'w AIS - The Canadian Champion,ý Friday, Augugt 25,'2006 OPINION UgIy politic Proposed ousting of Turner by own association disturbing No malter bolx you feel about (,arth Turner, the recent attempt - by a faction of C onservative Party members who oppose same-sex manriage - 10 oust the outsptiken 1-lton MP exposes a disturbingly ugly side of Canadian politics. Like an episode of Survivor, some party members Turner described as members of the "religious right" were apparent- ly prepared to eut bim loose despite the fact he had delîvered the Conservative Party of Canada a mucb-needed seat in Ottawa last january. Last week came news from Turner tbat a mos-e was aloot to challenge bis candîdacy for the local riding nexi mionîh. Fortunately for bim. the lcading candidate to oppose bis secuning tbe rîdingýs candidacv bas since public lv staied tbii tbere isnit enougb lime 10 mount a successitul challenge. Turner suspects bis stance on tbe current la,. regarding same-sex miarriage is at tbe core of tbe atlemipted overtbro\v from witbin bis own partys Prior io tbe electon. lie publics- stated bis support of a traditional delinition ol marrnage. adding tbat be couldnit see overturning tbe recent legaliz-a- lion of saine-sex marnage wittout -a vers- good reason. l]arper's pre-electon promise (c overturn saîne-sex mar- niage bv putting it tc anoilîci voie ioay explain ss b Turner s, sudidenly considered expendable by îbose wbo miosî ssit bo put an end to same-sex marniage. loer.unr positlion on tbe issue likeclv isot tle onlv thing tbat bas been caîing away aI some part> faîîbful. Almosî as soon as bis januarv 23 vtctorv was conlîrmed. îbe outspoken MP began to describe a sort of miavertck role be would likely bave in Ottawaî - predtcting be ssouldnit he embraced by Harper. Since tben lie bas creaîed conîroversy for bis part> by opposîng Harpers ban of tbe media from ilitary funeral services for Canadian soldiers kîlled in Afgbanistan and. more recentîx: crilicizing tbe use ol taxpayers inoney t rcs- cue dual-cîîizensbîp Canadians from Lebanon. IHe bas heen consistent in speakîng bis mind - even wben il goes agaînsi tbe party fine. StilI, Turner was tbe niding associations candidate of cboîce and received 44 per cent support froin ndîng voiers. Altbougb tbe MP accurately predîcted bis approacb at limes wouldn't be popular w;itbin tbe parîy, ils unlikely even he could bave seen a challenge coming s0 soion. Readers Wr ite. Serid your letters to) miltonoW@haltonsearch.oem or drop thiem- off at 875 Main St, E. Blood donations appreciated DEAR EDITOR: On bebaîf of C anadian Blood Services. 1 would lîke îo îbank every- one wbo attenided the Milton donor clinic on August 17 ssben we collected an impressive 131 units. Stnce every unit of blood can be used to belp save or improve the lives of up to three people, y'our donations could belp as many as 393 people. A special îbank-you goes oui 10 those at the Milton Sports Centre, along witb A of the many volunteers who belped make the day a success, and of course to ail of those who came oui t0 donate. Tbank you for being everyday heroles. Thank you for your continued sup- port, and we look forward to seeing you at our next clinic on September 21 at the Milton Sports Centre. MARISSA D'ONOFRIO, RECRUITMENT CO-ORDINATOR CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES JlEbr Qanabîan QCMampion Milons iIommunîty Newspaper Since 1860 875 Main St. E., Msiton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wwwrrultoncanadianchamplon.com Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publiaher Heil Otiver Adveriing Director Waody McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîcei Production Manager TMM Coles Circulation Manager Charlana Hall Office Manager Tari Casas Thme Canadian Championi, publiihed every Taesday and Fnday ait 875 Main St E., Mifton, Ont, 19T 3Z3, is one of tihe Metroland Pînting, Pubtishing & Distributing Iti. cammunity newpapers. Adveni:ng ns accepted on the condition ta. in the event of a typograpsal errn, thanportionof tne advenînunîgspace onnpied by nhe enronenus nen. nogenhe wenS a reasnaile allowanne for signa tune wllene ehaîedot, butnhe balance of te advsisement wnnil be paid for an the applicable rate, The pubise rsseries the righttri nanerfonze annoenisnneno or desne CCAB Audited Renonod fori excellence by Ap fa Ontanio Coenmuniny ,ýp a Nespapes Association C C A Canadian Communiny 6~A Neenspapens Assocation SSuburian Nesespapens Un of Amenia Amoundtowna Coffee sI-os in town perk up d-zcse dreaded nornings il neyer fails. Mil-seconds after 1 open my eyes for the flrst time each morning, the thought that runs through ngymind ila "cof- fee." li!s too early at that point for a fully- formed thought, but that word alone la enougli to bring a amge to my sleepy face. And so begimsmy day You know, with ail the new development around iown, there are many uncertainties. People dispute whether the econimc bene- futs are worth the risk of losing the smail- town feel. But ai least thereil be more coffee shops and cafés, of which there can neyer be too many Though ifs Obvions Tixn Horions has an almosi cult-like following in Milton, as it dme in the rest of Canada, l'm partial to llavoured coffees and can'i wait to gel nsy i-,nts on a Bavarlan ehocolate or tuaple - atma ctxp e' jva each mornlng. A passion for calleine is a common bond branch out and spread m3twings. that our eitorial department shares. Blood. N'e leared ihat Triple Tease at main and runs thicker than water, but dme Ontarlo streets brews a mean it run thicker than coffee? That banana hazeInut. rm flot so sure about. Andjust the other dayl1 visit- Up until juat over a year ago, - ~ ed A Country Mdl new loca- myselfand the iwo other reporters don at Main and Commenial ai The Champion made a daily streets and discovered theres trek to the Espress Yourself Caffé now an idoor and outdoor on Main Street for our fix The - café, coniplete with music and annouincement, we were moving fresh flowers. îo Thompson and Main was met For a speelal occasion sort of with a bewilderîng thought. - - place, Café Deda at Derry Road Who would f11 the coffee void? and Trudeau Drive offers a quiet They say nothing compares to your first atmosphere and is particularly cozy in die love, and tbaCs true. Espress Yourself wiil winter with its glowmng fireplace. always hold a special spot in our hearts, and Fm sure there are many more notable cof- we retumn whenever we7rie in the area. fee destinations around, town that rve yet to But they also say change ls good, and col- discover One thing'! certain - 1'm definite- fee-wlse, thatb been tue. rNe been forced to ly enjoylng the thriil of the bunt. The Canadian Champion is a prouci media sponsor for: ~LC OME*r lu* 1è J2 ingle Bell Fund CANAbA DAY 0- UNITED WAY OF MILTON TS AiJCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE l THF~ M,, W ~GAI,4