Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 2006, p. 26

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26 - The Canal0 Chempion, Fniday Auguat 25, 2006 Rutal Roail klIId ASlIed & ~~~HaII bUEInBabil. Opoi¶nhlies Teclnical In jj.IH8ica H .i.I Il- - - ce fn rs m ' or viii e Buir curntly has openings in Orangeville for. FINVENORY CONTROL DRIVER (Fu-lime) Aternoon Shift Move inventory cithin warehouse uaing a variety oequîpment. Operate computerized inveotory conitroi systemrs. Preference wilI be given bo those wrth preouos liff tracts dniving expenience. GENERAL LAIBOURERS (Foli-Time) Day Shift Load, unloari and move producîs and maferials by hanif or vil hbasic mafenial handling equipmenf. Please forward your resume 10 Fao: 905-87346170 Or e-mail: hrmaNagerOgbycanada.com viettiank yoo for yoor interest, however ovly tose selectedtfor an intervew cr11 be contacteri BULK SHIPPER/RECEIVER Reoponsible for filling vat bis of iading, castoms [paepers, loadinganloading bth liquid tankers, andf invenfvry control. No fortstdt reqaîreif. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Miltwright certificote combined wit h extensive ex- perience in pneamatics, hydraulics, and baoic electnical knowtedge. BLENDERIOPERATOR Measore and log ingredients according f0 formu- las, machine sefap andf test fioished prodoct for quahfty Abiliy bo work overtime, ceekendo and ohms Excellent comopensat ion plan benel Fao: 905487-1 190 JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB E.rn extra $$$ Wie are looking for reliable, responoîbte Youths and Aduits For door to door to detivenies PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 FIIntenatIonal Group Inc. Is CumrrN fîna Tw Tmnprovided *Fatl Beneft affer 6 montra *Vatid Drivers Liceetue Required Mut have owo tbanrilo *Mississagarea *Abletocorts12 Hour Sft $1 S2itortlo sf06t cifh quartadty caga creuas *Perfornmance andf trîceiiv Bormss Plant ax nfesmes attention: David U ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE Building producto supplier 0 ltocate i n Mitas. Regular revieve of occoonts, reconciing, collections, and ca-ordination of tegai ac- tion. 2 yearo eopenience required. Knowledge af construction liens pre- ferruci. Fx90-69-47.. T:Sct Emil. rerut * Ilumer Io Free Training - Pari-Tisne Hours Perfect for retirees andf homemars. Osai nie-scnvo nildrun may ode wr10 yua if you have a tel houro a day and enioy the compati of children, pieuse contact as ut 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 Training NOW for Setme IHALTON HILLS CHILD CARE CENR Plente catt: 905-77-M0 nthusiaoîic peros ality, this may be the career for you ivWe offer 10e hîighent compesation packages in the industry and provide a pi cositive chattenging enviroirment cvith continuouo training. Available Positions: MEMBERSHIP SALES ASSOCIATES SALES MANAGERS PHYSIO EDUCATORS Fa or sm i -ou re m e 905-761-8542 caer@in s-ec DîgîPoS Systems a foot grocîng Burlîngtor baseii company os looking for hîghly motivated, protes- sional team oniented: WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL The ideal candidates cîlI have two Io three yearo of Prior espenence in a computer aooembly/dîstri- bohon envirooment. Additionally they must have on- ventory systemos eoposure, good orgavizatn skills and be able 10 operate a folks l. Qualiied candidates are invited to1 apply on-uine but only those îne0ted in for an interview cîlI be con- faciedl Entait Résume Il Phit Sanvtcf ores ai: psanixtores@dtgipos.sySlema com DigiPoS Systemo a fast grocing Burlinglon baoed campony os looking for a highly motivated. profus oional, organized and team oriented BENCH TECHNICIAN For the Returos Department. The ideul candidate cilI