B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 1, 2006 9~GEORGETOWN~ T It GUELPH STREET( usns O A'CCEP-TED 1c Dal 6:4 pm & 9:00p.m immun Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. the nec 6 TALLADEGA NIGMTS for Ê Daiyî9:00p.m adverti 6:4 ZOOM laterf & Sun 2:00m. itsel CRANK immuni riÛ Dai 645 pm&9:00p.m.bsn S Sat& Sun2:00 pm.b sn Brot e that Framling now part of art event Itrý .1 .e to essity sing r or nds if îto mirn a his oiuiiiiiion dits, oi hahy hlanket. l]edi Nowak, of tbe Harrop Art Gallery bas recently also cor-ne on hoard, doing customn framng - if desired - for the pleces. "Frarntng is lîke putting on jewelry. fi puis tbe final accen- tuating on any art," sbe said, explaining the style of frame chosen can make tbe art fit jusi about any type of decor. MacIntyre saîd sbe gravitates to lîgbnbearted subject mat- ters. Soîne sbe bas painted specibically for cbildrens rooms, like one featuring a cbild dressed up in a knigbts armor fac- îng bis foe - a dragon. "Its bappy, wbimsical, fun," sbe saîd of ber style. Tbe C2 paint fine is notable for several reasons, non tbe least of wbicb is its bîgb quality, Bergsmna saîd. Tbe company offers large paint cbips (18 by 24 inches) wvitb actual eggsbell finisb paint on tbem so sboppers can ~~.d-I JIiit thali lit>, (CI ) liast îliid an excelletîî stlctitîi of colîîurs boîb in a neutral palette as well as the deeper, ricb- er cîulours lor tbose clients non alraîd tii bc saturaîccl witb colour complexity," Bergsma said. Support from tbe communny bas already been over- wbelmning, Macîntyre said. "Tbere's a magic bere tbat. lets us do tbîs sort of tbîng." For more information about Art from tbe Heart, visit Bergsma's at 194 Main St. E. Stephanie Thiessen tan be reached ai sihiessen@Ccmiltonrana- dian champion, tom. Local artist's works featured in show A local artis will sbowcase bis work an an upcomîng exbîbit. Drawer/painter Justîno Magalona Jr. wvill take part in an exhbî along witb award-wvinning portrait arttst Frank Tonido from next Friday to September 10 ai Visual Arts Missîssauga. 1475 Burnbamtborpe Rd. W,. in Mississauga. Tbe exhibit will run nexi Fniday from 7 to 9 p.m., September 9 from 10 arn. to 5 p.m. and September 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To vîew Magalonas works, visin wwss ,wjustînornagalona.com. New book club has a sense of humour Book los ers vbn arc tîrcd tof readtng sad and serions lier- ature mîgbî wsanitno check out tbe BIsý the Book Club. Tht tlub îs currentîs' recruîtîng members tu cstablîsb a Mltoîîn cbapîer. The grnup reads lîneranure that ins'tgnrates tht mind and titlls the lunn% hîmnc - and nts catercd. nîmîl It nis ontt a month Iroro Scpterher nu june. 1 hoc- ioit rc'scd in joinirn2 an cal :")(5 2 71 -P917 or e- mnii hIs thh mKlistxnpatit.ý(, à