B12 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 1, 2006 :1 Now taklmg registration for fanl pregrams Porzsfoi- maacal Th«.&M. Group vocal Iznprov Drawymor'.jnnt *Nw MÎMd s'nar Noe Reglstratlon Dates: Kidi Corner 150 Nlplsslng Road September 6, 7, & 14 :Opm t. S:OOpm ýWERE ~ New larger and imnproved location with state-of-the-art sprung dance flooring Specializing in recreational and competitive Scottish Highland Dancing by 4 time World Champion and Judge. New programs this [ail include: HIP HOP, MIATES, AND) BALLET 10 week sessions offered iii Hip Hop, Pi/ates and Adult Highland. Classes commence Sept. 11 th Ages 3yrs to aduit ,,,etifle s% Jho f eý& Fali Registration: September 2nd 1-3pm September 6th 6-8pm 529 Main Street East (across from Loblaws> MILTON KA1ý ATE W. WWIýri T0NY,ýAn.C0M 3 MONTH PROGRAM $99.0 kkds $13.e adults $240.oe for familles - Includes uniform registraion limited visit us o"fne - 905-319-4264 Michelle L. Robinsoon.B%4T. MA Sommner Johnstonc.. BOIT. B.1) -8391 AnH-ill, uci (9j 5 69 ]Egyti[airi Betty Dance FALL CLASES Start Tuesday Septomber 12 Class time - lhr 112 weeks U W -t lyM ABVANCE REGISTRATION DATE: thie FUN way September Sth tram 5:30 ta 7:30 pinm ACADEMY OF DANCE DEMONSTRATIONS @ 7:00 pin at theffjJ I LocATIu: Banco Elite Studio for the Arts e1 1 4 1 1 180 Nlpissing Road, Milton linder Mansaement sf For further infarmatian an lacatians Joanne Parker, ÀRCT and schedules, check aut: since 19824 www.shelimahproductiofls.coD (by Fabricland) ar caIl (905) 878-2410 905-878-7090~ DMILTON RECREATIONAL DART LEAGUE~ Registration Sept 6 & 13 at 8pm Mixed League Sept 20 at 8pm atHard Bali Café Hwy 25 North of Hwy 401, Milton F, -- î For more information visit our website www.miltontheatre.ca 6. 905-875-7674 - mytpinfwýhotmèi1.comý