Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 2006, p. 24

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,7 24 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday Septembar 01, 2006 ket 8 ret Baset Maret Basket Caer Cagr re m fi GenrIHein HI ANTIQUE dining roomn set, sechiona sala cîth pusaiu bori, area rugo, washenldryer, some househuiri items, gas 800. iawnaower. 905- 87e-6157i bout otter. HOT Tub 2006, a seat- ar, 5HP Motor, every upgrade, caterali, ozone, nec st11 in wrapping. Cost $0, 500. Sacnifce $4,200: Cai 519-722-4077. LUOK Antique Chinia Cabinet Pbbler Bros Hanoner 3 sieo glassi 2 drac- arn andi door, 2 free standing sheives dark atqemaple $800 or 878-4292. COLORADO BLUE& GREEN SPRUCE TREES Vanoua S/zou Cali 005-854-9969 or 905-290-907 POLtbe&accosso- des. Custom marie. 1" dlate. Goori condition. Asking $1200. 905- 870-4801 altor Opun. A dînîng room, cherry- wood, double pedostal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, dovetail con- struction. New stilli n boues. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2000 905- 567-9459. A King Piilowtop Mat- tress Sot New in tplas- tic. Casa $1000. soit tor $450. 905-507-9450. BED, Amozing bargain, qaeen orthopedic lit- ioctop set, nec in pias- tic, warratrty $250 005- 507-4042 wiît dolmven. BEOROOM Cherry. coori, Beri, chesi, dresser, 2 nightstands. Donotail Construction. Nover openori Coat $0,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET t have several 1,000 yards of nec Stain pet. Witt do ivring roomn & hall tsr $309. Inctadoes car- pet, pari & installation (30 yards) Store, 905-633- HOT Tub (Spa) Coners best pr/ce, Bout quality. Ail uhapas & caanrs. Cal 1- 866-585-0056 cww.thecoverguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa; 2006 modal, aIt options, Can- er. Nover uneri stîlli n crappar. Cour $8,950. Sali $5.000. 905-567- 4042. TORONTO Raptor Li- ceose. Excellent platînumn sas, plus season tickets. Wîil bay back sama tickets if requireri. Regalar iconse price es $20.000, pion tickets, open to best offar. 90"-47-3168 FM AtilWatd BEST CaShS Paîd- Art. Antiques. Coilectîbles China, Cryntai. Sîlver. Figurnes. Royal Dauhton, Scarovski. Glass, Porreiy Etc. Estate Specialîsto,* Top Cash. Cou' Johni Tracy 905-331-2477 6 11 ar o Sals 2003 Black Nissan Sentra 1,OL, 5-spd stri., 30K. 4 show tiras i,- cluderi. A/C. $10.500 sono 647-99e-9443. 2001 Acura 3.2 TL, su- par dlean. acdent f ree, pocer eevrynhing, leather, snomal heatari seain, certitiari. a- testeri. new tiras. new brakes, auto fliptronic transmission. Base CD system. 142,000/hms. $14,200. Cali 905-864- 110. 2004 Ford Explorer Sportrak 70,000kmi, fui- ly ioaied, escept beath- or. Too many entras to iist. Asking $24.500. 905-878-5480. 195 Dorigo Sharisa, as is. Bout offer by enri of Saturriay Soptomber 9th. Cal 905-877-2469. lm uiler 4-wseI Drive 1993 Plymouth Voyag- er, runs very gvod. Re- haut rranny, 7-passer- gar, aatomatc. $t1,250 as is. Ca/i 647-227- 2858. 94 Dorme Grand Cara- van, nec tires & brakes 2015a k, snne rani repaîr needed. $1500. oo. ens-a7e-san9. PareHle Hli DELtVERY persan, ne- sponsîble, P/T eaniy morningo. savo- $600/bi-weekly.. National Fost Cali Raymond 416-573-8376 CarmTining Lsoking for a career in Educathon? TESL OipIsma and ECA Diploma. Training programs slarting soon for English fatiguage toachers & Child Caro workera. Now accepting registrations for Fait. 9054-00 www.colUsge ofieducatiora.ca Daks Parks Family Cure centre csrrently seeking Physicians 10 practice in sur high traffic, fuiiy eqaîpperi cIinic. W e are currenty seetirg: FAMILY PRACTICE PHYSICIANS (es welI as thase lnterssted In worltlng We off er: Wl4 hfs Full administrative support Highly campetitive rates DESIGN YOUR CAREER IN APPAREL THROUGH EXCHANGE P1IDGRAMS MM»Cv.