Outside to feature bîke paths, play huts, bird houses efrom MCRCS on page B3 the children were instead taken outside with cliphoards to draw what they saw happening. "It really picks up 011 the children's interests," Williamson noted. 1I think parents will be impressed with the type of work their kids are capable of doing (under Reggio Amelia)." Another aspect of the teaching approach is giving children real materials to use in their work, she said, such as dlay and pine cones for their art projects. "Their work ts important, soi we need to give them good quality products," she said. And while its commonly thougbt parents have to put their children in the public school system for krndergarten, Williamson said thats an old wives7 tale. She explained the cbild care centre will be run like a school, complete with a full currculum and report cards. The building itself features lots of unique touches designed with children in mind, sucb as ground-level sinks for water play and shelves specifically for drymng artwork. Youngsters who attend the centre will alsoi be able to eat Ieas in tbeir own dining room. mev tnied to think of evervthing,- Wilhiamson said. The calming paint colours and lamînate flooring were chosen to give the building that bome-away-from-bome feel. Outsîde, a traditional playground is replaced by a nature- focused Playscape. wbich will include tbîngs like bike patbs, play huts, a bird viewing but, bird bouses and a community garden. The MCRC provides a variety of other programs and serv- ices for local residents including the Ontario Early Years Centre, a nursery school, Halton Child Care Registry and a parent resource library There are still a few spaces available ai tbe Bronte Street School Child Care Centre. To register caîl (905) 876-1244, ext. 20 For more information visit wwwmcrc.on.ca. Melanie Hennessey can bc reached at mhenncsseyam ilIton- canadianchampion.com. Lower your monthly bis and save on înterest. Cail rofind ouf what your options are... rutui rouly Icoma. Moigage Spociaioi Lkigout fo your beit inierest CENTUM Martilagi Masters lac. 459 Main Street East Milton, ON L9T iRi Business (905) 864-8574 Fax: (905) 864-8543 Direct: (647) 201-5655 Email: peter-fabry@eltuiT.Ca 0030 e#,c is i,0,peuden1Y 0-Sd ar40Pelaied T-, ing loi lcal reiciieni licilp iii brcil- ing a world record for the largest num- ber of participants in a simultaneous one kilometre walk. The event is set to take place September 30 at noon, witb volun- teers and participants needed from communities across the province to make the bld successful. "Our goal is to attempt to break thse world record by baving over 78,000 people walk/hike simultaneously on a series of one-kilometre trails across Ontario," said Patrick Connor, execu- tive director of the Ontario Traits Council. "The lasi record for the most participants in a simultaneous ii /î . ý 'q ii i i pîr i 200o it , 00 paitiL ipaii~ ,îîîc M tbink we can beat that number."' Anyone interested in taking part or volunteering to organize the walks can pre-register on-line at www.ontar- iotrails.on.ca or sign up on event day at participatmng traits. The record-breaking walk is organ- ized in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion, Parks and Recreation Ontario and the Ontario Traits Council as part of Active2OlO, the Provinces new strate- gy to increase physical activity and sport participation. It aims to have at least 55 per cent of Ontarians physi- cally active by 2010. Walkers wanted for record v.,id photo il) and ptu .,uihoriuoio on a crudi card. ki and.,aciait h syten thin 0 days ofpOuhas Ahkit Erly temnt, fe .,iii,î,,o Bai inlion uo,,.udy o, o 4oi' tuers: ul oiOoilaO 1 c Coouuher C,,iu s a,,~ i lu, ic/isaltonnldd 1,ift,, wdui,,îi,,lon a, .,poimi,,u ujc to ,uou u lhneuth oie han, -oin, 6Qm.~r~ pr~JnLs1rin Yj.> yi The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 25, 2006 - B5 HOMESELLERS Find Our What Your Neighbour SoId For! www. ha Iton homedàowiltheStreet. ccm p,îd,îîui Ilu CelO, Rwily Brokemge WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE The descripion of the Bell Express Satellite Systerni 'Ail- One' feaured in our oooo,,t fuit, (endog Septeroho, Ist) wa norc.lu ode, ho suhuoh, fe Bell ExpssV,s Ail muOne fie. p.,chuî of ut Ail-m,0On kit iluOtg ut $40.03) ,,orquiotd. Progo.oooog. equipoestlat.ion. and 1,1,1,,,, uuuu,,ty ts uuuihible , f ull MI~ ýo mothiy Sooee . ihuutdii uîu,.ut uud