A30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 1, 2006 Coire Drillingmà *Reverse Osmosis Drînking Water Systemrs *UV Sterilization Systems *Complete Pumping Systems Celi: (905) 69 1-6 118 Core's Pump Ser-vice 1 siessor motors 388 Main Street JhJ-JITSIJ w - w w w if ai 310 MAIN STRE 906478-1074vý ' t AOSET -87ml 1t 0-55 LABOUR DA lu - SEPUT 413@ Ma yw muks âie 4Mii gea fbr Semn-En a tise W"ie fsirgrouàd. Mre sho vl bc S timogisos Lahoss Day woekod suts Fnti Septembe sasel« M uS*ySqsl 1r4â&ts5p Mui years show vil feumm a MW âcMe fac 2»0 lxesntns thse -E"EOSID of fie Hives: ad wsl show tis vame" snlofO bmvlestm gfluîmt hm &devleped showMg the emises type of hatt »oos to the develop o fO mecha"sa machina An cvohstinaty dtipay witit an cdtscassonal cagoi- ocm . Each &ay sesitaes wl bc on gomg thesugism thse gound Smai! modeb os Oal descrpton vil be on display stcluding lise itmm loco me wbsd ses!! bc m operauso on specesai mc up wrac Rides sill ttc available for dssldre. There leil! btc mmwi dufferss scale mode!ram nstsntgm nos to mentin tis assa compimen oC fui sue Ocam engine Mn dazý opeatio. Strol] slsssgt thse gis cgmn am ad sSr hms- dreti oC smal aid larg ut aid asti ngns. Contnsse vota asiventure tssoghmn thse asts tsildsn g u i sons ofCknsttd scai md qmkesd isu. Sec ams and cfts. boy sem b"o goo" md vo n cm i cisuss g oss~il e tse fies matet amues niodes bnidisg. Hudsnds oC hotus hav hmu spes by uaed nsachnm makung sotea scae woekin model Ce yn eo se. Fms th=co von can go Iod tis a n d maa buildsg. dû sona shoppmg nor *M àtise fond coMu ams C Oeck thse eveni %cisedul for -rm stma ib aivse thse ET MILTON is FSr mas stage Thms viff Wt tramr md cm ETMLO cssgss sbals demonueasoe as sanotas ums Ise dtiscsMg 90&-632-3100 cusspctm "ae pbac Smassa Ssmay mnd Monda xs3p put" "ia â.iasg acs agas= tie dlock eD %oti lom *md bek ap. Na daa a load oC gu ssg msmsoeguse mdl btig stanf OC tiemmy ga s jusi llkc yen acisls have __a àeemy i9WL' 00s - cw cm vil tc on diqslay us fsid aloag vit ~~OO I rva se âms* mal man OC vsag «Sae yen came &Dm - MseSc à=s la M tie Gr m &sd chài day fzou tise grmd staul ic 4pss. Afta lie pmude have smwa u e m thse cSn mme md stan for d tis vmug ammtmnmest Fnday nigl a[ 730 Alisha Brooke ibuil ttc appearsng on age SamutaIy ngh vi tbc ise 2%h A"usa Csssnury Wcaum Ta"u conscu usai Sundas a 53(illsw v im tir mm leaue pull follod 7gmhoy SoehaOmekliw on de Bwova Dl foage tise bar steanut co yen vi! fimi myWsmt. Atisi amme us $&00 aus Frsday md $7 00 Smesssly, P I RIEPAUR-S to ail makes and modela of SMALL ENGENES CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT -CHAINSAWS PICK UP & DEUVERY HALTO POUR EQIMUNT -- ý am% m 87"-2fl 4& Weil *WelI Rehabilitatton *WeII Cleaning *Flow Rates *Water Treatment Tel: (905) 854-4515 au