Ê Newâmqm EmldywXreqpJ0Stw.md&-- 2O EjAO AAIAN, super ne ver cost 50 iÎttie. NOW HIRING Corne Visit our Part-Time Job Fair Location: Real Canadian Superstore Comrnunity Roorn (OakviIIe Superstore) - Trafalgar & Dundas Wednesday, September 6th, 2006 il1:00 arn - 5:00 pm Vour wvatt tîme may be extended, dependîng on the namber oft interested applicants that attend our job fair. The Real Canadian Saperstore is an equa sppotnity employer. We are also Iooking for an Assistant Leisure Night Manager Requires Mature Staff for ~ the following positions: Cashier (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) -Food Service (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) Please apply in persan: 9528 Regional Rd. 25 Retail Store Between lOam - 5pm *lsife Ph 87- l Fax 876-236 l!~ T H T 't NE 0F Y 1 R AC éi N ""Is Now OPEN" NO ADMISSION CHARGE. Off r Wednesdays Seniors 10% OfMcnosh) 7 ' .1 ý .- , - l'7 M 1 " r Mr Cal mi il ý .1 CAR--ýE-ER & 1 ÉCH SALES EXECUTIVE REQUIRED BY CONSULTING COMPANY We require a otronfi telophonle dloser selling fînan- cial savings ta Corporations. Ideal candidates have Sales and Management background. Vos have bath integraty andi a soiîd worh ethic. Vos are semi- retireri or have other business interesto. This is rot o begînners position. We provide foul training andi sngoing support. Potential $75K plus. Apply Annr John Mitchell, General Manager M . 16 Brockley Drive, GRU INCv Hsmifnon, ON L8E 3P1 Emal. imitchell@canadaaudît.ca Mw t Ia 10, 11GnrlHi iMeea en O GnrlHl to place an ad cali 905.878.2341 mpoyment Opportunities avaiIa7be SaIary Negotiabie SaIary Negotiabie We aiso have PART TIME POSITIONS available in our Bakery Deparîment, Oei Departiment, Meut Department, Grocery Oepartment and at the Front End (Day Cashier andi Night Cashier positions anailable. Appy in Persan at: Acton Sobeys 372 Ooeen Street, East, Action For more information please coul à519-853-1960 Al pondtions September tv Jane 1. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR - Foul Time . onemsee production andi packaging depi. . learn ail aapecto of production proces . quaity and inoentory control . be able 10h1l in0a0 required Minimum Qualificationa " productinn and supernisory esperience " bosiness and management skilis " goari communication altilia, wnitten and verbal 2ENT Y LEVEL PRODUCION DEAMENT *Mon.-Thons. 8am-5pm, occasiona Fridays *positie attitude, team player, reliaiity a must Apply wrth reaome and qualihications to 20 Armatrong Avenue, Georgetown Thura. Sept. 7th, f ront 1lOam-4pm NO PHIONE CAILS PLEASE. BULK SHIPPER/RECEIVER Reoponisibie for tiIiing val bis nf Iading, customs innentory couttrol. No torkitt reqaired. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC MîiIwright certiticate combineri with extensive an- perience in pnieumnatics, hydraulica, and basic electical kolerige. BLENDER/OPERATOR Measure and log ingredients according t0 tormu- las, machine salop and teat finiahed product for qaality. Abiity bo work oaerhîme, weekenda andi shit. Encellent compensation Puas benefits. Fax: 905-73-1190 Hunt oft Milton Service Advlsor Candidates ii posses: *Vaiid driver's licence with excellent abstract *Strong communication akitta PuFacisa and rotiabie *Chnjster and Reynolds esparienca preferred Ail applicants muai be seit mstivated and a team ployer Fax resume t0: 90"-7640297 or Ematt: drusthuntcryler.com JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$ We are looking for reliabte, responsible Youthu andi Adut For door ta door ta datinerieo PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 -ERETWs . ,TIGCOPN IRequires lnspcting/1Packaging Personl $.0par hour, fu-lime / 40 hauts par week. I No expenience reqaîred. ~Aso par-time postion, 20 hur pet eekds Cl90-7-30for details, Fao 905-7]3-7208

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