The Canadian Champion, Fniday Seengber, 0 1, 2006 --.27 offi 1Sli éi-auHl F ERN BROOK NATURAL SPRING WATER Located et James Snow Pkwy & Steeles Ave (Milton) We are a growing company iooking for an ACCOUNTING CLERK Dufies will include invoicîng. A/R, FOI web based invoicing, sales reporting and support ta the shipping and receiving manager. Prior esperience dealing with netailers is beneficial. Knowledge of Simply Accounting or other accounting software, as well as good Excel and MS-Office skills nequired. Positive, get it done attitude a must. Compefitive wagea and benefit compensation Email resumnes ta: or Fax Reaume to: 905-878-9035 Georgetown office reqaires heip. Knociedge of Simply Accsunfing a mst, Accoanting saperiesce and/or edacafion essential. Part-tinte, poasibly ieading ta fuil-fîme. Flexible hauts. A/R, A/P and vrnoua other office deties. Piease fax resue f0: 905-702-8715 wanio tor approxsîmateiy 10 hours pet month Please iorward resumes as follows: Fax: 905 693 9612 or E-mail: I or With Ieadîng growîng Canadîan însurance compny n Okvile. ighenegysales *oriented, calling ouf la existing custamnet base. Other positions also avaîlable. j1ppo4tmove upin ompan j1 Email resume stating Reference #0825B0 keassinaqnu ten vb u Stealtns -1.îe i 14-c s"-uqi. SaignaS._ Cr.ea fmW- ON tunsa & , I.. rg Looking for a job in sales and customner service? Then cmonapin our tant' We'ns ooC ng fora part tme customet stect tep Oth tes irears eiweserace an who ise mntvated stf-starter -an we art w ilng to mran thre nght candidate Are yutihe ane? Plemt tax us pour nesamne 9U5873 2596 W"ui YOU l1k. Io be recognizd s a PIIOFESSJO9dL SALESPERSO< ln on. oi Caudas indisg automobille dneshlps? If s, aur saleapsopie sarn an excellent incame and exrjoy tht bensffits of worfsng with a aucceaafaI prsgresaive deaiemhup. Of poste carrtntty a profes- sional in automobiie sales or if yoasit senaus about a caren change & are loolsng for the training & guidance thai art essential fat long terni suc- lhke fo taie ta pou i'm Newel DeSouza. Suies Manager. Cak sail or drap iv BURLINGTON HYUNDAI. Tel:905-633-8811 Fax905 633-8815. NTRLFODSINES seOIN Rapidly tsparding companpy iii search of mativattd irdivdcual for SALES & MANAGEMENT Na prospectirg or cold caliîg Ai appurntments supplisil Ia ses nec ara et Si- ing coaromens. 3-5K per manfli expectes n bonus. Car essentral Cali 905-5"4927 &Imm J B00KKEEPER/ OFFICE MANAGER Seall Construction Co. le Milton seeking a person experitnoedin siepy accounting full set of books, fyp- ing Gov't remirt- tances, computer lit- trat Fax: 905-331-5128 Forever Young, Canada's Ieading publi- cation for 50+ consumera and a division of Metroiand Printing, Publiahing & Dis- tributing Ltd., has an immediate openinig for an esperienced Retail Advertising Sales Representative The candidate must poasesa a minimum of two years print advertising sales sape- rience. An impresîve business deveiop- ment record and agency esperience la also an asset. The aeiected candidate wiil have an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability ta work bath as part of a team and independenty, and wili be eatremeiy well organized. Wie are iookîng for a self- starter who is highiy motivated and has excellent communication akilia, both writ- ten and oral. In thia raie, you witi be cuatomer focuaed and wiii buiid stronq relationahipa wîth new clients by ensuring that their adver- tising needa are met. You wili be goal- oriented and capable of meeting regular monthiy budgets within a deadtine fo- cused environimenf. If you would like f0 work for a leader in the media îndusfry this opportunity may be the right ont for you. W e aBfer a com- petitive compensation package and bene- fita as weil as posaibilities for future ca- reer growth. If initerested please forward your reaume, no later than September 13, 2006 to; fax: (905)337-5571 We appreciate the intereat of ail appli- canta however only thoae seiected for an nterview wiil be contacted. No phone caila or agencies pieaae. GolId 'B'ook wt-WW. IL) I :m la aearchîng for ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Gala Baok, a Division af Metraland Pub- iishing. is o Drrectory Business servicing local mar- kets in Ontario. prsvidînig consumers wrih complets listings ot busîneasea and services relevant to their local communîties. Due ta business growth. as are seeking dynamîc individuals tor ire foullrime position of Advertiaing Suies Represenitatîve loi the Brampton aiea, Tne quuhtfied candidate will be o morîvated. nde- pendent, self