A12 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 25, 2006 Mississauga man arrested in incident at Home Depot A Misstss.tîiga mnu laces fraud charges afier cînployees became suspicions ot a shopper Tuesday afiemioon. Police said a customier ai the Home Depot store on Maple Avenue attempted to purchase almosi $3.000 in gif t cards with a credtt card. Staff alerîed police and the mani lefi the store. Police locaîed a suspect tn the parking lot whcrc hc was arrested. A 21-year-old Misstssaoga man bas been charged wiîh obstntcting police by providtng a false name, uttering a forged document, possession of a stolen credit card and imperson- atton. Home broken into An ICD iclevision was among the properîv stolen in a break--m Wv,,ednesday. Police saîd sornetine betwcen 7 artn. and 7 pi.. unknown suspects forced open the front door to gain access to a .Roper Drive home. Once insîde, îhey sviped a 42-inch Hitachi LCD Tv' and stand, computer equipmenî and jewelry valued ai a total (if $11,400) Teen arrested after break-in A local teen wsas arresîed afier Robert Bald\in sehool w~as broken into 'Sunday ,tftcrnoon. Police werc alerîcd ai about Policelotter 12: 30 p iii by an alarin compa- tuy and arrived to fInd a maIe cxîîing the school. He was hiolding îwo cameras and a lapîop comsputer belong- tng teo the sehool and stolen bankeards. police said. A l6-year-old Milton youth bas been charged wuith break and enter, possession of proper- ty obtained by crime and four counis of possession of a stolen credit card. Vehicles damaged Two vehicles parked on Woodward Avenue were dam- aged lasi week in separate inci- dents. Police satd an unknown sus- pect smnashed oui the rear pas- seniger sîde ssindow of a tour- door 2001 Nissan on Augusi 17. Noîhing was taken, but the vebtele suflercd $500 in dam- age. And Augusi 14, soinetirne before 2 p.m.. a vehicle had its driver's sîde rear signal damaged and uts trunk scraîched. The esîîmaîed value of the damage is $700. Police aren't sure il the inci- dents are lînked. Purse stolen A purse leit in ail unloc kcd vchicle in an open garage 55, swm%-ped last week. Police said an unknown sus- pect entered a Marcellus Avenue garage sometime between 3:30 and 5:45 p.m. Whcn the purse owner went outside, she saw a mri cutttng across her front lawn. He's white and in bis laie iweflhies or early thiriies, about six [cci taîl and siender. He was wcaring a hlack shirt and shorts. The purse coinîained $200 in cash, a wallet. kcys, credît cards and a celi phone. Vehicle vandalized A vehicle parked ai the Town of Milton lot ai Mary and Hugh streeLs w.%as vandaltzcd overntght Saturday Police said the driver's sîdc window of at 2004 Dodge Dakota pick-up truck was dam- aged to ihe îtnce of $500I. Police are investtgating. Alcohol stolen in break-in A borne on C abot Tratl was îargcîcd in a break--m 'îundav norning. Police satd an rinknown sus- peci cniered the uîilocked garage bet\%een 1 and Il a. m aind iook 48 hottles of beer and iwo boules of nec The value ol the siolen alco- bol is S200. House ransacked on Mowat Halton Regional Police are investigattng a residential break-in. Between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. August 8, suspects kicked in a door to a home on Mowat Lane and ransacked numerous rooms. Stolen items included a Samsung DVD player, Air Jordan runntng shoes and cash. The total loss isn't yet known. if you have an 'v infJormation that leads to an an-es(i n this or an - other maîteî; you mayv be eli- giblc for a cash reward. You will never have ta give vour name or tcstifv ini court. Crime Stoppcrs of Halton docsn't subscribc ta caîl dis- play. Call 1 -800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Wcb site ai www.hal- toncrimestopprs.com. C Cosmetie Surgery OF BfaEm aomn Alternative Therapies & Skin Care ki Cofl etycb' -DotoxW ACHVE THERAPY: Avold AntibIotics and.Accutanel e ffective topical treatiets e Blu-U %Mgt thertipy - Zeiio portable clearing device Sussex Centre, Suite 343 Dr. Hugh A. McLean, FRCS(C) 50 Burnhamthorpe Road West PL.ASTIC SURGEON Mississauga, L58 3C2 Cosmetic Surgery: Face, Breasi & Body '(905) 273-4888 a 1-866-393-94U3 www.mcleanclinic.com PROJEOT WISHBONE LOST DOGi "#'DUKE" 1 YEAR OLD WHITE RETRIEVER - Scar on his nose - Nervous with men - Good with kids & women - No col/ar but microchipped *Last seen in Hilton Falts on Sunday morning IF SUGHTED OR LOCATED CONTACM KEVIN 905-878-9229 SUE 905-693-5400 OR« COMUTAC YOUR LOCAL HUAN SOCUEY WE SEL FO LES