The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 25, 2006 - S iARTS GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION AVE, MATEY: Eight-year-olds Yun-Kyo Kim (Ieft) and Chelsea Harrison don their pirate craft hais and show off their tiny treasure chests dudng the recent »Sailors, Pirates and Scallyîvags - Heroes of the Sea' eveni, which was part of ihe summer childoen's series at Milton Public Library After-party at tournament tomorrow A local R&B artisi - whose debut album is set to hit the stores esrly nexi year - will perform ai a memorial bas- ketbaîl tournament after-pariy tomor- row evening. Khalel will perform, his single 'l'm Alrigbt if You're Alright' from bis debut album, as well as other songs afier the firsi of the iwo-day Sbootmng for Angels 3-on-3 charity basketball toumnament. The pariy wiIl be held at 9 p.m. ai Tonelli Arena on Laurier Avenue. Attendees must be 19 or older, and have ID, as there'Il be a cash bar. A fundraising raffle and sulent auc- tion will also be held. Tickets to the bash cosi $5 for tournament players and $10 for non-players. The basketball tournament will take place tomorrow and Sunday ai E.C. Drury High School. ht was creaîed in memory of Mike Maynard and Doug Burns, longîime buddies killed in a car- train crash in London two years ago. Taste of the downtown awaits dîners Rotary Club Downtown Dining returns September 9 Residents wiII have an opportunity to, sample the many flavours of downtown Milton and, at the same urne, raise money for a worthy cause at the Milton Rotary glubs upcomrng Downtown Dining event. September 9 from noon tco4 p.m., participants will take a walking tour of downtown Milton, stopping at eight cateries ranging from cafés to pubs to fine dining. While at each location, tour-goers will sample the spe- cialties and learn more about the restaurants from the chefs and owners. Participants will meet ai Victoria Park in front of Town Hall ai 11:30 p.m., when they will be split into groups and given a tour guide. Each group will atari ai a different loca- tion, and switch ai 20-minute intervals. Tickets cosi $30 each, and only 150 wiIl be sold. Lasî year's sold quickly, and orgamizers are expecting nothing less ibis time around. Moncy raised will go to the rotary clubs various com- munity prujects. Downtown Dining will raise awareness of the culinary delights this town has to offer. Organizers hope tsai resi- dents new and old will also gain a better sense of commu- niîy and make new friends over good food. Parîicipating restaurants are: Sushi-Ya Japan, Brunello Ristorante, South 202, Biydens, Pasqualino Cafe and Bistro, Espress Yourself Caffe, The Post Office, The Olde Dickens and The lvy Arras. Ncw this year is the participation of several downtown stores that'il open iheir doors to îour-goers. The Rotary Clubs Carolyn Keyworib said Peter Haigbt inviied people to Dorland-Haight Gallenies afier the tour lasi year, whicb was a nice îouch. Stores parîicipaîing include Dorland-Haight, Bergsma Home Decor, Milton Greenhouses, Delacouris, Gold * Connection and A Country Mile. Tickets are available by calling Keyworth ai (647) 296- * 6746, e-mailing her ai or by vis- iîing, 'Il ssissauga and Brampton, - committed to excellence and compassion in fertility management CU and treatment. Toil Free 1-866-962-7872, email