Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 2006, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 1, 2006 We believe... in helping. * - o : o New this fali Milton Transit introduces... mi. Route I wli senvios lndustriei Dr. aid M.tcet Dr. Route 3 wili change to betten senve Huwthoms ~Mage Emat. Route 4 ulil uevIoe Foiguson Dr., LouisSLLaursntAve., Kennedy Circis aid Thompson Rd. Route 5 weli sss~ice Esquseung Une aid Lavson Road enea oe w.Il as Uiree nsw stops closarto retiens un Milton Cu'osuroads ~ mue. mu. P~. ~~1> Enjoythe savings aid nvenience of monthly bus passes. AVuIIehI. fou punstoas. stmting Auguut24 M-p." Adiji 85600 Senior 838.50 Student 846.00 Gotraister 820.00 1i p mi soks*io OvaNI u~ *Town Hi Annex 565* *Pdlton Seniors Aci~Ity Centre5 *Town Mal Victoria P.t~' stAtion Public Ubruy *Mlton Leisure Centre *Lollery Kloek ai Zolien (Mliton Mal) Labour Day Transit Notice Please note that there wtII be no Mitton Transit Servioe or Acoessîble Transit Service on Monday, September 4, 2006. Scheduled services wiII resume on Tuesday September 5, 2006. Phone: 905-815-2020 (Information Lina for Oakville Transit, whîch s providing Milton Transit service) NOTICE 0F SURPLUS LANDS Notice s hereby given that the Counol aI the Corporation of the Town 0f Mitton intenda ta dectare Pan 6 on Plan 20R-16616. as surplus ta the Towns needa Thîs unopened road allowanoe la situated juat esat ai Sixth Une on the south aide 0f Derry Roed and contains an area 0f 0.057 acres. Thia land ia ta be deciared as aurplua f0 the Town'a needa ta be trans- ferred to the Region 0f t-tatton ta correct veiticsi atigninent deficiencies, as part 0f the contin- ued Deny Road Improvententa. Thia notice ia providad pursuant ta Section 268{3) ai The Murecipat Acf, 2001 SO. 2001. c. 25~ as anund.d, and In accordanos with Town ai Mitton Praperty DiSposaI By-taw Na. 34-95. Fudhar intannation wfdi re~oot la 8w afaremontianed Notice may b. obtained train 8w Law Cledi. Tawn ai LUkin. 43 Brawn Street. MiSan, Ontia <905) 878-7252, extension 2109. D0sd 0f Ui Town 0f Mue. Utis lai d.y 0f 5.phmbe 2MB. 1~oyM~4Mg~ Tancteit Toue 0f f.Ukin Curtis, Wilhelm to run again tiag tai tain n titis abs municipal election nears. note candîdatcs are conîîng Iorward. h urrent Ward 2 h. nuntilloi Mark C urtîs tbrew bts hat i the ring Wedncsday pullîng btm in the race againsi two-time candi date Jim Timbers, ieIIow Ward 2 incumbeni Mike Bougbton and Dorland-Haigbî Gallenes owner Peter Haigbi. Curtis is beiter known in the communlty as Father Mark of Grace Aiîglican Cburcb. H&s currently serving bis first term on councd and said he thinks during the past îhree years he bas gained the trust and respect of the community "Resîdents regard me as their Mark Curtis David Wilhelm peoples politician," he satd. I Sebool Board Milton Trustee love Milton and J want 10 do Rev. David Wilhelm also filed to everythîng I can do 10 proteet ifs run again this week. Fies cur- future. rently the only person goîng for Halton Caîhultc District the spot. Burlington man registers to run against Carr for regional chair The pool of Hairon chair candtdates bas grown Since then, Plaschka bas provided electncal tO tWO. and control system services lu a number of busi- Burlîngions Roberi Plascbka. an electrîcal nesses. He and bis wife are members of tbe Autîsm engîneer, îs ibe laiesi to îbrow bis bai mb tbe Ontatio, Halton cbapter. political nng. Tbe o~ber candidate vying for regional ebaîr is Fie graduaîed irons ibe Unîversîty of Ottawa in 1990, and s~orked for several ftrms before starting KiIbnde~s Gar>' Carr, former Halton MP bis own eneineenne comnana in 19%. He moved Current Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline îbe business and bis famtlv îo Burlîngion a year later. annniinced earlîer ibis si-ar shi- wasnt seekîng re- eleciton. t~ 8~ O~r ~U4.<.3aty M~Lsigs1 8a~i.w .SatU#day il ..ei. hê0.U~a* c .n. MM joint? c~-. r, Somîday yau'II bt aflered a cîparette tr be tempted tt amoke Before you atari, think about t every drap yau tacs acrews Up yaur ttdy Smakiag can caute permanent damage ta anar btdy Once a persar atarta it bectrne~ eetrtmely touga :0 quit Ana diS vie mentîoa ail tnat cash sac h be bîavvîng e the praceas9 Sa f yture tempied ta stan. utc yaersetf. "What's the point"' Tus message broaglil te you by Qbe Ciinabian Ctjiampton

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