starter wîth previous refuil oulside or inside suies esperience, Yau will posseso excellent entIer ana seihal cammunicutian SK10lS and wîli be motiootsd a uachîso s 5ufs In trlis raie. y50 wili be cusomer focused and trill Suiid strong relation- ahipa witti new and exsatîrg clients by ensurîng that thei directony advertising needo are met. Yau cr11 be goal-oriented and capable ai meeting manthly targesa. A isliable oshios a requiied. Il you would like ta wola toi u leader in thes media induatny thîs appontunity may be the nght ose for yau. We affer a competîtîse compensation and benefit package incuding. *Heathcare ana Dental Benef its *Pension Plan L* UsInsurance *3 Wteka Vacation ts Start *Suies Incentives and Contesta *Comprahenaive Paîd Training Pragram *Carter Deoelopmrrent and Adoanoement Cporlunitbs *FIexible Warfeng Hours lf interesttd pieuse farward yaur resume ta: mcamasfra@701,com Fax: (905) 632-030 W. appoeciaile ie interesi ofiaif appicanis however oniy those seilected for an interview wiii b. contacted. No phone catis or agencies plan. DETAL RECEPfONISTI jEopenence reuruîd Faxu resame ta la recruitng foi REGISTERED MASSAGETHERAPISTSI Feii or ihgetconipensasaon'nttrsnd *appiicanta forward your resurme toi Catr Gai agirer Qgd rOg"zoca 905-702-1774 Psitioans asaiiable iOFGH Resîdentiai Programa Fat Directors/ Supervisar/CCW's Must hase presîxus treatment saperierce. Excellent chiud managemest skîlîs. Pisase lus resumne ta: OFGH 416-532-4022 F/T &/or PPI OPTOMETRIC RECEPTIONIST/ TECHNICIAN îequirsd for msternity sase. May lead ta permanert position. Optametrîc soperience an aast. Fax 9054632-5729 Doctors office in Milton requires a Nurse for part-time/job sharing fwo days per week. Plis iex your resume ta: 905-878-8711uran ARNOS SPORT ARi FeIv er vers Piusoe apl Apl npers t sm ta r 48 Mare d &aklier BABRON PUB FULLTIME and PARTTIME SERVING and BARTENDER STAFF j No Expenience necesoary, fissible hsum j Apply in persan la Samantha ai Davis ut: 30GELPH STRE J S E L IE C T* HOTEL & SUITES Cooks, Dishwashers, Room Attendants, Banquet Porters, Servers Ta apply, send nesumne tai 2525 Wyscroht Road Oakvîille Ontario, L6L 2P8 Fax 905 847 0032 requîtes Join sur greaf feamt RPN's Seeluing Mofivated lcOth Meda> foi PT & EÇJL Cusual relief. Must ECA &COOK hases ex atking needsd fat aur new cin seniors & be able peekabos chîldcare ta wola indepesdenly location. Opsning Oa aornaville onntnChrhl Fax 90-847-165 lnd. Great woing cornditions + Besefits. Sedresue ba fat place your ad in eafi 0"11e@i zbat "a flaa cal) 905.878.2341 1or fax 905429-4188 1 l1LTZs -m .0tT-n Milton GARAGEMO VING SALE Sat Sept 2 - 7amn - i 2pm 307 Alexander Crescent Kitchen table, housahoid items, movies, childrens toys, etc. CAMPBELLVILLE YARD SALE for fhe CURE (arasai Cancer) Sat. Sept 2 - 8am - 4pm Windrush Farm 12549 2nd Line Nassagaweya Il1fine west of Guelph Lins - S. of Eden Miliai Toya, aponta, appliancea, clothea, crata, fart, houaewarea, etc. Milton GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 2 & Sun Sept 3 Bam - ? 189 Bell St. Something For Evaryonei MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept 2 Barn - Noon 95 Thomas Sf ree (near Falrgrounds) Traîl a-bîke, Step 2 Climber wîth SOide, Hockey Equîpmen, Taya, Games, Car Seat, Kids'hîkes & lots tarer MILTON GARAGE SALE (Severa Homes) Sat. Sept 2 8:3Oam - lpmn 702 Edwards Avenue M ILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept 2 8am - Noon 658 Roseheath Drive Somefhîrtg for everyortei Milton GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 2 - 8am - 4pm Sun Sept 3 - Bann - 4pmn Mon Sept 4 - lOam - 2pm 845 Cabot Trait Proceeds to Brest Cancer Resaarch MILTON HUGE GARAGE SALE Saf. Sept 2 8am - 3pm 3371 Main Street West (NE orner oft Mais Street & Tremaine Roadi Antiques, farnuture, hoasehold items, chia, puzzles books, crafta & more MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Sep 2 8am - lpm 1091 Deacon Drive Kitchen table w, chairs, crib bikes, houathold items, raya. ciothta & rnany unique musi ste items! M ILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept 2 9am Siart 630 Trudeau Drive South Hoshold items fa inclocle smal retrig- erators ut $25,tach. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept 2 and Sun. Sept 3 Barn - 2pm 36 King Street Tools, ciietbiea, aand mach more! Somthong for tvtiyonei Ad Submissions Received by: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: cLassd@mî For o caraieteu e x4:ç VGK MASTERCARD AMERICA EXPRESS. INTEPAC. CASh CHEOJE,