The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 25, 2006 - 519 Do-You Love toSing?- Jomn The e4tilon Choristers This September! eSing classical e Sing contemporary Sing your heart out! REHEFARSALS: Toesdav nights, 7:3(0 - 9:45 p.n. (starting Sept 5) Knox Preshvterian (:hurch. Milton kw er alr Ruddae A Social, relaxed.. fun recreational atmosphere Windsor, Guel ph, Hamilton, Burlington, OakviIle, Richmond Hill, Aurora, Bradford, Orangevifle. COED Hockey Schools Also Available! " Smail Classes " Experienced Instructors " Warm 920 pool " Convenient Schedule Fail Reuistratkc Protsct yourself vwhefl blking this season: wvear a helmet every tUrne you ride, don't wveavO ln and oult of trafflc, and follow local lawus and guldellnes for rldlng. If you'rO drlvlflg, wvatcUi for bicyclists rldlng ln the road. Vie eau ail shairOM Im ail Ibis sunuinr. "ÉTHIS GRADE WILL BE MY BEST EVER"'i Oxf'ord Lcarning is the only afteýr-s( 10)01 Iearning prograni of it's kind fibr grades on(- to 12. First, sse pinpoint how your child hearos using aur Dynarnic Diagnostic Assessment'¶ Then, we create an individualized program that goes bevond tutoring t)) teat h your child to hcaro andl studv mort effrsevN o reach his or lior lil putenItial. Better grades, mootivation anti co>nfidence fidfow. ;ivse your child a lifètime of' Iearning suceess. Cýontact Oxford Learning todav. SAVE $50 OFF AN ASSESSMENT WVhen you book an assessment for your child l)y Septemiber 30, 2006, vouil gave $75 off the regular price. Contact us todav for more information. LiteRde Adatg Hghcho B dess (gae 9ng2 gd- 89 Ad n gv www.ttxfordlearninq.comt f 2» «n 5 FAIL REGISITON DATES August 29th, 3Oth and 31lst - ôpmn ta 9pm. Septembér 5th, ôth and 7th - ôpm ta 9pm. Milton 's Family Dance Studio Th" Dano Shoppe