A28 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, August 29, 2006 K Nl of -Lii- Year's SuppIy LfSunlirght ME for front load washers and Snuggle Ultra Fabrîc Sotnrwhen you purchase a Maytag Neptune ME front Ioad washer and dryer.** *This offer os not tra sesable 055er good on Canada oný Linnted to one per household 'Yor rent maSt be postnakedfno laer than October 31s00M Maoacts nor mut e o4eteed and accompany yontues Vah don prhassmade Ju y Septesber 30t 006 Piease ensre ye senodsales reept orebat f 1 nebe retuned See deaie o deais HNANINGAVAILABLE OnMAYFAGi gr 0-v * IC(M*NCE oi 544 hyfl SL, 8111111e,M (705)79240W (518) 640-8877 [-H M 'N cJ I*1 er JENN-AIR. .1 cfflt BdlO0& il MiU M (518)940-9182 (705) 728-100M du 1