have tco 10 three yeams of prior eopenience re- paîring and servicing computer eqoipment in an asoembly/distribotion enoîronment. Additisnstty they mont have strong compoter building, trouble- ohooting, netcsrsing abilieo and be able 10 effec- tivety cammanicase cit sur castomers. Ooalified candidates are invi tedo appl on-lina but only those invite in for an interview ciii be cari- tacted. Enaït Heum to Pffil Sanviclores a1: paanwrea@glo8-syfms.com Wa are canrently lking for ambi- hous, set doyven indiîridual1 tom sur team. We are loolting for Fuit-lime Sales Asistants - Bakers and KSales Teem Leaders used rtsume to takeshore@cotsbreud.nat, or in pemson to COBS Bread, 167 Laiteshore Rd. E, Onkirsitt, ON, L6J f H5 or cati 905-339-2692. cwwcobsbed.com GENERAL LABORER Requoe for Industrial Dîstrîbutor Fuli-Time w! competitive saîary andi benef ils. Experience not necessary but preferred Fax resumes ta: 905-847-6943 or email: tai dstrIke@daemarinC.com Growivg Fine Food Store in Oakvle regoîreo GROCERY/PRODUCE CLERK You have on appreciotion for fine food and are qoick ut leurnîng and pertorming task chile otrivîng for excellence - cie are an Oukville based fine fod otore requiring a maure indivîdual cho ciii provide cuotomer service and prepure, package unit mer- chandise prodoct. Wa offer s competitîve saiury and opportunily for grocth. Senri reoumne Ann Ken 1to iobileu@belinet.ca 'HI s, EIE SutMature Pemson Plaeappiy te: IParvers Cleaervl 40 Guelph Lne Fax: 905-632-4690 partsea2 cordcehat.com JOBS AVAILABLE Production corh in the MILTON area. $1 2-$3/hr. Ail shiffs uvuilable HCR Fao: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-tt76-4661 310 Main st. E. Ste. 205, Mîlton HENRYS LAWN & GARDEN Reqoires Fu-lime Maintenance Workers Exp. preterred bot ciii train the night people. Wagus t0 retiect exp. 0ev transportation bq yard reqoired. More into. coui 905-878-2488 Fiente fax or emtaîl resumne 10: 905-878-1890 hlgrespot @bïentvcom A sk us About... W«KOP2 Bookrover Recruirnent ad toda v & recet ve 2 vseeks on Worloopo!îs for onlo Monday to Fnday 9 arn to 5 pm 6%3r kYizl wos ai: rently racroiting for the following positions: Assistant Manager - Sales Associate -Full Time M.I.T. - Part Mime M.IT. if yoo are Iooking for a folfilling career in a fast paced retait enoironment and have the ability to have fon! Send, Fax or E-mail your resome 10: Bonnle Toge, Attn: Chnistîna Me wood 65 Structi Court, Cambridge ON,1 iR 8 Fax: 519424-5217 E-Mail: bonnietogshiring@yahoo.ca [ Part Time Retail Staff Large Brampton Food Company reqoires part time retail staff for Iheir facfsry ouf et. We are looking for mature, oufgoing, energefie, people sriented, self starters. We have openings on days, evenings and meekends available with some fleoibifify wifh hoors required. Cash and customer service eoperience an asset. E-mail resume ta: careers@mapelodgefarrms.com C ff slon Sp all TacInicaIIIeIp saa Largeot AUOBD Hair ~ tciit nlo Mhi RP I flERON caî 905-47-490 Fiat Prae oEr Our. POIHR Secare Solutions tnc., specialisto in the design and detivery of integrated security and buggage han- dting synfemos, correntty seeko an AuIvCA Draffer in sur Georgetowen, ON office. The drafter ciii cork clooely with engîneers f0 create drocîngo for secunity systemo., Thse position enfails simultanteoasly, draffing on multiple proiecto in AudoCAD, creating equîpment tisto and assistisg with the shipping of gonds. Tanks inodud instatta- tion ut the eqaipmest component level of CCTV systemo and acceso systemos, and syntem me- chanical deoignof tprojacts Candidates mont be proficient in AufoCed and uable to rend and interprat plans. Comptetion of a draftln program or tecmicol diplosmo ls preterred. Tv