 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertisiiîg Fax. 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.niütoncansadianchlampion.com Publisher: Ian Oliver Aasociate Publisher Nonl Oliver Advertiaing Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîcei Production Manager MDm Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Chamrpion, puiblisWe evey Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Main Sit E. Milion, Ont, L9T 3Z3, is one of the Metrcland Pniing, Publisling & Distrinbet Ltd. community newspapefs tiee eo5et d e tai, te er.of a e '5fne1 t màeaoibeall eto, s , vptIl , t a,ged ,ttb ta,C- :i t e 01o -'te .te, ceci- CCAB Audited Ontari Comrs te OCfla Newspape,, Assott aror C NA Canadw oC3rntre U K ' Sabtan Neatçpapers U n of Aereca a proud media sponsor for: Hato (AIittsA SA UNITED CAS 0F MILTON TV AUCTION MILTONi SANTA CL.AUS PARADE ~1TYYMA Showcase Miton e t ti

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