oppty mail, emoil or fax resume oand cailer latter 10: Secure Solutions lnc. 232 Guelphi Street, Unit L3 G"o9town, ON L7G 41 Attention: Joonna Shvstacs ivanna rse ureins.c ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR kîdetiCemmeeiiltAesidobii reqine: UICENSED ELECTRICIAN IPermanent position. Competitive cases and benefîts. IMust have gond cmunicativon kl Pleine tax resurme te: CARNEY ELECTRIC 905-77-0726 DZ licenoe rvqoîred. Faxn reoomettoi: u519-853-5020 other departmenito as fine cork ioad dîctates Pre-stage inuit and onioad truckso ao reqoîred, compieting ail pertinent documentation and double couvIs us per EFCO policy. Heip moîntaîn th cleanlineso, orgunînohion, and accoray of the curehose Adiîtional tuoko as aooîgned. Day or affernoon shift avoulable. Fus Resome to0 905-877-1858 Exifc t us io ed a " 1 - 3 years coperience in hlown film eotrusion or fleopriningt " Eocellent technicol ability " Capable of woring independenly " Good oral and ciriffen communication SISl " Reliability a musf * Must be a self-starfer and have the abilify to contribu e os a feom member Pieuse respond in confidence by: September 6th, 2006 f0i: Human Resources THE DIRECT PLASTICS GROUP 20 Stewart Court Orangeville, Ontario L9W 3Z9 Fao: 519-942-2103 We thaok ailapplicaots for their intereot btonly filoeeecedfor an interview will be contacte MACHINE BUILDER/MACHINIST Established machine buder in Milton reqaires people for the tollowing positions: Machine ButtderlMllcright t0 assemble cals- tsm-designed, heavy daty, matenial handling equipment. Must bu a selt-starter, cutI orga- nized and teumn oriented. Mont bu able 10 read dracîngo and have a minimum of h years espe- rience. Hydraulic esperience a most. Position may evolve to lead hand. Machinistfjuniorf 10 sperate lathe and mill. somne general laborer duties are also eopected trom this position. Mont bu able to read drue- inos and have a minimum of 3 years expert- ence. vile otter 4 day, 44 hour ceeko, shared beneit package & competitive salary. The worh oe vur- ied and interesting. Mont bu able 10 work over- lime when reqaired. Fax resum to: Toptek Industriul Systeme Ltd. 905-876-3844 or cot ilkerek betwemn l:OOpm and Gpm Monday to Thursda & 905-78-83 Entait. toptoeglobelsed.nt Toronto Auto Auctin Paît lime pondtions avoulable tor: VEHICLE INSPECTORS AND DRIVERS We offer complete truining and competitîve cages and benefits. Candidate mast be computer literate and able to wsrs outoide in att ceather conditions, vatid Drivers Uicense, abstract and Ontario High Schoot Diptoma a muet. Automotive ksoctedge an exous. Fone'ard rsume to: taajoLOmanhatm.com or fax Io: 9056875-2336 no phone Cai plaise A f ast growing companry needo cratmen and supervisons nr piping, welding, milcnght cots, mechanical maintenance, shop fabrication and concrete finishiera, Constroct, toc. provides beneito undt opportunihies t0 gr0w. Reimbursement of retocation eopenseo is posoibile. Plas caîl 252-246-042 or fax resume tai 252-246-1616 Conotruct, Ine. s on Equal Empînyment Opporo nity employer and offers a drug f rue corh place. FRENOVATORS REQUIRED Permanen Foulime renovatoro requîred for buoy Plumbing Marn. Must be okilled in tiling, dry-cai, plumbîng andi carpentry. Must have your ov transportation und tools1. Pîeaae fax reaumne ta 90"-39-3581 or lcaii Kathy for interview Phone 905-639-7106 Plumbing Mart 3235 Fairview St. Burlingon, On L7N 31 SHEET METAL DIE SET-UP 1sf & 2nd Shihts Individuels wifh Experîenced on eopenrence on brake presses, Aida and Brown shears & Amada and Bolg punch presses Punch Presses Open overfime Open overfime Fax fesume ta: Fax resume ta: 905-336-072 905-336-0272

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